All I have is one question: WHY???? Why have Americans become so retarded over the years? Why can't people see that McCain is obviously the better choice? WHY THE HELL DON'T WE HAVE BETTER CANDIDATES FOR THE PRESIDENCY?????? Obama's going to send us much farther into debt than McCain will, but McCain will send us into more debt than we're in now. One is probably going to drop dead in 2-3 years, the other's a former Muslim (Obama was a muslim until age 31). At this point, it's choosing the lesser of two evils. One one hand, Obama has voted for one of the cruelest things in the world: partial birth abortion. McCain, however, is going to be six feet under before he completes his third year in office. Choices, choices......I'll be voting for McCain.....He didn't vote to kill newborns.
Vindictive Vampiress · Mon Oct 27, 2008 @ 12:14am · 2 Comments |