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This is what Aiden is thinking. Nothing more, nothing less.
- A Gackt Fanfiction - Downright Charm - chapter 5

Young Gackt awoken to the bright rays shining through the nearby window over the sink. He opened his eyes slowly and squinted them in a flash from the light. He coughed and lifted his head up and walked away from the sunlight. While pressing his hair to present himself decently to Anita, he yawned. He slowly opened the door to an empty room, a note lingering on his pillow that read:

I’ll be out with Brenda.
Be good and don’t get
into any trouble. Don’t
sleep on the counter,
it will hurt your neck!
I'll be home around
4:00 or 5:00.
I love you

<3 Anita <3

Gackt saw this as the perfect chance to get ready for what would take place when Anita returned. He went out to check the mail and found a few letters and a box of hair dye with a photo wrapped to it by a rubber band. The Polaroid picture was of Yoshiki with a big grin on his face, giving two thumbs up. Under the image on the white boarder it read, ‘bow chooka bow wow!’ Gackt giggled. He went in the house and began to dye his hair. He scrubbed the dye deep into every section of his scalp. He felt extravagant and knew that there was no turning back. He read “At Great Heights” while waiting thirty minutes until he needed to rinse out his dye. When the thirty minutes had passed, he stripped off his clothes and entered the shower and rinsed his hair thoroughly, knowing and really really feeling that Anita would love it. He got out of the shower and blow dried his hair. He smiled at the results. He looked stupendous. He hair sprayed it a bit and he smiled. He was excited. He went back to his bedroom and put Yoshiki’s suit on again. He looked in a mirror in his living room and had approved of himself. He wanted to go by the school and show the kids. He wanted to ask the kids of their opinions on his new look. He walked to the school in a flash even though it was Saturday and he was aware of the day. He chose to wait anyways. For some reason he thought they would be there.

He sat on stairs of the church on the opposite side of the school, with his head in his hand. He looked at the school’s playground where a small child was shooting baskets. He watched him make every shot. He smiled as he thought of You. His eyes became enormous when he recalled that it was You. He smiled whole-heartedly and ran over to him.

“You! You!” he screamed, flailing his arms about, trying to get his attention.

“You!” he said once more while climbing over the fence and landing flawlessly on the dirt.

“Gackt! Gackt!” You and Gackt heard a distant tell.

Gackt and You looked over. It was Yoshiki, flailing his arms about.

“You look so sexy!” Yoshiki yelled.

“Thanks!” Gackt and You both said, then laughed hysterically.

Yoshiki came running and jumped over the fence and fell on his side. You and Gackt laughed more, if possible. You grabbed onto Gackt’s waist and cried tears of laughter.

“Man!” Yoshiki said dusting himself off after getting up. His long black coat was coated with dirt and the chains hanging off of his pants jingled while he dusted himself off. Gackt and You seemed to be calmed. Yoshiki smiled as big as he could with big eyes at Gackt’s hair. Gackt began to run away. Yoshiki chased. They circled the basketball court three times then Gackt gave in.

“Don’t ruin it, it’s for Anita,” Gackt said.

Yoshiki lightly touched it and pet him like a kitty. Gackt hid behind You and knelt down. Yoshiki took of both of his wrist bands and used them as ponytails to put his hair sprayed hair in pigtails that stood up.

“I hate it when you get like this, shnookems,” Yoshiki said, “How can you be like this in front of the children?” he continued in a girly voice while taking You’s hand and running. Gackt chased them, his stomach aching from laughing so much. Yoshiki tripped, then You tripped then Gackt tripped over them. They laid in the green field where they’d tripped. Yoshiki sat up, catching his breath. His pigtails were lop sided. He looked over at You.

“I’m Yoshiki,” he said between breaths.

“I’m You!” he said cheerfully.

“You’re Yoshiki too!?” Yoshiki questioned.

“No, he’s You!” Gackt said.

“You mean like . . .from the past?” Yoshiki said in a mystical and covert voice.

“My name is You!” You said laughing.

“Oh . . .” Yoshiki felt a bit embarrassed but he didn’t mind, “I must bag groceries!” Yoshiki said hopping up and taking the wrist bands out of his hair, “I’ll see you later, girlies. Don’t forget to gossip about you know who doing you know what!” he said in his preppy voice and winking. He pranced off and You and Gackt got up and waved. As soon as his hair was no longer in sight, they began to talk about other things that didn’t concern him.

“You weren’t there,” You said sadly.

“Hm?” Gackt questioned.

“I looked for you everywhere and I couldn’t find you. I thought you didn’t like me anymore,” You said looking at the ground.

“What are you talking about, You?” Gackt asked seriously.

“When you dropped me off, you said you’d be waiting there when I got back.”

Gackt stopped and fell to his knees.

“I . . . I forgot. I forgot? How could I forget? I thought about you all day yesterday. How could I forget?” he began to cry outrageously, “I’m so sorry You!” he grabbed You’s hand and help it to his heart, “I really really really am!” he was hysteric.

You bent down, “It’s okay, Gackt! I’m just glad it was a misunderstanding. Please don’t cry anymore, Gackt,” You requested.

Gackt swallowed down his tears. He gave You a long and warm embrace.

“I’m sorry You,” he said looking up at him.

“You look nice today,” You said.

“Thank you,” Gackt said with another tear falling down.

“I have to visit my grandma on Monday,” You said as they began walking hand in hand.

“That’s nice!” Gackt said all cheered up.

“But that means I won’t be able to see you for a whole week!” You said.

“That just means we’ll have to spend all day tomorrow together,” Gackt assured.

“Why not today?” You asked.

“I have a bit of things to do. I should actually be going,” Gackt declared.

‘Oh, that’s right. You need to make love to Anita,” You remembered.

Gackt stared at him, “What did you say?” Gackt asked laughing.

“Am I wrong?” You questioned.

“No, but . . .how do you know that?” Gackt wondered.

“Bill told my grandpa,” You said.

Gackt recalled Bill from yesterday. He didn’t even think for one second that it would get around. Gackt thought about him and thought he was indeed quite the talker of other people‘s business.

“Well anyways,” Gackt began, “I should get going. Show up at my house anytime you want to tomorrow and maybe you can sleep over again like you did the last time,” Gackt grinned and gave You and hug and kiss before running and jumping over the fence to somewhere to get some kind of gift fro Anita. He was thinking along the lines of chocolate or flowers.

Gackt first came upon Valery’s flower stand. He was a regular at her stand. He got flowers for Anita, Yoshiki who would try to eat them and even he had bought flowers for his biological mother on his parents’ anniversary. It was rather gloomy that he remember their anniversary but neither of them did. Either they didn’t remember or they didn’t celebrate. Gackt thought it were both.

“Hello Valery. You look lovely,” he said to the young short Asian woman with short brown hair.

“Oh wow! You look hot!” she said.

Gackt laughed looking down.

“Who are they for this time?” she asked curiously.

“Anita,” he sighed, “Valery?” he asked.

“Sir?” She always called him sir even though they both knew very well that she knew his name. He had told her a few times what his name was and told her several times that he would prefer she call him Gackt whether than sir. It seemed she were too used to her customers coming and going though she knew Gackt would always be coming back.

“What kind of flowers are romantic?” he asked.

“I think almost all of them are,” she laughed.

“Well,” Gackt looked at all of them with a puzzled expression, “Do vertain flowers say certain things?” he asked.

“Of course,” she said cheerfully, “What are you looking to tell her?” she questioned.

“Well, I need to have a very romantic night with he tonight,” he told her.

Valery knew right away what exactly he meant, “Oh, well you should get red roses then,” she claimed.

“Red roses,” he repeated.

“Red roses are seductively a classy romantic message, if you give the right amount,” she warned, “A single rose says ‘go to bed with me right now!’ A dozen roses shows years and years of love for a very special occasion or means the man is trying too hard. Six roses in right in the middle. It’s perfect.” she said.

“That sounds tremendously reasonable,” he said.

“Would you like me to wrap them up for you?” She asked.

“Yes please,” he said.

Valery’s flower stand was without question the best place to buy flowers. She knew everything about flowers and women. She didn’t try to get people to buy as many as she could make them. She wouldn’t squeeze men dry like the flower markets did. Her flowers were always perfect. She grew them beautifully. He paid her and say down at a table four feet away that belonged to the 4th Avenue Café. He set the flowers wrapped in clear plastic on the small table carefully. As he waited for a waitress to come by and take his order, he watched Valery sell her pulchritudinous flowers. She sold a man yellow lilies and another man cloud gardenias.

“Hello sir,” a middle aged red head with equally red long fingernails said, “The usual?” she asked adorably.

“Yes please,” he said smiling.

His ‘usual’ was called a ‘vanilla mocha day’. It was very light coffee with vanilla froth on top with strawberry syrup in the bottom. Gackt would go out every Saturday and stop there to get a vanilla mocha day after going to a bookstore to buy a book. After he read that book he would give it away to someone he thought would like it. He hadn’t been doing that much lately. Maybe he would make that a special activity with You. He grinned at that thought. He loved to have individual activities to do with different people. Anita was his dining partner. He would never let anyone else cook for him besides her. Yoshiki was his road trip buddy. He always drove with him everywhere they could think of. Hw would never let anyone else cut him. The red haired waitress returned with his drink. Every time he came to the 4th Avenue Café, that same red haired waitress would wait on him. She knew what he liked and what he would like. She was so kind. He knew she were paid on her tips. He always gave her a $50 tip. He figured he had enough money to share.

“Here you go, cutie,” she said slipping a napkin on his lap as well as his drink on the little table.

He smiled and gave her the tip. She put her heart into his drink even though she was a busy woman, being one of three waitresses at a café that was always busy. Sometimes he gave her $150 to share with the other waitresses. They were all more than kind.

Gackt dazed into the sky. He thought about Anita and he was nervous. He would not back down, not today. Today it was happening and he really felt it. His new look would please Anita, he was sure of it. With this thought and burst of inspiration, he got up after finished his drink. He moved swiftly.

“Gackt,” someone had said from behind him. He looked around and didn’t see anyone he knew, “Come here,” a middle aged man with grey hair asked.

Gackt walked over, “Have we met, sir?” he asked.

“No, but I know of your situation,” he began as he took out what looked like a red pear, “Give this to her,” he said handing it to Gackt.

“What’s this?” Gackt asked taking the pear.

“It’s a pink pear,” he said as if Gackt should already know, “You know about them don’t you?”

Gackt shook his head like a child, “What about them?” he asked curiously.

“Pink pears are to ensure that the baby is safe and healthy in the belly of the woman. You split it equally and eat it while making love and you two will conceive in no time at all,” he said.

“How do you know about Anita?” he wondered almost angrily.

“For future reference about Bill,” the man leaned forward and whispered, “He’s quite the gossiper,” he said. “He told many people about your little dilemma,” he said.

Gackt sighed and hoped it wasn’t so captivating that it would chain react to Anita.

“Give thought to that pear and if you need more than see Vyvian, right in that house there,” he said pointing to a nice white house, “She grows them all the time.”

“Thank you,” Gackt said putting the pear in his pocket and taking off.

“Hey!” the man yelled.

Gackt looked back.

“Don’t forget your flowers!” he said grabbing them and placing them in Gackt’s hand.

“That explains the empty feeling I suppose,” Gackt grinned.

“Go! Now!” the man urged.

“Thank you again,” he said giving the man a hug, “And tell Bill that I’m disappointed,” Gackt said before running off.

“Will do!” the man yelled back.

Gackt ran as quickly as he could into Anita’s arms. It seemed he had been running for an eternity. When his home was in read of sight, he caught his breath and slowly walked to the front door. He cleared his throat and felt his pocket to make sure he still had the pear. He put the flowers behind his back and coughed one more time before entering. He opened the door gently after taking one big deep breath. Anita was there, on the couch reading one of Light’s books.

“Oh, hi baby! It seems I haven’t seen you in ye . . .” she looked straight to his hair, “You look so handsome,” she said.

He presented the six roses to her from behind his back. She smiled and he saw her eyes glitter.

“You’re so sweet!” she said pinching his chin and taking them into the kitchen to put them in a case. Gackt leaned over the counter and kissed her passionately. For that kiss, Gackt felt free and he couldn’t feel his heart beating at all. He quickly kissed her again as she put her arms around him. They shared many kisses on the way to his bedroom. They fell upon his queen size bed. They began to take off each other’s clothes.

“What’s that?” she said reaching into his pocket and pulling out the pear, “I didn’t know you believed in this superstition,” she said taking a bite of the pear.

“A man introduced me,” he said kissing her neck roughly and also sliding off her dress along with everything else.

“Bite,” she said holding the pear up.

Gackt took a large bite while she stripped him bare. They began to make love. Her light sighs and heavy moans were enough to give him the first erection he had experienced since puberty. He kept trying his best and even more after that. Then more, then more, then more. The only things that mattered were that he could please her. That they could conceive. That they both were happy. Their love lasted into the later hours. Anita tried for Gackt just as he had tried for her. She smiled and giggled plenty of the time. When she did, Gackt knew he was on the right track. Gackt’s knowledge on this subject was cloudy but he used what he knew and only for Anita. They rested at 11:00.

He laid his head upon Anita’s chest, breathing heavily with his body stuck to her, “Did I do good?” he was worried of the answer. Anita never lied bust she had a certain way of twisting her words to making negative things sound and feel positive. Sometimes she hid her answer with another question or another thought.

“You were wonderful,” she said kissing Gackt’s blond and sweaty hair, “What about me?” she asked.

Gackt laughed and panted at the same time, “I like making love,” he said, “I really like it Anita,” he said.

“You’re a man, of course you like it,” she laughed.

“Is it always like this?” he asked her.

“Almost never. I think we did more than just make love. I think we connected. I think maybe we bonded a certain way,” she said, “Or else those pears really do work,” she laughed heartily.


“Yes, baby?”

“Do you really want to have my children?” he asked her terrified.

“I was thinking a lot about it today and talked with Brenda about it and you know what I think?” she said.

“What?” Gackt asked looking at her.

“I think you’re the only man I could ever think about having children with. I would love to have your children Gackt,” she said giving him a beautifully long kiss.

Gackt was more than relieved, he was released. He felt so sage when Anita had held him. He feel asleep knowing they made the best effort they could. Tomorrow was another day.

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