First Name: Zackiriah
Middle Name: Tyler
Birthday: June 29th
Eyes: Frosty blue
Hair: Naturally platinum blonde, now blackish/brownish
Fav color: Black, purple, white, and RAINBOW!!
Day/Night biggrin ay- Energetic, happy, trys to be funny. Night-Kinda tired, a bit grumpy, but sexayyy ^,.,~
Fave Food: Hmm...Mozerella chesse sticks, Tacos, Ramen noodles.
Do you ever wish you had another name? Yeah.
Do you like anyone? I like everyone, no matter how retarded.
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Jayke.
Who's the loudest? Tie of little D and Jayke
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Daniel (little D)
Who's the shyest: Hayley.
Are you close to any family members? My Dad.
When you cried the most: When I couldn't figure out what I wanted.
What's the best feeling in the world: True love.
Worst Feeling: Being made fun of.
Let's walk on the: Rooftops, the wind blowing our hair as we kiss.
Let's run through: Fluffy white snow, and enjoy a frozen evening of fun.
Let's look at the: People walk by, as we sit and chat in the park.
What a nice: Car.
Where did all the: hot girls go?? =]]
Why can't you: stop these silly games and love me. smile )
Silly, little: goose.
Tell me: Why are you reading this gay bullcrap?
Ran away from home: No
Pictured your crush naked: Always, lolz.
Skipped school: Maybe >>
Broken someone's heart: Yeah.
Been in love: .. .. .. . . . .Yess... I AM! <3
Cried when someone died: My doggy...
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Yeah...
Done something embarrassing: MYSELF LOLZ Srry guise i couldnt resist
Cried in school: Yes.
Your Good Luck Charm: Shiny purple rock that Jayke gave me last year for my birthday.
Person You Hate Most: Alex ******** Eddleman.
Best Thing That Has Happened: Most likely meeting the most important people in my life. Lauren, Michelle, Hayley, Josh, Daniel, Jayke, Wolfgang. :]
Ice Cream: Vanilla
WHO Makes you laugh the most: Daniel
Has A Crush On You: Lauren Moffatt.
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Yes, Lauren Moffatt. <3
Fallen for your best friend?: Once.
Made out with JUST a friend?: Guilty....
Kissed two people in the same day?: Um, no...
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: Three. Josh and Jayke and Daniel. ALL AT THE SAME TIME OH YEAHHHH
Been rejected: Yeah
Been in love?: Yes
Been used?: Yes.
Done something you regret?: Yes.
Cheated on someone?: Um, yes......But it was once. Never again.
Been called a tease: I AJM teaste. Uhntiss Uhntiss baby ^,.,~
You touched?: Daniel
You talked to on the phone?: My mom
You hugged?: Lauren
You instant messaged?: Cassie
You kissed?: Lauren (cheek)
You yelled at?: Myself
Who text messaged you?: Cassie
Who broke your heart?: There's a long list.
Who told you they loved you?: Lauren effin Moffatt, the most amazing girl everrr. <3333 ^,.,^
![]() Captain Zetos Inslayth Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
First Name: Lauren
Middle Name: Nicole
Birthday: March 14, Pi Day!
Eyes: Brown with a little Hazel
Hair: Mud brown naturally, I have a little red-blonde in the bangs right now
Fav color: Purple
Day/Night biggrin ay- Happy, Energetic, over-enthusiastic Night-Grumpy, Tired, lazy, stick-in-the-mud.
Fave Food: Ice Cream and/or Enchiladas!
Do you ever wish you had another name? Yeah...
Do you like anyone? Zetos <3333 and all my friends!
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Hayley
Who's the loudest? Mmmm..... Takeo
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Hayley
Who's the shyest:......All of my friends are pretty outgoing, but I'd have to go with Buritanii13.
Are you close to any family members? A few
When you cried the most: When my heartbreak got to me
What's the best feeling in the world: Happiness, truly!
Worst Feeling: Anger leads to guilt
Let's walk on the: Cliff, looking down at a river
Let's run through: the snow, laughing
Let's look at the: kittens playing happily
What a nice: Day
Where did all the: people go
Why can't you: smile more?
Silly, little: pidgeon
Tell me: wtf are you doing??
Ran away from home: No
Pictured your crush naked: Wtf?? No!
Skipped school: No, unless you count dentist and doctor appointments.
Broken someone's heart: No.
Been in love: Yes (Zetos)
Cried when someone died: Every time
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Yep.
Done something embarrassing: Always
Done a drug: No
Cried in school: Quite a bit
Your Good Luck Charm: My gloves and bell
Person You Hate Most: ..........Yeah, Jess....
Best Thing That Has Happened: Zetos! <3333 , Hayley, Ichigo, Takeo, all my friends!
Ice Cream: Mint chip!
WHO Makes you laugh the most: Zetos/Hayley
Has A Crush On You: Zetos, I hope
Do You Have A Crush On Someone:Zetos!!
Fallen for your best friend?: No
Made out with JUST a friend?: No
Kissed two people in the same day?: Nope
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: O.o
Been rejected: Yes.
Been in love?:Right now <3
Been used?: Yeah...
Done something you regret?: I'm trying to make up for it...
Cheated on someone?: Nope, never will
Been called a tease:lol, no.
You touched?: Hayley
You talked to on the phone?: Hayley
You hugged?: Hayley
You instant messaged?: Zetos
You kissed?: Zetos ^//^
You yelled at?: Mom.
Who text messaged you?: No one
Who broke your heart?: Many many people.
Who told you they loved you?: Zetos, ftw!