Once Upon a Dream...You Loved Me..
Life has been pretty interesting this week. I am still on break until Monday. You see, I'm in a long distance relationship. I met him on this site actually, about 3 years ago, and we hit it off immediatly. But he lives in Virginia. And when I met him I became part of a love triangle because he was in love with another girl who lives in Ohio. She left him for a while about a year ago, and me and him became really close and he told me that he wanted to marry me. But now she is back, and even though me and her are good friends, im jealous. He changed his mind and decided to marry her instead. They think that they can repay me by naming their frist baby girl after me in the future; Jessica Lee Brown. But I cant deal with it. Iknow its weird to love someone so far away, but hes always there for me, no matter what. And now I feel like I lost him to someone else.