~ Sakura's house 3 nights before where we are previously~
The darnkness was suffacoting the hallow spaces of the hole of a room. The girl sat on her bed looking up at the ceiling, her eyes half-way closed. Or half-way open, to some of those people like that. Sakura was dead to the world around her, and as if some sort of strange power unknown was possesing her, she sat there alone without question. In the spaces around her, her mother was in the kitchen, her father had yet to come home yet, and her brother, well, he was still doing homework. All around her there was some sort of activity, and yet, quietly she sat, possibly hoping to drift off to sleep and dream. Suddenly, there was a quick and almost silent knock against her closed window above her head. " Sakura, it's me." A voice whispered behind the shadowed glass.
Sakura snapped awake from her strange meditation and silently opened the window's lock without any notice to the world around her. A dark figure stepped insid the room with great care. In silence the figure in black wrapped his arms around the gilr, and she put her face in his chest and let out a a muffled sob. Blood, a small trickle of blood dribbled down from her arm. " Hiei.....I'm scared...It's not going away.....I don't wanna hurt anyone. I don't wanna hurt KT, Nakari, or Billy! " Her sobbings continued, and Hiei held onto her, as she cried onto him. " I know, but you don't mean to hurt anyone, and hurting yourself isn't going to help is it? NO it's not." There was a brief silence, and then Sakura chuckled light-heartedly. " You sounded like KT when you said that." Hiei shook his head and pulled her closer to himself. He sat her onto the bed, and sat himself next to her. He gently picked up her arm that bled and frowned.
~ Back to where we once were~ ( all of the above ahs a purpose, so don't forget it happend)
Kurama had returned and began to work diligetly on the unconcious man. " Well, I can say this for certain," Kurama turned towards Billy, who had gone to sit next to Javert. " he will be fine. " A sigh escaped her, one that she had been holding in for a long while. Relieved she smiled and felt tempted to hug the fox demon. " thank you so much!" The room was full of silence once more, and just as everyone had gotten used to the quiet scene, another knock came flodding from the door.
Hiei, who was kissing Sakura off-scene, doubled over. " NOT KT!"
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
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Sakura lady of death
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.... ninja ...uh-oh...KT's there...I smell trouble afoot! ninja ..... xd