The Idiotic Adventures of the Crazies
[Episode 2: Josh the blondie. =D]
In the Crazies Guild [Crazy Restaurant]..
Gill held an ice pack on Shun's head as Jessica and Sarah were chugging down soda. Which made Shun cry even more.
"Quit whing, Shun. It's just soda."
Gamer joined in, too. "Yeah, it's not like it's going to kill you if you don't drink soda. how about chugging down some mustard? =3"
Shun turned pale just looking at Gamer when she mentioned mustard.
Elly came into the restaurant. "K, Giggly and Ranny managed to get Indy's butt out of this restaurant to buy some supplies. And don't worry. They won't be back 'til dinner."
"Good. Shun is calmed and so are Jessica and Sarah." Gill and elly were staring at Gamer, who was holding mustard towards Shun's pale face.
"Gamer, please don't. We don't want Shun to be uncusscious." Gamer 'awed' and chug down the mustard. Shun, on the other hand, turned back to his brownish color. And they all went back to what they were supposed to do. and that would be to do their job.
At the Marketplace..
"THAT FISH IS MINE!!" Roared Indy.
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? IT'S MINE!!" Roared another customer.
Giggly and Ranny were shopping for clothes. And yes, as you can see, Indy is shopping for food.
"SOLD TO THE MAN WITH BLONDE HAIR!!" Yelled the owner of the fish shop.
"WHAT?!!" Roared the two in sync.
The glared at the customer who got the fish. The blonde boy looked at them and smiled nervously then ran away.
The other customer let it go and looked for more fishes but Indy didn't let it go. Instead, she went after him. And so they ran and ran and ran in circles through the marketplace.
Giggly and Ranny saw Indy chasing some blondie. So, they went to stop Indy. "INDY!! STOP SCARING HIM!!"
"HELL NO!! THAT YELLOW GUPPY IS MINE!!" Indy finally caught up and tackled this boy. But unlcuky for them, Giggly tripped on her own foot and she stumbled forward along with Ranny who tried to pull Giggly back but then got pulled forward. They both slammed right on top of Indy and the Blondie. They all groaned in pain. But Indy was all happy 'cause she finally got the fish.
Giggly and Ranny hit Indy on the head and helped up the Blondie.
Giggly apologized. "Sorry our friend chased you down and tackled you to the ground."
"Yeah, she is pretty much always like this." Added Ranny. "By the way, I'm Ranny, this black chick is Giggly, and this crazy chick is Indy."
Indy heard her name and Ranny doing intros so.. "HI I'M INDY!!---" Ranny knocked her out and Indy fell to the ground uncusscious.
"Uh. I'm Josh?"
Giggly butted in this time. "Hey! Wanna join our guild?"
Josh was thinking and hesitating. "Would I want to join?"
Ranny butted in. "Yes, you would! Me and Indy just joined a while ago."
Josh was really hesitating now as he looked at the knock out girl.
But then Giggly dragged him to the guild as Ranny dragged the knocked out Indy.
Back at the Guild...
"WE'RE BAAAACKKK!!" Greeted Giggly. Ranny continured for her.
"And we brought a new member!! His name is Uncle Ben."
Josh butted. "My name's not Ben. And I'm not that old. My name is Josh. >,>"
Elly smiled and greeted him. "Hello, I'm Elly and this is Gil. She's in charge of the guild."
Josh was relieved to see somewhat normal people. But then, Sarah jumped right from behind Josh.
"Sarah!! Don't scare the new member!!"
Sarah just rolled her eyes and said 'whatever'.
Jessica popped out of no where right next to Indy and started poking her. "Is she dead?"
Sarah then joined her in the poking but then Gamer drew weird faces on Indy.
This made people stare, wondering 'why are they in this guild again?'
And then Shun finally got up. No one even noticed. Once he got up he thought of helping Indy since she gave him soda last time.
Shun went behind the bar and grabbed a gallon of soda and zoomed to Indy to open her mouth and shoved the bottle in her mouth and the soda went down her throat so fast that no one could even go near as the soda went down.
The bottle was empty and Shun threw the bottle behind him.
They all waited for something to happen but nothing happened.
They wait for 1 minute..2 minutes...10 minutes....1 hour...Nothing.
"Uh oh, maybe she really is dead." Said Gamer.
But then when everyone were up close in Indy's face, SHE BURSTED WITH SUGAR RUSH!!
She exploded as everyone panicked like hell. It was even worst than Shun last time.
Josh thought of an idea. "Hey Shun, c'mere." Shun had a question mark above his head and stood right next to Josh.
Josh somehow pulled out two gallons of soda and made Shun chug down both gallons. SHUN BURSTED EVEN WORST THAN INDY!!
Everyone definitely panicked. But then Josh said: "LET'S ALL GET DRUNK BY SUGAR AND HAVE A HAPPY TIME!!"
Instead of someone complaining, they decided it was best to just go along with it.
And so, that night, every member of the Crazies Guild partied like there was no tomorrow.
But what is this, there are stalkers in the neighborhood. Well this can't be good.
Who are these people? What plans do they have for the Guild? We'll find out in the next episode of The Idiotic Adventures of the Crazies.
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Mostly stories that I write. No offenses intended. I swear. Seriously.
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Crazy Crew is Where I Belong..

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