not much to report today really.
i went to mass this morning, which was good. i could go all religious on you guys now and talk about how i'm about to try a new approach to investigating the catholic god, and that i'm feeling ready to reexamine the whole Jesus thing, but i don't know if you'd really like that.
also, it's not like i'm converting or going all Christian here, it's all just part of my general search through religions and desire to understand the phenomenon of religion and perhaps uncover some greater truth(s) about our existence or at least society.
after mass i took a very nice walk down to river front park and killed a little time there enjoying the nice weather, while i waited for my bus home. all and all it was a very pleasant morning and the day is turning out to be equally enjoyable.
last night i took a few minutes to prep myself for school. i'm happy to report that my usual excitement is gradually returning. it probably helps that i'm feeling like things are finally getting squared away with financial aid and my scholarship and all that. that was a major stressor and was probably secretly the reason i didn't feel like getting back into school.
so yeah, i've got my new bag (a sea bag from my brother), i have 2 out of 3 of my books, and i got together some pens, pencils, notebooks, etc. too. everything is all ready to go now, and just sitting in one corner of my study/office here waiting for the first day of classes.
i'm a little anxious at the moment, because things finally got ironed out with my mom to the point that she could go home again. still, knowing her, she could be back again anytime. i want her to wait until she can get this housing inspection thing and actually start moving in, but i have this pretty crap feeling she's gonna want to come down again just to turn in this form and get the appointment squared away. she could just have me turn in the form and set the appointment, or she could call and set the appointment after i turn in my copy of the form, but i just know she's not going to go for that. *sigh* so yeah, i'm feeling a little tightly wound about that right now, because if she does come back it'll be during my first week of school probably, and i really won't have the time, energy, or stress management skills to deal with her if that's the case.
god...*sigh* let's just hope she uses her brain this time and doesn't run around on pure emotion/excitement again like the last 3 or so times she's come running down here.
well, i guess i had more to say then i thought. hmmm, well, it's good to get that all off my own chest at any rate.
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Only two items left until I finally get my dream avi! Donations much appreciated -- A million thanks to: Soul Error!