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New story

DC Trip!
There are dreams. Some are lived. But others are ruined. Either the person couldnt fulfill their dream. Or someone else ruined it. This story is sort of both. Its is lived bt ruined at the same time. The DC trip is coming up once again for the eighth graders. Mandy has made a few more friends. Foes? Nope. Only Jake still. But will DC changed everyone? Or will everyone be the same? Hope everyone is on their best behavior.

“I cant believe you did that Andy!”I screamed during lunch.
“I didnt do it! It was Jeremy!”
“What! It was Drew!”
“Guys just tell me who started it!”
Okay I should probably back up. It all started in Social Studies. We were starting a new project. Politics. My worst subject. We could either work in the groups we were in or we could work alone. So I decided to work alone because I have Jeremy Kevin Jake and Andy in my group so yeah. But of course I got dragged into the group again.
“Guys this once can I work alone I have always worked with you guys!”
“But we have a great idea! And this time is really good!”said Jeremy.
“But guys!”
“Mandy please! Can we at least tell you our idea?” asked Andy.
“Okay think about this before you comment We will present our poster first. Then have a debate on who we think will be elected. It will be you and Jake. And me and Jeremy.”
I was already shaking my head. I knew with what happened with Jake earlier this year that it wasnt a good idea. “No! I will not work with him. Never.”
“But he is voting for John McCain and Jeremy and I are voting for Obama. Please Mandy? Please?”
“Guys I am voting for Obama too well obviously if we could vote. Why do I have to be with Jake!”
“Oh get over it Mandy. Just because it is me doesnt mean you have to whine over everything.”
“Jake either shut up or I will spit on you.”
“Sorry.”Jake grumbled.
“Please guys! I just cant work with him. Not now. Not ever!”
“Come on Mandy. Just try it please?”asked Kevin.
“No I cant work with him he is so... so immature.”
“Hey I m working on it! Come on Mandy give me a second chance.”said Jake with a grin everyone had seen before. But I couldnt believe him. Not again. Since what happened. Never again could I trust him.
“Fine.”I finally said. But I knew he didnt change. And I knew I was going to dread every moment being with him.
“Great. We should probably get started.”
“Please Lord let this be the last time I ever have to work with Jake!”I silently prayed.
“Come on Mandy.”Jake said while pulling me out the door.
I thought Social Studies would never end! Finally the bell rang for lunch and everybody went running downstairs. So of course I was left alone to walk down with Renee.
“I cant believe I have to work with them again! You’re lucky you are on the other team!” “Yeah right! I have to work with Jason Tyler Edwin and Peter! Not even Serena.”
“True. Well atleast there are only a few more weeks until DC.”
“So true. Now lets go or we will miss lunch.”
We got down the stairs and walked into the cafeteria. The lines were full. So we decided to wait at the table until the lines got smaller. Just as I was going to tell Renee what my new dress looked like I felt something hit my back. I knew it was from one of the guys because we always sit right across from them. I slowly got up and went over to their table.
“Who did that?”I asked angrily.
“What you mean Mandy?”
“Oh you guys know what I mean. Who flung the mashed potatoes?”
“No one did.”
“Guys I know someone did who did it?”
“Nobody did it Mandy!”
I went back to the table and started to tell Renee about my dress. “Yeah it’s a really pretty royal purple color then I am going to wear my faded jeans with it.”
“That’s awesome. My dress is like probably the same style as yours but its like a sea green color. Then Serena’s is like a sky blue. It’s awesome.”
“Really? Copycats.”
Renee just gave me a blank stare. “Huh?”
“Just kidding Renee you know that.”
“Yeah I know.”
Once again something came flying at my back but I saw it so I knew this time someone from that table threw it. It was hard. And it hurt when it hit my back. I looked down at my fgeet to see an apple laying right there. I picked it up and took it over to the guys. “Whose is this?”
“Guys I saw someone throw it who was it?”
“Nobody had an apple Mandy.”
“Guys I’m not stupid I saw someone throw it out of the corner of my eye. Now who threw it?” My voice was getting higher and higher in volume. Finally I let my anger gfet to me. I got my lunch sat down I finally said to myself: If they throw one more thing at me I will dump my milk on Jake’s head. Don’t know why I chose Jake. Guess I was just so mad at him he was first to come to mind. Then it came. First one then two. I finally snapped. I got up slowly with my milk in hand walked over to Jake and poured it over his head.
“Got milk?”I asked.
“Oh no you did not just do that.”
“Hmm I think I did.”
Everyone at Jake’s table were in awe, including Jake.
As I triumphantly walked back to my table I knew the war had began. First him then me. Finally someone yelled it. “FOOD FIGHT!”
We all ducked under tables. Well the girls at least. The guys were to consumed in coating us with random thing from the cafeteria. Various utensils milk and orange juice cartons food were flying thorough the air hitting everyone in the way. People from the line came out of the kitchen to see the mayhem. Even the lunch aids were ducking for cover. But no one could stop the fight. People were screaming from every direction. Throwing anything they could get. Then everyone was silent. The principle walked in and looked at the cafeteria in awe. Everybody was dead silent and still. Renee and I came out from under the table to see what the silence was about. “Oh my god.”I whispered.
“Until someone owns up to starting this food fight the DC trip is cancelled.”the principle said harshly.
There were moans and groans. Stares going every which way. But we all knew who started it. “I cant believe you started this Mandy!”
“What I did not start this if you guys werent throwing stuff at me I wouldnt have poured my milk on you!”
“Well if you just told us to stop.”
“I did!”
“She did Jake.”said Kevin quietly having spaghetti still in his hand.
“Would you stay out of this! You have to own up to starting this. You did start it.”
“I did not! You guys did. Whoever flung the mashed potatoes first started it.”
Nobody was going to own up. We just had to wait. But how can you wait when you have something you really want and it is taken away from you? I wasnt going to be a tattle tail but I was also not going to miss DC! This was supposed to be my best year.
The next day is Social Studies we started to work on our poster and what we were going to say when we did the debate. “Okay so I will ask each of you a question or two and we will just go from there.”said Kevin with his flash cards.
“Got it.”
“Go Kevin.”I said.
“Okay in this election, with the economy being so poor who do you think the best candidate would be for president?” he asked.
Jake was first to answer. “I think John McCain is the best candidate because eh will bring the economy up with his vice president Sarah Palin they are going to drill for oil in Alaska so that gas bills don’t have to be so high for tax payers.”
“That’s were I don’t agree with you Jake. John McCain isnt change. He is sending more soldiers to Iraq to fight. If he is elected president he could be sending some of the most important people to fight. Not only are they fighting for the U.S. but they are fighting for their lives. With what happened with 9/11 we don’t know what will happen. We don’t know if that could happen again. We don’t know if a plane could attack the White House or the Pentagon again!”I said.
“Well arent you in a great mood.”said Andy.
“Well I guess it is just what happened during lunch. Nobody owning up to it. Now DC is cancelled!”
“Mandy calm down. They are just trying to get you mad again. Just calm down.”sad Kevin trying to calm me down.
“Kevin he has got on my last nerve and soon I am going to snap. Seriously if they don’t stop I will go over. I will snap.”
“Mandy breath in and out. Now just calm down I am going to talk to them.”
Kevin got up for were he brought me and walked to were the guys were talking. I slowly started to think if I should tell the principle Jake and the guys started it or not. Well if I did then they would know I told. But if I didnt the DC trip would be cancelled. “Why does life have to be so difficult?” I said without knowing I said it out loud.
“What?”asked Jeremy.
“Oh nothing. Sorry.”
“No you said something. What was it?”asked Jake.
“Nothing. I didnt say anything!”
“Yes you did Mandy! Tell us!”
“No I don’t have to tell you anything!”
“No! No! No!”
I finally woke up. “Woah where am I?”
“Mandy your at the nurse’s. Remember you fell during lunch and... your mom brought you some new clothes.”said Kevin handing me my clothes.
“What happened?”
“Well you remember the food fight but as we were cleaning up the cafeteria you slipped and sort of kind of hit your head on the floor.”
“I have a question for you. Am I a total klutz?”
“Well the guys kind of helped you. I mean I didnt but you know when Jake gets to them he gets to them.”
“Why does it have to be Jake? Why?”

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