so anyways after that we headed home (only mom, Karen, and I made it to the parade- lonnie was at some campout thinger last night... ooo that reminds me: the baby shower last night was fun! ^^ it seemed to me that Michelle's voice got higher-pitched, but it must be my imagination... O.o lol mom had forgotten about lonnie's campout thinger so 15 minutes before 6 Cory called saying that everyone was waiting at church for lonnie... mom had totally forgotten about it. xD so we managed to get everything ready in 5 minutes flat and a 75 mph ride ensued trying to make it into town fast... xD) and then later went in to get lonnie. And then since we were in town to pick him up, we went school shopping! ^^ we finished clothes shopping last week (well actually still this week...), so tonight we went to officemax and got everything else I thought I needed... we also stopped by the mall at Famous Footwear (where I saw Ashley Larson (enemy in 6th grade)... felt like taking out a pistol and BANG! grrr...~ stare ) and I got a new pair of casual shoes and dress shoes for church. I felt really guilty because it was so expensive... wanted to go to payless but mom wanted to try the mall before it closed... hmmm and the shoes I got don't have backs on them... but they had nothing else that I liked! is another trip in store? ~you never know... x.x~
so yeah... *glances at pile again* this'll be fun to sort through... <.< tomorrow one of mom's college friends and her family is coming over for lunch because her son (Elden) wants to play percussion but he needs 2 years of piano first, and Brenda (his mom) was wondering if we could use my old digital piano... sure why not! ^^ but I think there will be some separation pain... after all I did learn to play on that thing... sentimental value... but I'm also excited that it can teach someone else to play too! whee it will only be for a little bit- if Elden decides he likes it, then they already have a real piano lined up (lucky him... =P). It was actually really fortunate that I got the Prekker's piano because I was getting sick of playing the digital, so I was ready to give up piano. But then that big old out-of-tune beast came into my life and I've been getting back into it and I'm loving it all over again! ^^
lol a bit off-subject tonight, ya? xD oh well. oooh thats right-- more randomness!!! =P
these are just some pics from the fair when I did admission... the last one is from Marlene's b-day party... couldn't resist... cool
