2008-10-15 18:21:44 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ə-hacker I thought that hint alone would clue you in.
2008-10-15 18:22:23 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] -you like torturing people? -you could be either the stabber- someone who saw it, or someone who knows of it
2008-10-15 18:28:52 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] i don't know which of the two options you mean by what you said about toro's safety, but as long as you or any goon you might know hurts him i wont rest until he's been avenged D<!
2008-10-15 18:29:49 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ə-hacker Cute. But it wasn't me who stabbed him.
2008-10-15 18:30:40 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] well- i don't know many much people over there, the only suspicious people are the ones i haven't talked with and alfie
2008-10-15 18:31:53 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ə-hacker Alfie? I assume you mean the idiot at Utoro's college. He's no threat.
2008-10-15 18:32:47 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] so whats your goal with toro then -why not pick out someone else random person to terrorize and make miserable
2008-10-15 18:33:27 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ə-hacker Utoro is an easy target for anyone.
2008-10-15 18:34:29 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] i don't work you psycho's minds, you wanna see him dead or you want him raped again- whicheither is just as bad
2008-10-15 18:35:06 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ə-hacker Dead or dying would be nice.
2008-10-15 18:35:17 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] why isn't he allowed to live
2008-10-15 18:36:25 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ə-hacker He isn't quite as innocent as you seem to think he is. Utoro was rather violent in the asylum.
2008-10-15 18:37:10 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] i don't care what he did and i already know he threatened the people there -but he wouldn't even be there in the first place had he only been left by people like you
2008-10-15 18:38:00 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ə-hacker What you wish to think is fine, but you tried to email him already. Don't bother.
2008-10-15 18:38:20 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] i promised to tell him why i'd stop talking to him
2008-10-15 18:38:41 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ə-hacker I'll do that for you.
2008-10-15 18:39:03 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] and so you're going to leave him alone after that
2008-10-15 18:39:26 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ə-hacker Well sure. Who wants to keep a body?
2008-10-15 18:39:57 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] i don't believe you're just gonna leave him like that after all the trouble you've been through coming this far
2008-10-15 18:41:13 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ə-hacker I don't expect you to understand my intentions that well. Never the less, you're entertaining.
2008-10-15 18:42:02 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] if speaking with a psycho- why not as well expect all of the worst
2008-10-15 18:45:42 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ə-hacker Psycho? Well, in all my days of living. Ah, don't worry. I won't rush things.
2008-10-15 18:46:31 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] i wouldn't care if you died, neither would i if you did this only to get to me -you should know already that i've never and wont ever love anyone but toro
2008-10-15 18:49:20 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ə-hacker Lucky for me those aren't my goals then. Anyway, the game has just begun now. So don't act unless it's your turn. I've warned other's about communicated with him in the same way I did you. Utoro's been trying to get online for a while now. Don't tell my secret.
2008-10-15 18:50:15 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] secret as secret might be, i wouldn't be able to tell it cuz you've threatened him already
2008-10-15 18:50:48 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] -and i'd be a ditz if i wouldn't know you hadn't messaged other people too, question is wether they really believe it or rush to tell him what's happened
2008-10-15 18:52:18 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ə-hacker Actually, I've gotten quite a response. You're one of two who have declined it. The rest either haven't seen it, or replied quite content. I haven't threatened him. I've threatened those around him. Wondered what triggered his mother?
2008-10-15 18:53:04 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] you threaten him just as much, you just use his contacts as a medium for it
2008-10-15 18:53:37 Forbidden. Green Jade(D) aah~! i got online! what happened to my msn? .__.
2008-10-15 18:53:46 Forbidden. Green Jade(D) who threatened who?
2008-10-15 18:53:47 Green Jade(D) Forbidden. where are you now
2008-10-15 18:54:42 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) alfie's
2008-10-15 18:54:46 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) i thought i told you?
2008-10-15 18:55:09 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] i'm shakey ^^'
2008-10-15 18:55:16 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) nyeh?
2008-10-15 18:55:16 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) D:
2008-10-15 18:55:18 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) -huggle-
2008-10-15 18:55:22 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) what happened?
2008-10-15 18:55:28 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] someting bad
2008-10-15 18:55:47 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) D:
2008-10-15 18:55:49 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) what?
2008-10-15 18:56:05 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] -i just wonder wether i'll cry before the end of this year or not-
2008-10-15 18:56:48 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ...do you want to talk about it?
2008-10-15 18:57:26 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] if i could -i would, but you know already what happened to your msn
2008-10-15 18:57:36 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) well yeah, i got hacked
2008-10-15 18:57:46 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) either that or i stole someone else's msn with all my contacts
2008-10-15 18:57:47 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) :3
2008-10-15 18:57:58 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] -no laughing matter ^^
2008-10-15 18:58:04 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ...oh
2008-10-15 18:58:06 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) sorry
2008-10-15 18:58:16 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] you shouldn't be
2008-10-15 18:58:52 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] -be honest with me tho, if i suddenly stopped talking with you, how long you think you'd be able to keep cool?
2008-10-15 18:59:31 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) hm...i'm not sure
2008-10-15 18:59:35 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) quite quickly though
2008-10-15 19:00:04 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) 3 days i'd start being worried, a week i'd be stressing, over that i'd be going from moping around to being quite depressed
2008-10-15 19:00:10 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) you said honestly
2008-10-15 19:00:13 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) n__n'
2008-10-15 19:00:24 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] so i wonder how much difference this makes..
2008-10-15 19:00:42 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) ...can you just tell me what happened?
2008-10-15 19:01:04 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] not really -i seem to be dragged into a game which i'm already starting to lose
2008-10-15 19:01:19 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] question is how long before my defeat
2008-10-15 19:01:29 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) you're going to play with your brother?
2008-10-15 19:01:32 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) :3
2008-10-15 19:01:54 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] i'm not playing with anyone i know -neither with anyone i like, rather the opposite -i hate this person
2008-10-15 19:02:23 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) can't be kevin...is it one of his old gang? because i thought they'd stopped
2008-10-15 19:02:37 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] i don't know who it is
2008-10-15 19:02:44 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) i don't think it is
2008-10-15 19:03:02 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) last time they put a different name and actually put a strange picture instead of taking it away completely
2008-10-15 19:03:15 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] -you remember thair condition?
2008-10-15 19:03:18 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] *their
2008-10-15 19:03:32 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) what do you mean?
2008-10-15 19:03:47 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] you said they'd leave you alone on some condition -wasn't it?
2008-10-15 19:04:06 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) no, i told you i couldn't remember it
2008-10-15 19:04:17 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) probably if i didn't report them
2008-10-15 19:04:22 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] kay
2008-10-15 19:04:32 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] -were your mom more upset than usual today?
2008-10-15 19:05:10 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) i only saw her before college and she was making breakfast for herself
2008-10-15 19:05:16 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) she seemed tired really
2008-10-15 19:05:22 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] kay
2008-10-15 19:05:32 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) kon, i don't like this
2008-10-15 19:05:35 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] me neither
2008-10-15 19:05:37 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) please, what happened?
2008-10-15 19:06:19 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] well, you didn't guess wrong and i don't know how long before this psycho will act
2008-10-15 19:06:31 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) act how?
2008-10-15 19:07:25 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] i don't know, i didn't really get any reason else than this person -or if theres more people- likes to toy with people and kill their minds
2008-10-15 19:08:57 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] what i know is that i wasn't allowed to talk to you, neither communicate with you
2008-10-15 19:09:19 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) please, tell me everything
2008-10-15 19:10:28 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] that's about what it said in the message sent to your contacts; don't communicate with toro for his safety
2008-10-15 19:10:40 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] -not word-to-word, but that was about what was said
2008-10-15 19:11:00 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) i don't get it
2008-10-15 19:11:05 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) so, you are now
2008-10-15 19:11:16 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) i'm so confused
2008-10-15 19:11:51 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] a message was sent out to your contacts; none was allowed to communicate with you
2008-10-15 19:12:09 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) so now he or she is letting you?
2008-10-15 19:13:08 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] i don't know, my guess is that thhis person is sitting somewhere- laughing at how we wouldn't keep quiet..
2008-10-15 19:13:47 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) well, why did you ask about my mum?
2008-10-15 19:15:12 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] this person said he's not threatened oyu -but the ones around you, mentioning also something was done to trigger your mom
2008-10-15 19:15:45 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) so they made my mum like she is?
2008-10-15 19:15:59 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) and i left her at home alone until 8 tonight
2008-10-15 19:16:00 Green Jade(D) ._..'Toro_.[] i don't know when they started wit it, so i don't know
2008-10-15 19:16:07 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) kon, i'm going home
2008-10-15 19:16:11 ._..'Toro_.[] Green Jade(D) i'll speak to you then