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Feelings and More! Updated frequently.
Hey guys this is part of my latest story hope you enjoy!
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Friendship Torn Apart?

Mandy was running. She just found a letter on her dining room table It was from Ruth. “Mandy what are you doing here?”asked Jeremy opening the door. “Where are Renee and Serena?” “Upstairs why?” “Important info to give them!”
“Renee Serena!!!!” “What Mandy?” “I got a letter from Ruth!” “Let me see it!”said Renee grabbing the envelope.
Hey guys!
How are you guys? I really miss you! I thought maybe this weekend I could come up. You just ned to ask your moms. So yeah that’s mostly it.

“We should get her up here!” “Yeah but how? And who’s house is she going to stay over?” “Well do you want her to stay over your house Mandy?” “I don’t care. Do you guys want her over here?” “NO!”
“Jeremy! Kevin! Why are you guys always listening in on us?”said Renee. “We need to know what is going on all the time guys.” “You can just ask. Not listen to everything we say!” “Well it would be awkward to ask you guys how your life is going everyday. Right Kevin?”
But Kevin was in a whole different universe. Do I still like Mandy? She is just so calm when me and Jeremy are like this. How can that happen? Maybe I do. “Kevin!” “What! Oh yeah right.” “What’s wrong with you Kevin?” “Nothing just thinking about something.” “Now can you guys leave? We have some business to get to.” “Hey we don’t have to leave. We can stay here if we want.” “Well can you guys leave please?”
“No.” “Mandy don’t you want them to leave?” But Mandy was also in her own world. Maybe I still like Kevin. Look at that hair. Those eyes. That smile. No this cant be happening! He is Kevin! The opposite of Jeremy! But he is so nice and forgiving. No I cant like him not again! “Mandy!” “What?” “Do you want them to leave or not?”asked Serena. “Oh I don’t care.”
“So you’re saying we can stay?”asked Kevin “If you really want to. I guess.” “Mandy! We need to talk about this just the three of us!” “Sorry. Guys if you could?” “Okay we’ll see you guys later.”
As soon as the guys got into their room Jeremy started to ask questions. “What is going on with you lately man?” “What do you mean?”said Kevin picking up his book. “You have been really strange lately. Is anything bothering you?” “Well you remember that day after school?” “Uh there were a lot of days after school Kev.” “The day we were talking to Mandy about what happened with Nate and Jason.” “Yeah?” “Well I really do still like Mandy. She is just so calm when Renee and Serena aren’t.” “Your point?” “Jeremy you dont get it! Ever since we broke up she is the only girl I can think about. She is the only thing I can think about.” “Your point?” “Jeremy!” “Okay I was kidding. If you really like her why don’t you-”
“Cause. She is different now!” “Define different.” “Jeremy! She is more mature and I’m just a...” “Immature 13 year old acting like his is seven?” “Yes! I need to change.” “Dont worry buddy I’m here for you!” “You’re the last person I would go to. No offense or anything but you are very immature too.” “Then we should both learn to be more mature.” “And we learn from?” “Good question. Jason could help us.” “Jason? Jason! He is the one I am trying to stay away from!”
“Why?” “He is Mandy’s best friend. Plus Jason is immature too.” “Yes but less immature then us. Come on Kev. It’s the only way to get Mandy back. Please?” “Fine but he better help us!” “He will.” “He will what?”asked Serena. “Serena!” “Sorry. I heard you guys fighting again. I had to come over and see what happened.” “Come in here then.”said Kevin closing the door.
“What’s going on guys?” “Well we think Mandy likes Kevin again.” Serena began laughing. “Serena it isn’t funny!” “O-Okay how could you think Mandy likes you again?” “Well I always lift my head up in math and she is always looking at me. So I guessed she likes me again.” “Wait you dont still like her do you Kev?” “He does.” “Jer! Fine I do but please don’t tell Mandy please?” “One thank you Jeremy. Two why? And Three I cant keep a promise unless...” “Oh come on Serena I’m already cleaning your locker for the rest of the year what else could you possibly want?”
“Good point.”Serena said looking around her brother’s room. “That’s it!”she screamed out. “What now?” “Kevin. I will keep my promise to you by not telling Mandy if you clean my room.” “No way!” “Fine then I’m going to tell her.” As she got up to leave Kevin caught her. “Serena. Come on please dont tell Mandy!” “Kevin you know what has to be done. Say yes or I am going to tell Mandy.” “No. Please anything else!” “Kevin! Come on why dont you just tell her again?” “Because. Mandy is different. She’s more mature. And I am immature.” “Hmm.” “Hmm? What’s hmm? Jeremy what’s hmm?!” “I dont know wait.”
Serena couldn’t make her mind up. “Fine only two weeks for cleaning my room but three weeks doing my chores.” “Serena! That’s way too much for me!” “Then Jeremy can help you.” “WHAT! No no no no no! A million times no! Serena go tell Mandy.” “Please Jeremy. I’ll give you anything!” “No! I am not going to- actually fine.” “Really?”asked Kevin and Serena. “Sure why not.” “I’m suspicious. Don’t touch anything you aren’t supposed to touch!” “I won’t!” “Okay now you can go Serena.” “Thank you.”
This I have to tell Renee! “What was that about Serena?” “Oh nothing they just needed to talk to me about something.” “Okay. Anyway we finally got to a conclusion. Mandy is going to have Ruth stay over her house.” “Okay what are we going to do for the weekend?” “Hmm. Maybe we could take her like on the railtrail again. Maybe see a movie. And just hang out!” “Yeah!”
“So they are having Ruth stay over Mandy’s. Good.” “Why is that good Jeremy?” “Cause then if- oh wait that is a bad thing!” “Exactly Jer. What’s the point for us to have Ruth here again?” “So we can tell her about how Mandy doesn’t like her anymore.” “Why would we want to tell her that?” “So they fight.” “Why do we want them to fight?” “Cause I like to see girls fight.” “You are so rude Jeremy.” “I know.”
That night Jeremy went to Serena and Renee. “Hey you guys think you could have Ruth sleep here this weekend?” “Why do you want her to sleep here?” “Cause Ruth is my friend too.” “Ruth hates you Jeremy.” “Okay fine. I like Ruth.”lied Jeremy. “You like Ruth?”
The girls started cracking up. “You mean you just want her over here so you can adore her?”said Renee through the laughter. “Guys dont laugh at me!” “We’re sorry Jeremy. But how could you possibly like someone like Ruth?” “Well okay I dont.” “So why do you want her here?” “Your going to hate me for this.” “What Jeremy!” “Never mind. You might see.”
Right after Jeremy left the room Renee turned to her sister. “What does that mean?” “I don’t know but we will probably find out. Got to keep an eye on him.” “Most definetley.”
Friday already and Ruth was on her way up. “I cant wait till she gets here!” “I know we have been waiting so long to see her.”said Mandy Friday afternoon when walking to Renee and Serena’s house. “Yeah everyone has.” “Hopefully the guys don’t get in the way! Please let them not!”
“Nope.”came a voice behind them. “Come on guys! This is one weekend we can see Ruth. Please don’t ruin it!” “Hmm. We’ll think about it.”said Jake. “Well you better think fast here comes Ruth.”said Renee. “Sorry girls. We’ll see you four later.”said Jake as they passed by and walked on. “Shoot. This is going to be one bad weekend for us.” “Uhuh but we cant let them get in the way of our friendship. Again.”said Mandy. “Come on what’s the worst they could do?” Each girl had her turn. They all shivered at their thoughts. “Come on guys lets just forget about it. We will probably be out of the house the whole time.”
As soon as the girls got to the house the guys came out. “So they think we will leave them alone do they?” “Come on guys. Why is it we have to pick on them?” “Kevin you okay?” “Yeah but I just don’t enjoy it anymore.” “You like Mandy again dont you!”said Jake. “No. It’s just-” But everyone was giving him the look. Kevin gave them a sheepish look. “Come on guys. I dont. I mean she is my friend but she isnt like one of those friends that I just like-” “Kevin we all know you like her again.” “Guys come on I dont like her again! She is just a friend!” “Then if she is just a friend you will follow the girls around all weekend wherever they go. Listen to what they say. Watch what they do.” “But-” “Kevin. If you do this it will show you don’t like Mandy again. Oh and you also have to tell Ruth bad things that Mandy says about Ruth.” “WHAT! Guys that was no part of the plan!” “I just added it in Kevin.” “That’s not fair Jake!”
Before Jake could say another word Kevin was on top of him on the ground. “Don’t you ever do that again!” “Kevin please just get off of me and we can discuss this.” “No. Either give up with the girls or never get up again.” The others tried to pull Kevin off but he just pushed them away. “Come on Kevin get off of Jake!” “No he he’s a jerk! He shouldn’t be able to talk like that about them.” “I’m sorry but I don’t like them! They are so ah!” “They didn’t d anything to you! You shouldn’t speak like that about them! Yes Renee and Serena are my sisters but you still shouldnt talk bad about them!” “Are you done?” “Yes.”
Kevin got off of Jake. “It’s just I dont like it when you talk about them like that.” “I can see. And I’m sorry for what I said about you and Mandy.” “It’s okay. I actually do still like her.” “Hmm. So you don’t mind doing the stuff I said?” “Do you want me to tackle you again?” “Okay you dont have to. I’ll do it.” “Guys can I?” “No.” “What?”asked Jake. “I was going to tackle you again.” “Oh gosh!” And with that Jake was off toward his house. “Serves him!”
“Ruth we have missed you sooo much!” “Same here! What have you guys ben up to?” “Same old. Guys been even more annoying. Oh and you have to meet Jason Edwin and Tyler too.” “You sure I wanna meet them?” “They are okay. Just watch out for Jas. He has gone to the dark side. But Tyler and Edwin are little angels.” “Why dont we go over now?” “If you really want to.” “Come on lets go!”
Few minutes later the four friends were over at Jake’s house. “What do you guys want?”Jake asked rudely. “I want to introduce them to Jason and his brothers.”said Mandy. “Sorry can’t.” “Why not?” “We are discussing something important. Now leave.” “Not until we introduce Ruth to the guys! Plus what you guys are talking about cant be that important.” “It is so go.” “N. Let us in.” “Or what?” “Jake!” “Fine come on in.” “Hey guys!”
“Hey girls! Whats up?” “We just came over to introduce Ruth to Jason and his brothers.” “Well here they are. Jason Edwin Tyler this is Ruth and Ruth this is Jason Edwin and Tyler.”said Kevin. “Hi. So you guys moved into my house? Hmm. Seeing you is much different then hearing your description from Mandy.”Ruth nodded. “Ruth!” “Sorry Mands.” “Haha. I guess we have to watch out for that now.” Mandy blushed at the comment. The guys laughed. “You shouldn’t be embarrassed by that Mandy! Everything else we do maybe. But that?” “Guys come on stop it! Whatever.” “Sorry Mandy.”
“So what are you guys talking about?”asked Renee. “Nothing...” said Jeremy. “That you need to know!”finished Jake. “It’s going to happen then.”said Serena. “How do you girls know we are talking about you?” “Well it was important either about us or pranking us.” “No. It was something we cant discuss out of this room.” “Oh yeah what?” “We can’t tell you.” “And why not?” “Because we can’t

User Comments: [1]
Savage Hope
Community Member

Sat Oct 11, 2008 @ 08:16pm

ummm.... you need to do something about your dialogue.... cause when im reading it i dont know who is talking... look up in my journal and youll see what im talking about... i as well am writing a story

User Comments: [1]
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