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Stuff galore! =D
Pics, drawings... whatever nice or cool I want to show will come here x3
Another quizzie!!
That's right, I found another quizzie!! x3 I'm going to answer it for the fun of it, and of course I want YOU to answer it too so copy it and post a coment, okaaay? xDD I'd love to see your answers *__* (oh, and if you want to ask or coment about any of my answers go ahead)

.:[QUIZZIE TIME!!! >D]:.

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1. Can you lick your elbow? Nope xD
2. If you could take only 3 items onto an island with you, what would they be? Computer (with the internet adapter), tablet and a mini-fridge.
3. If you had to lose one of your senses, which would it be? Smell, I don't really like it and it's not that useful.
4. Beef, Chicken, or Pork? Chicken *drols*
5. Would you date someone who is significantly younger than you? It depends... if it's a year or two then no prob but more than 4 is a big no-no.
6. McDonalds, Burger king, Wendys, or Taco Bell? Burger King
7. Would you ever tell a crush you liked them? Yes, maybe
8. What age do you act? I'm 16, I act 12 ^^U
9. Righty, lefty or ambidextrous? Ambi~
10. What is one of your greatest accomplishments? Hmm... I have learned to speak english fluently? (don't laugh, 10 years of academy!! >O)
11. Do you sing in the shower? Sometimes ^^UU (most of the times)
12. Do you like taking long surveys? If they are entertaining...
13. Do you get along with your family? We argue a lot, specially my parents, but I guess we do get along ^^
14. Are you popular? Not really
15. Have you ever done drugs? No >.<
16. Have you ever eaten an entire bag of oreos? Yeees! xDD
17. Have you ever been on a stage? Yes, so embarrasing!! >///<
18. Have you ever been skinny dipping? I don't understand this one .__.
19. Have you ever been dumped? Not exactly, my heart has been broken but it's not dumped 'cos we didn't start to go out =/
20. Have you ever/do you dye your hair? Not yet
21. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday night v.v
22. When was the last time you laughed? Umm... now? xDD
23. Who was the last person you hugged? My dad
24. Do you feel lonely? Yes...
25. Have you ever TP'd someone's house? Uh? .__.
26. What about egging someone's house? I live in a flat, there are shops below... how can I egg someone's house? xDD
27. Have you ever been so hungry you thought you could eat the person next to you? Yes xDD
28. What do you think about George Bush? No comment =__= I think he's the missing criature between humans and apes.
29. Do you like to wear chains? No.
30. How many languages can you speak? Two (my native one and english)
31. Whats your favorite month? December - January (late december, early january)
32. Are you currently in a relationship? Yes.
33. Have you ever stolen something? Many things xD
34. Do you go to the movies or do you rent them? I download them .__.
35. Wal-Mart or K-Mart? We don't have those things here xD just shops.
36. Phone or E-Mail? E-mail.
37. Fast food or home-cooked? Fast food.
38. Do you have an innie or an outie? What's that...? .__.
39. When is your bedtime? (if you have one) I don't xD On holidays I go to bed at 5 am, when my dad is around (weekends) I go at 3 am, and on school days... at 12 am or so.
40. What's your favorite flavor salad dressing? I don't like salads >.<
41. Toothpaste flavoring? Mint =B
42. What do you want to be when you grow up? Graphic Designer (or mangaka but I doubt I get to be that xD)
43. How long do you think you'll live? Not much...
44. Have you ever thought about suicide? I tried it once, but I failed (duh)
45. Have you ever thrown up at school? Yes
46. Have you ever eaten sushi? Nope
47. Have you ever been beaten up? Nope o_o
48. Do you swear? Sometimes
49. Do you sing well? Yes, or at least that's what people tells me.
50. Do you play any instruments? I want to learn to play piano or guitar, but at the moment... nope, i don't.
51. Can you cross your eyes? Yes but I get headache >__<
52. Can you eat whatever you want and not gain weight? Yes!! =D
53. Are you currently listening to any music? Yes
54. Do you believe in magic? No
55. Do you believe in miracles? No
56. Do you believe in God? No
57. Do you have a good luck charm? Umm... yes, you could call it that.
58. How many rings until you answer the phone? 2 or 3
59. Have you failed any grades? Yes, this one! Dx (10th)
60. Do you wear glasses or contacts? I wear glasses but in two weeks I'm gonna get contacts.
61. Who is the first person you see in the morning? My mom
62. What do you see when you look out your window? A park, many trees (one of them is pink! *0*) a fountain at the right and... the rest of the flats at the left.
63. What was the last concert you went to? I've never been to a live concert
64. Name something near you that is red? My maths book xDD
65. What color is your (or your family's) car? My parents don't like driving so OMG we don't have a car!! Dx but as soon as i turn 18 that's gonna change... (and the car will be blue or red)
66. Can you handle the smell of a skunk? no >__<
67. Do you enjoy peace and quiet? Yes
68. Do loud noises make you jump? Yes xD
69. What is the greatest thing anyone has ever said to you? Many things... but I have some in mind ^///^
70. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but do words really hurt you? A lot, I'm very sensible to words...
71. When you see another person crying, does it make you sad, too? Yes, I'm empathetic.
72. Whats your favorite kind of soda? 7-up, or sprite *drols*
73. Do you like pickles? No
74. Are you afraid of needles? Very!! Dx
75. What was your last injury? I don't remember .__.
76. Have you ever dropped something really heavy on your toe? No xD
77. Does pain scare you? Not really
78. Do you get paranoid in the dark? Yes, I'm terrified of darkness >__<
79. When you're angry, do you hold it inside? Most of the times.
80. Are you pessimistic or optimistic? It depends... I try to be optimistic but if i'm sad or in bad mood i get very pessimistic.
81. Do you daydream a lot? You said it: a lot!!
82. Do you worry too much? Way too much T__T
83. What was the greatest day of your life? January 27th, one day around Easter holidays and June 19th x3
84. Do you have any plans for tonight? No .__. probably I'll stay up 'till 4 or 5 am and stay on MSN talking to ryu and tim while listening to music and drawing.
85. Do you wish on stars? In city you can't see many stars... v.v
86. Do you like your handwriting? No when I write fast xDD but normally yes
87. What color shirt are you wearing? Fuchsia, and it's not a shirt, it's more like a short dress.
88. Is your hair short, long, or in-between? in-between but more long than short.
89. Are there any songs that make you cry? Lots of them.
90. What ring size are you? I don't wear rings, I don't like them >__<
91. Are you named after anyone? No, my parent's liked this name and that's all xD
92. How long does it take you to shower? More than half an hour ^^U
93. What color is your room? Walls = white, floor = brown (wood), furniture = brown and blue, bed = the bed dressing is pink but the drawers below are blue.
94. Can you swim? Yes
95. Do you have your driver's license? Not yet
96. Do you like coffee? No
97. Do you like roller coasters? No Dx
98. Have you ever had surgery? No o__o
99. Have you ever passed out before? Yes
99 1/2. Make up your own question and answer it! Umm... "is this finished yet?" yes, almost! x3
100. *chucks a jellybean at your head* You're done! =] Yay! x33

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Aug 27, 2008 @ 04:50pm
1. Can you lick your elbow? No T^T
2. If you could take only 3 items onto an island with you, what would they be? Well... A Laptop with ulimited battery and internet XDD, Unlimited Food and a bed =D
3. If you had to lose one of your senses, which would it be? Donno D:
4. Beef, Chicken, or Pork? Chickinzzzz!!
5. Would you date someone who is significantly younger than you? Maybe 1 or 2
years younger... no prob
6. McDonalds, Burger king, Wendys, or Taco Bell? McDonalds!!
7. Would you ever tell a crush you liked them? Yes, but shyly xD
8. What age do you act? maybe... 15 or less xD
9. Righty, lefty or ambidextrous? Rightey!
10. What is one of your greatest accomplishments? Im guitarrist!
11. Do you sing in the shower? Few times
12. Do you like taking long surveys? If they are entertaining
13. Do you get along with your family? Yeah
14. Are you popular? Am I?
15. Have you ever done drugs? No
16. Have you ever eaten an entire bag of oreos? Yeeeah xD
17. Have you ever been on a stage? Yeah!
18. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Traduce plz
19. Have you ever been dumped? Yeah ;_;
20. Have you ever/do you dye your hair? No
21. When was the last time you cried? very looong time ago
22. When was the last time you laughed? All days I do
23. Who was the last person you hugged? Myself XD
24. Do you feel lonely? Kinda
25. Have you ever TP'd someone's house? Traduce plz
26. What about egging someone's house? Imma a bad bad boy. who knows ;D
27. Have you ever been so hungry you thought you could eat the person next to you? ... ninja
28. What do you think about George Bush? -_-
29. Do you like to wear chains? Kinda, I use one on my jeans cool
30. How many languages can you speak? Two
31. Whats your favorite month? December
32. Are you currently in a relationship? Yes.
33. Have you ever stolen something? ninja Read answer #26
34. Do you go to the movies or do you rent them? My sis gets them xD
35. Wal-Mart or K-Mart? D: ?
36. Phone or E-Mail? E-mail.
37. Fast food or home-cooked? Fast food.
38. Do you have an innie or an outie? Traduce plz
39. When is your bedtime? Ded time?
40. What's your favorite flavor salad dressing? I just eat Green Salads xD
41. Toothpaste flavoring? Mint
42. What do you want to be when you grow up? Sistem Engineer (mispell?)
43. How long do you think you'll live? Im inmortal and I dont get older ;D
44. Have you ever thought about suicide? Hell No
45. Have you ever thrown up at school? Kinda
46. Have you ever eaten sushi? Nope
47. Have you ever been beaten up? Yeah, defending someone
48. Do you swear? Answer #26
49. Do you sing well? Donno xD
50. Do you play any instruments? Electric Guitar!!
51. Can you cross your eyes? lol yeah
52. Can you eat whatever you want and not gain weight? Yes
53. Are you currently listening to any music? Yes^^
54. Do you believe in magic? No, but I can make illusion tricks that everyone believes ;D
55. Do you believe in miracles? kinda
56. Do you believe in God? Yeah
57. Do you have a good luck charm? Yes!!
58. How many rings until you answer the phone? I like to keep persons waiting ;D
59. Have you failed any grades? Yesh
60. Do you wear glasses or contacts? I do
61. Who is the first person you see in the morning? My mom or dad
62. What do you see when you look out your window? My pet (a rabbit) and his
63. What was the last concert you went to? Mine x3
64. Name something near you that is red? Someone else's panties !? jkjk xDD
A Gameboy Advance SP (Mineeee)
65. What color is your (or your family's) car? My parent's Whine Red.
66. Can you handle the smell of a skunk? Bring it on!!!
67. Do you enjoy peace and quiet? Yes
68. Do loud noises make you jump? Songs make me
69. What is the greatest thing anyone has ever said to you? That im sweet and cute.
Buy IM the one who says those things
70. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but do words really hurt you? Insults?
I insult back. Offenses to ladies? They are sooooo dead
71. When you see another person crying, does it make you sad, too? No but I have to cheer them up!
72. Whats your favorite kind of soda? Pepssssiiiii! and Coca Cola too!!
73. Do you like pickles? No, WHO TEH HELL PUT PICKLES ON MY BURGER?
74. Are you afraid of needles? If they are pinching or close me
75. What was your last injury? On a soccer game, it hurted so much
76. Have you ever dropped something really heavy on your toe? Yeah
77. Does pain scare you? No
78. Do you get paranoid in the dark? Maybe on closed and tight places.
79. When you're angry, do you hold it inside? Kinda
80. Are you pessimistic or optimistic? Optimistic
81. Do you daydream a lot? Yeah
82. Do you worry too much? Yeah
83. What was the greatest day of your life? If im not wrong Feb 8
84. Do you have any plans for tonight? MSN!!
85. Do you wish on stars? Nope
86. Do you like your handwriting? Yeah^^
87. What color shirt are you wearing? Black
88. Is your hair short, long, or in-between? Short. I needed a new look XD
89. Are there any songs that make you cry? Nope
90. What ring size are you? I dont have
91. Are you named after anyone? Nop, Im the original Erick!
92. How long does it take you to shower? This body needs a good wash xD
93. What color is your room? Blue and ceiling and floor white
94. Can you swim? Yes
95. Do you have your driver's license? Not yet
96. Do you like coffee? Kinda
97. Do you like roller coasters? Heeeell yeah!
98. Have you ever had surgery? Yes
99. Have you ever passed out before? Nop
99 1/2. Make up your own question and answer it! Want me to traduce the questions you didnt understood? Please emo
100. *chucks a jellybean at your head* You're done! ...done what?

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