but somehow I still feel it.
The pain in my body has fled,
yet the pain in my heart remains.
The sharp pain from being pierced
still stings like a sunburn on your face.
I'm not sure if it will ever stop.
My hearts drowns in the novocain.
I can't feel the grass I'm laying on.
I can't feel the sun on my face.
Just my heart.
All I can do is think.
Contemplate if the pain was worth it.
Ask myself if I really want it.
Let my memories run.
Roller-coaster through the ups and downs.
Enjoy the long time on the way up
and deal with the downs.
Eventually the feelings in my limbs'll come again
but the pain in my heart won't go away quickly.
Painkillers won't help.
I just have to wait this out.
Find myself a crutch
until I can handle on my own.
Questing to craft the Guardian Totem. Bad Dog Leashes needed. Donations are welcome with open arms~ emotion_bigheart