" WHAT THE HELL IS THAT UGLY a*****e HERE FO-" KT, who had just burst through the door only mere moments before, was now yelling and screaming about Javert being in her presence. " SAKURA GET OFF ME!! LET ME RIP HIS BALDING HEAD OFF!" Sakura was trying reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally hard to keep her friend from attacking the unconcious man. That is a task WAY EASIER said then done. Why you ask? Well, here's why: YOU would much rather try to stop a rampaging pack of wolves which are starving half to death and will eat anything in their way. That is why...I think....anyway, KT bites people....and that is a problem all in its own.
Kurama watched from afar, he didn't want to step into his girlfriend's wrath of fire, that and he wanted to try to fix the door that she had blown off of its hinges to get inside. Hiei, who was bored to death, watched silently as his girlfriend, who he HAD been making-out with, that is until KT showed up,try despretly to calm Kt down.
"Please KT, " Billy started. "please, i beg of you, LEAVER JAVERT ALONE!!!"
"But, he's UGLY! NOt to mention stupid, inferior, and probably uses a** smelling cholone." KT nodded her head and tried not to laugh as Billy gave her a devastated look.
Hiei sighed, " This is TAKING TOO LONG!! THATS IT! " The demon waltzed over to his lover and took her by the arm and lead her out the doorless doorway.
"............uuh..Hiei?" Sakura started, but was instantly shut up by Hiei.
"Quiet. We're going somewhere."
All the girl could do was get dragged away by her lover and stay silent. Which was hard for her to do. God talkitives are such losers.
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
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Sakura lady of death
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heart When your avi dreams of being a Game Grump heart

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Madame Javert
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ninja ......er......heh.. sweatdrop