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Journal of one.
Whatever I feel like having in here.
Chapter one

In France, a small town called Limoges, He was just a simple country boy, named Spencer, and he had brown-green eyes, dark brown hair that looked black if there wasn’t enough light, and used to be very sensitive. Until that day came, he woke up and got dressed and ate his eggs. He went out to feed the chickens and plow the field, it was his 16th birthday. The chickens fed, and the field plowed, he milked the cows and then went to the house of his love. Elizabeth was beautiful, she had short brown hair, and deep beautiful brown eyes, she was about five foot three, with a face that was beautiful enough to rival the heavens, and each and every angel in it. The mere thought of spending the entire day with her as a present from his mother was enough to send tingles through him and warm his gut. He loved her, and the perfect day was just about to start, an entire day with her. He got to her house, and knocked, when she answered not knowing that he would surprise her by telling her the news that his mother had let him go to her house to spend an entire day with her.

When he did she hugged him, and in her embrace he held her as close as he possibly could. They went back inside, and when she was changed out of her pajamas into her day clothing, went into the nearby forest. As they were there they found a log, and sat there and talked, they talked about their future together, about what they would do for a living, and how much they would travel to where. They spoke of how many children they would have, he said it was up to her and she said two, she wanted twins, a boy and a girl. He blushed at talking of having children, because he knew how they would get those children, and he had thought nothing better than the thought of spending the rest of his life bound to her, with their own children to raise. Then a Maghen soldier came, their army commander, he had blonde hair cropped back in a long tale that reached the middle of his back, off of his horse he would stand about 6 feet tall, he had grey eyes, and he was dressed in golden chain mail with thick leather armor underneath it, he had two daggers on his thigh sides, and a long sword on his waist. He took Elizabeth, and knocked out Spencer when he tried to take her back from him.

When he woke several hours later the screams were less but still there. He began walking back to the town, but when he heard Elizabeth scream, he ran as fast as his legs could carry him, and he was always fast. So he was back in the town in almost no time. He found him, their commander, he was over her now dead body… and he was pulling up his lower armor. He had raped her, then killed her. He charged at him screaming, rage flowing into him completely. He simply brought his fist level with Spencer’s gut and hit him full force. He fell, and why he didn’t decide to kill him Spencer didn’t understand, but he wished he had.

When they all left, one was left behind, dead. He looked over at the body of Elizabeth, knowing what he had done to her before he killed her enraged him even more. He saw the necklace that he had given her not the week before in her hand, he took it, and put it on. His heart went cold, and he picked up the dead soldiers sword, “I will avenge you Elizabeth. I swear it!”, he said the words letting his full emotion take over, and then as he tested the sword on a tree, the gem was in the hilt, no bigger than a quarter, but silver streaming like a twister in the center, green at the bottom of the twister shape, and it looked like the twister had fire in it, and an ocean lay behind the twister. He picked it up, and it sank into his hand, and he saw the lump move up his arm, and to his heart. He screamed in agony, his heart felt like it was going to blow up.

The next thing he knew he was running through the burning forest towards the kingdom of the Maghen. Wind moving rapidly around him, the fire burning every obstacle, and the earth denting where he stepped, the puddles of water moved to the sides when he stepped in them, nothing touched him but the wind, and he was running faster than the fire could spread. He never stopped, for three days and two nights he ran, and then he was at the Maghen kingdom entrance, the two guards recognizing the clothing he wore as their opponents tried to stop him, but the metal on their spears and swords melted, the armor they wore did too, and it cooled and stuck to their skin, as though it had been welded on to them. They couldn’t move, and with one swift strike of the sword from the dead soldier, they were no more. He never even stopped running through any of it. He burst through the gates, and the guards on the inside met the same fate. He stormed into the castle, and found the Maghen army commander, next to their king who was in his rightful seat. HE stopped and pointed the blade at the commander, “You! You destroyed my town! You raped and killed my love! Now I will take all from you, as you have from me!”, he screamed the words, the commander laughed at him, and stepped in front of the king.

”This boy is the survivor I told you of, he is not worth time that we should spend planning on the next part of the enemy’s kingdom.”, he said the words and no sooner had his son walked in the door.

“Father, Mother wishes to meet with you.”

“She knows where I stand.”, his wife came in the door a few hours later, they forgot he was even there. ‘Perfect’ he thought to himself. He charged silently and killed his wife and son. No sooner had he done that had the commander’s daughter, and brother and his family as well, walked in to congratulate him on his victory. Spencer took three swift steps and they were dead, all of them without heads now, and laying on the ground, blood flowing from their necks. Spencer looked at the commander.

“Now you will know my pain, and you shall live the rest of your life alone. What you have done to me is unforgivable, you killed my family, all of my friends, my instructor, and my love, all of the women in the village you and your men raped and then killed, and now, I leave you to know my pain, for your kingdom shall lie in ruins before the day is done.”, as soon as he said the words the commander charged, Spencer mimicked what the commander had done to him, and gave him one swift blow on the back of his head, knocking him out cold.

He turned to the king of the Maghen, and pointed at him as he said the words, “You, ordered the attack on my village, you are the one responsible for my dead love, for my dead family, friends, even my instructor has died, and their blood, lies on your hands.”, he took the commanders weapon from his sheath, and threw the sword at the king, landing it right in his heart. He turned and walked out of the door, knowing what he could do, he took a torch, and set fire to a house, then using what he had come to know were his new power’s, he led the fire to touching house after house, and then person after person. The castle was the last thing he burned, but he made sure to place the commander in the ruins of an already burned down building before he burned the castle down. He gave the commander the fate that he had given to him. A life in a hell called loneliness.

His goal complete, he opened a tree, and stepped in, he closed it up behind him. As the tree grew, he moved up, and into a branch, eventually, into a single seed. From there he was inside of that tree, and one of its seed’s, and so on, and one seed, the seed that he was in, was taken on the foot of someone who was there visiting, a tourist, and he found himself planted from the bottom of his shoe into a new soil, grass, and it was, by the feel of it, polluted, but as the tree grew so did he, until he reached his size again. He opened it, and stepped into a new world.

Chapter two

He stepped out of the tree that was just big enough to still look like a 16 year old… but there was one problem… he was naked. He observed the nearby clothing styles of this new land, and with how many tree’s he had been through he guessed I was in the 21st century by now. The kids about how old he looked, wore shoes, with a rubber bottom, they wore odd clothing, blue jeans, tight, loose, some even so loose that the back of their undergarments were showing. He guessed that was the style, although it didn’t fit him when he went into a clothing shop and tried it. He found one outfit that fit me that he recognized, a black tuxedo. he gave the shop watcher 20 gold coins, as that was the currency of his own time.

“Kid, you know you could buy the shop with these right?”, he looked at Spencer like he was trying to rip him off.

“Yes, but I believe that you need the money and the shop, as a man does need to work.”, he replied, trying to sound like he already knew and that he was from this time.

“True a man does need work.”, he said scratching his beard, he was about five foot seven, a smallish man, he guessed in his mid twenties. He had a beer gut, and was wearing what Spencer found later was called spandex, it just made the man look worse, it outlined all of what was wrong in his body, Spencer nearly puked by the emphasis on all of it. He left the shop, observing how children spoke in this time. He heard things like “Yo’ dog.”, and “How’s it hanging bro’?”. The language he also heard was vile, he heard children no older than ten cursing, and swearing.

Then he saw a park, the children played war games and played with matches and fake guns. Why were they so wanting of war? Did they not realize that it could take away everything they love, and everything they have?, and those children playing with fire, do they not realize they could kill themselves? When the small sticks brought fire to their tips they were about to set it onto a bush, knowing very well what he could do he took the fire from the match and guided it to his hand, and blew it out.

Then there was a device, it was a miniature fountain, but they didn’t look at it, they drank from it, and it only spouted water when a small button was pushed. He saw a little girl, about four or five years old, with blonde ponytails and in a little pink dress. She was kicking as a man dressed in only black tossed her over his shoulder and ran into the forest near the park, suddenly the memory of Elizabeth being taken flashed before his eyes, and he was after the man instantly, before a woman could finish asking for help.

He had run past her so fast her hat blew off of her head and about ten feet away from her. He was right behind the man in moments, he grabbed a rock, and threw it as hard as he could, using the wind to guide it, the rock hit him in the back of his head, he dropped the little girl and Spencer caught her before she hit the ground. He looked down at the man, he was bleeding out of the back of his head, and most likely Spencer had killed him. He ran back with the little girls hand in his, and handed her to the woman who asked for help retrieving her, the woman stood about five foot seven, she had blonde hair like her daughter, and blue eyes, she was in a blue shirt, and blue jeans.

“Thank you young man. Would you please tell me your name so I know who saved my daughter?”

“My name is Spencer ma’am.”, he said respectfully, and he bowed as his father had told him to always do when he introduced myself. As he walked away he heard the little girl.

“Thank you mister!”, he chuckled to himself as he walked around more. A robber ran past, He could tell because he had a mask on in broad daylight, and he was holding a big bag, and the bank owner yelling thief helped too. As he had done before he ran up behind him, and noticed he was stepping into a puddle, he asked the water to freeze as fast as it could, and it said it would do so, and the moment his foot stepped in and was coated in water, it froze into a thick immovable block of ice.

He walked away and let the bank owner handle it, but Spencer heard him ponder out loud as he walked away how the water froze so fast, and in the middle of summer. He walked around until he found a place to sleep for the night, it was an abandoned apartment but it would do. He went in and found dead bodies under the covers. This place wasn’t abandoned, the door had been left open and the family inside murdered. He walked out, and let someone else find them, he had no idea who the authorities were in this place.

He wanted to find a place to stay but at nighttime all he could do was sleep on a street corner. But he woke up with a woman, a man, and two small children standing over him, by the looks of it, the children were brother and sister… but he had to leave fast, because it hurt to see them, they were obviously twins. His past that had haunted him for so very long, was showing him itself, and showing him now, what could have been if he had been able to save Elizabeth that day, because the man and woman, looked like they did, only older.

He wandered the streets again that day, helping people in any way possible, but he had no idea, that his longest journey and adventure would soon begin.

Chapter three

He finished helping a few more people with thieves, kidnappers, and other various small criminals, he had become a local hero, but the people also hated him, because he never let the people he had to catch live. Unless the victim got there first the criminal would always die fast. He awoke the next day, and saw a man that looked exactly like the Maghen commander, but without the armor, immediately out of rage he killed the man. The news that day was full of stories how he had gone mad, “Spencer killed an innocent guy? The kid was good, but I always knew there was somthin’ wrong with im in the head when he ran that fast. No normal kid could ever do that y’know?”, the man spoke with a Brooklyn accent. There were several other reports about him, and a few suggested that it wasn’t really Spencer, others suggested that he had done it because the man really was guilty. But the police couldn’t find Spencer no matter where they looked.

He was gone. He had to flee the city, he ran into the airport so fast that the papers blew over, and one woman’s luggage flew out of the x-ray machine. He ducked under everything he could to stay hidden, and he ran onto an airplane. Everyone knew him, so he hid in the luggage compartment in the back. He felt the plane land about what he estimated to be four or five days later. He ran off of the slope in the back of the plane that the luggage was sent down on, and asked a nearby person where he was. “You’re in Limoges, in France.”, ‘So I’m back where it all started with that damned Maghen.’, he thought to himself.

He looked around, and then he saw it, the statue that once was the center of the village, now it was just on the outskirts of it. He even found, stuck in the tree it was left in, his fathers sword, a golden blade that was made so well, that it was hard as re-enforced steel. The hilt made of bone, and the small rat skull on the end of the hilt. Along with the sheath made of cow bones, right beside it. The blade was hidden in the forest, he was surprised no one had found it. He took the blade by the hilt, and pulled it out of the tree. The blade was called Renate, meaning Reborn. The sword was his grandfathers, and when it broke, his father re-forged it, and now it was Spencer’s.

He took it in both hands, and chopped a tree in half, then to see if it’s durability was how his father described he swung the blade at the heaviest and thickest stone he could find, and the stone broke in half, as though he were cutting warm butter, smooth, and a perfect downward blow, just as his father taught him. He took it, placed it in its sheath, strapped it to his back, and continued down the road. To the log that he and Elizabeth sat that on that day.

He regretted so much from that day, he regretted not taking her deeper into the forest like he felt he should have. He regretted not knowing exactly how to help her, and he lied down on the log, and cried. He wept for hours, and when he was done, he saw something, he was surprised that her ring, the other gift he gave to her, it was silver with a pearl in the middle, her birthstone, and in it the words “I love you” were engraved. It was in a crack in the log. He reached in with his index finger and thumb, and grabbed it, he put it on his left ring finger.

He swore that he would avenge her, and he had, but in all this, something seemed wrong. He found his father’s sword, and it worked like his father told him it would, he had her ring… what was missing? ‘The pendant!’ he thought, he felt his chest. The pendant was gone. He couldn’t believe that after months, he hadn’t noticed until now that it was gone. He sadly and slowly walked into town, he found Elizabeth’s grave, and knelt there, staring at it, wanting to join her in the land of the dead. He knew he still had to do something, ‘but what?’, he wondered, then he heard cries of fear in the distance.

One man came running past yelling, “Dragon!”, and Spencer jumped to his feet when he heard the loud roar in the distance. Then he saw the fire that shown in the sky, and then it appeared, flying above the tree’s only about twelve acres from him. A giant black dragon, with red webbing on it’s wings to let it fly, each and every scale shined a different shade of black as the dragon flew at different angles, as it got closer he saw it easier, it had green eyes, with slit pupils, and it’s teeth were coated in dripping red blood, and its eyes furious with bloodlust, and it had two horns on its head, on right between its eyes, and the other at the top of its head.

He ran towards it, and lunged himself two hundred feet in the air, landing on the dragon’s back. He took Renate, and he sliced off one of the horns on it’s head. The dragon roared in anger, and spun like a pinwheel in the air, to hold on to it he stabbed Renate into the base of its back. Making it unable to move. When it crashed to the ground he took Renate out of it’s back, and walked up to the dragon’s head. He then with one swift blow, sliced clean through the skull and brain of the gargantuan beast. The dragon now dead, he simply went back to Elizabeth’s grave, and wept for her.

Chapter five

He went to his old house, which he was shocked to find still standing, and with his family’s setting still in it even. He Slept that night, in his own bed. The next morning, he awoke, and when he went out into the town and bought some bread for food. He set out, he went east. He didn’t get too far when an Ogre jumped down from a tree into his path, it had pale blue skin, a nose that somewhat resembled a potato, three toes on each foot, four fingers on each hand, he held a club, teeth that jagged out in every direction, green eyes, black hair that was cropped back even though it was just a line in the center of its scalp, and thick eyebrows that almost connected just between its eyes. “Who goes there?”, it asked, in a low grumbling voice.

“I am Spencer of Limoges, and you?”, Spencer asked the question unafraid of the ogre that jumped in his path.

“I am the great and forgotten Ogre, Lynch.”, he spoke in a voce tat would cause most men to run away screaming.

“Not so great if those who feared you forgot you, eh?”, Spencer retorted back.

“Insolent boy!”, Lynch swung his club at Spencer’s head. Spencer blocked it, and rolled the ogres sword to the side, when the ogre heaved the club sideways, Spencer jumped on top of it and kicked Lynch square in the nose, causing him to fall backwards and breaking his nose. Spencer jumped so as to not fall on the ogre. When Lynch stood up and charged at Spencer, he simply moved to the ogre’s side, and watched as he hit a tree. Then, knowing that he didn’t have the time for this, he took Renate from its sheath, and cut the ogres head off.

He continued going east, and as he did he became extremely tired, and ran into a titan, he had tan skin, green eyes, no hair, and otherwise resembled a very tall human man from times before when people wore only hide, looked down at Spencer and said, “You, Human boy, you look tired, and hungry. Would you like some of my food, and a place to sleep for the night?”

“Yes please.”, as he said the two words Spencer bowed, remembering his manners that his father had spent so long cramming into his head.
“Then follow me, I shall show you to my home.”, the titan walked off, traveling a full mile each step, so to keep up, Spencer grabbed the titans ankle and rode on it until the titan said, “We stop here.”

Spencer looked around, all he saw was tree’s and rocks, and in front of them a huge cliff, “I don’t see any house.”, he said in his confusion.

“It is here human.”, the titan picked him up, and ate him. Spencer didn’t even scream. He took Renate, and cut open the titans throat on his way down it, he jumped out of it, and used the titan’s cloth shirt to dry himself off. Then he continued east, and found a tree bearing fruit, apples to be exact, his favorite fruit. He picked one, and when he ate it, he grew very tired, and fell into a deep sleep.

He awoke several hours later in a giant cooking pot. As he observed his surroundings, he saw that there was a giant on the other side of the room, obviously waiting for his dinner to cook, it had huge purple eyes, it was bald with the exception of a ponytail from the middle of its scalp, and it had three fingers on each hand, and wore only a loincloth. Spencer figured he was supposed to be the dinner, but he jumped out at the giant, who picked up his enormous club, and struck Spencer on the head. Spencer fell to the ground, bleeding out of the back of his skull.

‘This can’t be over, not like this.’, Spencer thought the words, but at the same time he was bleeding too much, he had no energy to fight, the blood came out in thick spouts, bubbling with air. The giant picked him up in both hands, and began crushing him. Spencer was too low on blood and energy to even scream, only a low grunt escaped his mouth as his ribs, back, legs, and arms, all broke, by the time the giant dropped him, he was just a bloody mess that used to be Spencer.

Then Renate began to glow.
The glow spread around Spencer’s body, he was seconds from death, and he heard a voice in his head, it was his father’s voice, ‘My son, you are not meant to die, not yet, so rise, and live.’ Spencer’s bones healed, they were just as they had been before. He picked himself up, and looked at the giant, he was angry, angry with memories of his lost love and the one who took her from him. He lunged at the giant with all the force he had, and struck him in the throat.

The giant fell dead, and Spencer sheathed Renate. He then walked out the door, and smelled it, he smelled the odor of the Maghen kingdom, and the burning of wood.
He felt a pain in his chest, and he saw the gem that he had found in the hilt of the soldiers blade, crawling back out, and when it was free, he watched as it shattered into dust. He looked around, still smelling the odors.

Then he saw the town he had lived in, being burned again. He ran, and when he arrived he found the Maghen soldiers, and heard a scream from the woods. When he ran into the woods toward it, he got there to see a boy with brown messy air, about five foot four, and an average build, knocked out on the ground, and the same Maghen commander, with another girl on his shoulder, this girl had long brown hair, and green eyes, she was about five foot two.

Spencer lunged, and in mid-lunge, drew Renate. He struck the commanders horse, and the commander fell and dropped the girl. Spencer looked at her and said, “Get out of here. Take him with you.”, he turned back to the Maghen commander, “I should have killed you when I had the chance. I will not make the mistake of letting you live this time. I do not wish anyone the fate that you gave to me.”, with those words he grabbed the commander, and lifted him up, he was not going to kill a man while he was on the ground.

The commander pulled his sword, and charged at him. He stepped aside and just as the commander passed him, he thrust Renate into his side. The commander fell dead.

Chapter six

Spencer walked away from what the dead body of the commander, and killed his soldiers as well, he then got the town organized and had them put the fires out, the stench of the Maghen still stained the air in thick heavy waves of scent. He walked over to the middle of town and saw birds, circling overhead. He hadn’t yet noticed that there were no clouds and yet the moon was not showing. Nor were the stars, when he did notice, he thought that since he had run into a dragon, an ogre, a giant, and the commander in the last day, that to be safe he should usher the villagers in their homes.

After he did, he stood in the center of the town, and saw a red lightning bolt, flash, and strike the area that he had killed the commander. He heard the girl scream again, and charged as fast as he could back to the area the commander was, and the commander was pulling his lower armor up, the memory of Elizabeth flashed over his eyes, and he lost all control. He charged at the commander, and as he did so the commander turned and blocked Renate, took a dagger, and stabbed Spencer in the gut, causing him to bend over screaming. He stood up, and the commander kicked him in the chest hard enough tat his sternum cracked. Spencer charged at him, and he brought his sword into Spencer’s right arm, causing him to drop Renate, and when Spencer charged again, the commander stuck his sword into Spencer’s gut.
Spencer fell, and was nearly dead.

The commander walked away from him, as the boy who had been knocked out awoke. He saw his love, dead, just as Spencer had, he heard Spencer saying, “Come here.”, and the boy crawled over to him, Spencer pointed at his sword, “Take, Renate… and finish those damned Maghen. I know your pain boy, he did the same to me, over one thousand years ago, if I have learned anything, it is, that we do not say immediately that things are impossible, or unreal.” Spencer then died, and the boy took Renate, and swore on his dead love, and that for the dead hero, he would kill the Maghen commander.

Continued in Part three: The Journal of a Hero

Part Two:
The Diary of an Immortal Commander

December 31, 1801 A.D

This year I was promoted to Commander of the Maghen militia, due to my extraordinary skill in combat, and my immortality given to me from that dragon in exchange for letting it live, now the only thing that can kill me is removing my head, and taking my heart and burning it with my head, and then the body in a separate fire. It has been tested, each time I die, the clouds dissipate, and an extravagant bolt of red lightning without the thunder to follow strikes my body, bringing me back to life. This ability has been recorded in the history of the city, and as such I will continue to be the commander of the militia for all time until this world dies, and I will live on after that. The king has required me to place my thoughts in this journal once per year at the end of each year in order to keep track of me, however I shall treat this as a personal journal and write in it when the mood strikes me. I believe his guards check this to make sure my intentions stay as the commander’s thoughts should. Why should they not, after all I am an honorable man am I not? Surely I must be to make the rank of commander in the greatest militia in France.

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