So yeah.
Woke up, took Steph and her friends to school.
Drove back home, got ready for work, ******** on Gaia for a while.
Went to work, was 10 minutes late, because I realized, "Hey, I'm out of cigarettes"
After work, I went to Kim's house.
The kids were bad today. Really bad.
Like the kind of bad that nearly got us into a car accident when Gracie threw her cup and it landed next to and under the break pedal after clonking my window and bouncing down, making it really hard and scary for me to break as soon as the trunk infront of me decided, "HEY, I'm going to suddenly break HERE and NOW and turn NOW!"
Drove Steph and her friends home. There was a car accident that took up most of the intersection to get to Nettie's house, so I had to back up a bit, drive around the entire thing and then drop her off, taking an extra 30 minutes.
Went back to Kim's house with the kids, realized, HEY, I got a check instead of a little slip. I don't have direct deposit, like I'm supposed to, because Back Yard Burgers has screwed me over AGAIN.
So, I get the kids in the car, AGAIN, drive all the way back home and to the bank 30 minutes before it closed, because I had a grand total of one dollar in my wallet and that just wasn't going to cut it (because I've got to work in the morning, and after I get off work, the banks been closed for an hour).
Christian called to see if we were still on for tonite, before 7 o clock, so now I'm over on my minutes for the month.
Drove back home, threw the kids in the car, AGAIN, drove them home where Kim was making dinner. Smoked a lot.
Christian called AGAIN to see if we were still on.
What ********.
Drove to the movie theater, chain smoking the whole way.
Christian made comments on how attractive I was when I got there. Because I wasn't wearing that goddamn uniform.
We went to Carino's, an overpriced Italian resteraunt with neglectful servers. I had shrimp scampi, he had a pizza. rolleyes He asked me what "rave-e-ol" was.
I found out how he dislocated his shoulder -- putting his shirt on.
I wanted to die a little more each time he talked.
Went back to the movie theater, picked a movie and sat outside for an hour.
He is the most mind numbing conversationalist ever.
It's like he opens his mouth and just drools out thoughts, and blattently ignores the fact that he's almost always wrong while he's trying to show off how smart he is.
Feng Shui is not Japanese.
No moon equals new moon.
Wicked is not a remake.
You're not a hardcore anime fan if all you watch is what comes on Cartoon Network.
Inuyasha is to quality entertainment as a s**t stain is to clean underwear.
Analogies compare two unrelated things that have similar traits. Eulogies are the good things you make up about a dead person.
He talked during the movie. Which irritates me to no end.
After all that, I was ready to bolt, but no. I said I'd take him home, so I did.
He lives ********' 30 minutes away.
After I leave his house, one of the screws in my glasses that actually holds them together, decided to get lose and let the lense pop out. While I'm driving home in unfamiliar territory in the dark fogs and going 60. And stayed that way till I got to a gas station and put tape on my glasses to temporarilly fix them until I got home.
Bought $10 worth of gas, which was enough to get me off the empty line and onto the 1/4 tank line.
I got home. Eric spent an hour getting off the computer.
I don't think I'll reserve the hotel today. I've got a dollar in my wallet, just like this morning, and $105 in my account, and I still need gas for these next two weeks...
My eyes hurt. My head hurts. And I'm tired.
And I get to see Christian tomorrow at work.
I'm so glad this is my last week. So. ********. Glad.
I wanna call in sick tomorrow, but I need these hours, so by the 1st of October, I won't be so economically stressed...
I cried earlier. I got home at 12:30, post midnight. Left home today at 7am.
Today sucked. -_-
I've decided I'm neverever dating again.
And the world, as of right now... can ******** itself.
Up the a**.
With a rusty coffee can.
Inbedded with razorblades.
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Gingerbread . Coffin
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I'm on this account because I'm on BOTHSIDESOMG[/align:fd524f4c08]
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![]() DyslexicSquirrel Community Member ![]() |
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I'm sorry. sad
If I wasn't leaving in 12 days I'd come visit you.