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<strong>U aint seen nutting yet</strong><br /><br />What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping<br />Do you talk in your sleep: Yes<br />When was the last time you cried: Thursday night, over a book<br />Do you eat your spagetti on a plate or in a bowl: Both.<br />What was the last thing you ate: McDonalds<br />Have you cuddled on the floor in front of a fireplace: I don't know...<br />Have you ever been snorkeling: Nope.<br />What is your idea of the perfect meal: One with the family, instead of just you<br />What was the last movie you seen: Twilight<br />Do you sing along with the radio in your car/truck: Yeah.<br />Have you ever preformed first aid on anyone: No.<br />What size shoe do you wear: 10<br />Do you wear socks even if there are holes in them: Yep.<br />Ever got lost in a strange town while traveling: Mhm.<br />Whats your ring tone on your cell phone: I don't have a cell.<br />Have you ever said the phrase 'Lets git er dun': Yeah, but I was kidding.<br />Do you have cable or sattelite: Sattelite<br />What is the last CD you listened to: Twilight soundtrack<br />Ever been to a rodeo: No<br />Ever ridden a horse: Yes<br />Or a bull: No.<br />Do you floss AND brush every day: I brush. I don't have floss<br />Do you belong to a gym: ...No?<br />If you could choose any country to visit, where would you go: Hm....London, Paris, or Spain<br />If you could go back in time to any era, which one would you choose: The Renaissance or Eygptian times<br />Would you rather be the US persident, a rock star, or a movie star: biggrin ROCKSTAR BABE!<br />Do you feel loved by somebosy: Yes.<br />When was the last time you had a nap: Today.<br />What brand of shampoo do you use most: Suave<br />Do you own a plasma TV: Nope.<br />What brands of cold cereal do you prefer: Smacks, Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes<br />How many hours of sleep did you get last night: Hm....er, 10 hrs. (12 am to 10 am)<br />How often do you talk with your parents: I talk to my MOM everyday.<br />What was the make of your first vehicle: ....I never had my own car, because I don't even have my lisensce <br />Have ya ever fished in the ocean: Nope.<br />Whats the last appliance you bought: Hm....can't remember<br />Do you wait for more than one light bulb to go out before changing them: I don't change them, so I don't care.<br />What brand is your cell phone: If I had one, it'd be the ones with the mini-key-boards. biggrin <br />Do you have a fax machine in your home: Yep.<br />Do you live in an apartment or a house: House.<br />What are your phobias: Drowning, snakes, heights<br />Have you ever been to a psychiatrist: Sadly. V.V"<br />What is your favorite decoration thats in your home: The CHRISTMAS TREE!<br />Do you consider your wardrobe to be stylish: HAH, no. <br />How mant pairs of shoes do you own right now: Um...like 5<br />Is the furniture in your home more about style, comfort, or price: To me, comfort<br />What did you pay for your last haircut: My mom cut it. She used to do hair. biggrin lucky me<br />What is something you never remember to get when you shop: Hm.....Not sure.<br />How many email accounts do you have: At least more than 10.<br />How many computers are in your home: 3, but mine isn't working. T-T<br />Do you prefer to eat dinner at the table or on the couch: Couch, but I eat at the table.<br />Whats you favorite food that your mom makes: Anchelatas (sp)<br />Where was the last place you drove to: School<br />How many times a month do you eat fastfood: Like once, if even that. RARLEY<br />When was the last time you had pizza delivered: Year ago, I think.<br />What kind of pizza was it: Pepporoni<br />Whats your favorite snack to eat when watching movies: Water<br />Have you ever had a surgery? What was it for?: My thumb...which isn't really surgery<br />Have you ever changed your belief just to appease smeone: No.<br />1rst thing you would buy if you won 1 million dollars: A car.<br />What was the last fun thing you did: Went to see a movie<br />Do you wear (or need to wear) glasses: Yes. But I prefer contacts<br />Whats something you currently keep putting off: My homework.<br />Whats the worst date you ever went on: Never been on one. :/ <br />Whats the best date you ever been on: ....Like I said -points up-<br />Has anyone ever won you a teddy bear at a carnival: Probably when I was little.<br />Have you ever sang karaoke: When I was little.<br />Whats the name of your pet (or pets): Not naming them all.<br />Do you believe in ghosts: No.<br />Do you believe in psychic ability: Yep.<br />Do you believe in UFO's: Nope.<br />Have you ever been on a cruise: I wish.<br />What was the last alcoholic beverage you had: Apple Juice.<br />Have you ever been diagnosed with depression: No, but there was a time that I might have been<br />Are you generally a 'glass is half empty' or a 'glass is half full' person: Half full person<br />Have ya ever had an ingrown toenail: Nope.<br />Do you snore: Probably.<br />What was the last restaraunt you ate at: Don't know.<br />How much money did you spend the last time you went grocery shopping: Don't know.<br />Do you prefer to shop online or at the store: At the store.<br />Do you purchase the extended warranties on your electronic purchases: ....?<br />When was the last time you pulled over by the police: Hm..."I" was never pulled over<br />Ever had a speeding ticket: My dad has. <br />Who was your last voicemail from: Hm....don't know.<br />Whats one of the hardest things you have faced: High School.<br />Do you have deep secrets that nobody knows about: Yep.<br />What was the last food that you craved: Water.<br />What brand of soda pop do you prefer: Dr.Pepper<br />What is your favorite flavor ice cream: Cookie doe.<br />Whats the longest you have went w/out sleep: Hm......Well, that would probably be about 20 hours<br />Whats the 1rst thing you notice when 1rst meeting people: Their smile, eyes, or voice<br />How many credit cards do you have: None.<br />Who was your last person to visit you at home: Neighbor<br />Whats the last thing you were angry about: Friends fighting<br />Do you own a gun: My step dad does.<br /><strong>Whats you favorite (or favorites):</strong><br />Brand of jeans: Jeans<br />Singer or Band: Linkin Park is one of them.<br />Movie: V for Vendetta and Twilight<br />Fast food restaraunt: Chik-Fil-A<br />Kind of cheese: Ew. Cheese.<br />Holiday: Christmas, Valentine's Day, New Years<br />Brand of computer: Apple<br />Sports: Soccer, Tennis, Swimming<br />Reality show: ANTM<br />Slang word or phrase: Go to hell<br />Season: Winter<br />Magazine: People/Star<br />Aunthors: I don't read enough books to have a favorite<br />Books: Twilight series, HP series, Jane Eyre, Pride &Prejudice<br />Subject in school: Math<br />Way to relieve stress: Bath<br />Breed of dogs: German Shepard<br />Pet store: Pet store<br />Grocery store: Winn Dixie<br />Brand of pain reliever: Tylenol; I wouldn't get through school without it<br />Brand of toothpaste: Crest<br />Type of fish (to eat): Trout?<br />Way to prepare chicken: Cook it.<br />Numbers: 17, 18, 21, 100, 3, 2<br /><strong>A few more lil tid bits about me</strong><br />Do you have any hobbies? If yes, what?: Yes, drawing, writing, cooking, sleeping<br />Are you allergic to anything? If yes, What?: Yes, shellfish<br />What are wearing right now: a tank top, and jeans<br />Do you like to read in bed: Yes.<br />What do you put on your hot-dogs: Ketchup<br />When was your last visit to your Doctor: Mmmm...can't remember<br />When was your last Dentist visit: Mmmm...can't remember that either.<br />Do you consider yourself a good cook: Yes.<br />Whats the 1 food that you make the best: Hm...don't know.<br />Do you prefer charcoal or propane for your BBQer: ...?<br />Whats the worst injury you have sustained: Probably when I was having a seizure, LONG STORY there.<br />What kind of homeade cookie do you like best: CHOCOLATE CHIP!<br />How much relaxing 'you' do you get in an average day: Like NONE<br />Name one quirky thing about you: I never stop talking<br />What do you think is your best quality: My sense of humor<br />What is your worst quality: My never-ending-talking<br />Are you an impulsive person: ...I don't know<br />Do you vote: Nope.<br />Are you in favor of or against the death penalty: against...it's cruel.<br />Do you trust and respect the police: No.<br />Did you know that Abe Lincoln had wooden dentures: Cool.<br />What is your favorite cartoon character: Jerry<br />Ever been to an opera before: No.<br />Have you ever spent $300 or more on any one piece of clothing: Nope.<br />Whats one thing you usually splurge on: ....<br />What is your #1 weakness: I'm ticklelish<br />Do you consider yourself to be a happy person in general: Yeah.<br />Do you know how to square dance: No.<br />Whats one decision you wish you had made different: Hm...there's too many.<br />Name one thing you never leave home without: A jacket.<br />What is something you have always wanted to do but havent done: Hm....<br />Do you have outdated food in your fridge right now: Not likely.<br />Pick one word that you think best describes you: Different.<br />One thing that happened within your life span that you will never forget: When my mom and me and sister lived in a trailer together <br />What was your favorite childhood game: Hide N' Seek<br />Whats the meanest thing anybody has ever said to you: I wish you were never born.<br />Whats the biggest compliment you ever recieved: That I'm beautiful<br />Do you love thunder storms: Yep.<br />List everything thats on your bedside nightstand now: Books<br />Whats your favorite kind of jam: Grape<br />Whats the best halloween costume u ever had: Grim Reaper<br /><strong>This, That , or the Other</strong><br />hunting, fishing, or neither: Fishing<br />dancing, singing, or neither: Singing<br />Chinese food, Italian food, or Other: Chinese<br />Baseball, Football, Basketball, or Other: Baseball<br />Chicken, Pork, Beef, Fish, or Otherr: Fish<br />Baths, Showers or Other: Baths<br />Bar soap, Liquid soap, or Other: Liquid soap<br />Hamburgers, Hot dogs, or Other: hamburgers<br />Macaroni salad, Potato salad, or Other: potato salad<br />Ford, Chevy, Dodge, or Other: Ford<br />Flannel sheets, Cotton sheets, Satin sheets, or Other: Cotton<br />Comedy, Drama, Horror, Action, or Other: Comedy, Romance<br />Over easy, Scrambled, Omllettes, Poached, or Other: Over easy<br /><strong>Just a few more tid-bits</strong><br />What are your favorite herbs and spices: ....<br />How many times in a month you eat frozen dinners: Not sure.<br />What color are your eyes: They chance, but mostly a greenish color<br />Do you have any tattoos: No.<br />have you ever streaked naked on a dare: No. and I wouldn't even if I was.<br />Are you accident prone: Kind of.<br />What is one political issue that you feel the strongest about: I don't like our new president.<br />What is your opinion or belief about it: Don't like him.<br />When was your last hug: My mommy.<br />When was your last kiss: On the lips, was about 6 years ago.<br />Whats you favorite disney movies: Anastasia, Quest for Camelot (which isn't disney)<br />Are you in a relationship right now: Yeah.<br /><br /><a href="http://www.bzoink.com/S141445/U_aint_seen_nutting_yet.html" title="U aint seen nutting yet">Fill out this survey yourself</a><br /><a href="http://www.bzoink.com/surveys" title="Bzoink Surveys">Find a different survey</a><br />Brought to you by <a href="http://www.bzoink.com" title="Bzoink">Bzoink</a>

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