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DarkFire Alchemist's log book.
This is the documents of my life. This is how I live, what I learn...and what I'll do to protect the ones I care for.
...log entry date: 12:11:08
“Ha…I think…I’m done.” I panted out. About a month ago I found some old Federation technology that could be used to give my bike better handling and stopping. To install it, a lot of parts had to be moved or shrunk, so it took a lot of time to get it in. I had restricted my alchemy use on this project because of the way I had gotten the Fenrir originally. It used to be just a beat up old black motorcycle my father called the Hardy Daytona. It was a gift from the Federation to him. He always told stories to my mother about how he always wanted a bike.

Ironically, he never rode it. When I was still small, I would climb onto it. One day he caught me standing on the seat and caught be as it fell to the ground. The handle bar bent and the kick stand broke in two. I noticed he never used alchemy to fix it. Only his hands and tools. On the other hand, he probably should have; the bike looked like s**t after he had given up.

The Fenrir is the Hardy Daytona with a little DFA handiwork incorporated into it. I wrecked the Hardy Daytona when I was still young and had to rebuild the whole thing. I had never used alchemy to build or fix the bike. I don’t know if it was to prove I was better than him or because I subconsciously wanted to be like him, but it made me proud of myself. I fixed it with the hands I rode it with. I managed to upgrade it with stolen technology, spare parts, and by using my automail for some of the movements and computer network inside of it. I only used alchemy once, DarkFire alchemy to be exact, to breath life back into the bike. Not literally, just to charge the battery and the computer system inside. Although the way the bike’s controls and handling work, it wouldn’t surprise me if my alchemy actually did give it some artificial life.

I pondered about taking it out for a spin. It was starting to snow, and it was my birthday, I was supposed to be real lazy. That was before the radio caught my attention. “Someone broke into the Federation today and stole prototype technology. It looks like it was Zero, only his armor is more sleek and feminine, thought we cannot see him too well through the snow.”

I shook my head. “Sweet merciful crap, why does this have to happen to me on my birthday?” Everyone wants to be Zero, Zero is so great, Zero this, Zero that-What about the DarkFire alchemist who saves everyday people from robbers and stuff.

Oh…right…Zero does that too.

I open the garage and ran out, closing it as I changed into my Ray armor and took off. I hated it when people tried to impersonate me. Even those that were alchemists. No one can have my will to fight on like I do, nor the power to stand behind it. Especially since I had my Ray armor and my combat skills that my Teacher taught me made me one of Gaia’s most formidable opponents world wide. I could take on kung fu masters and judo stars and send kendo’s elite students back home to their sensei, all of them beaten, battered, and proud they lasted a few seconds against me.

As I reached the Federation building, I caught sight of something moving through the snow. I flew over to see someone in a suit similar to mine flying around. I flew up next to them and put my face mask down. “Hey, how about we talk about this on the ground?”

“WAAAAH!!” A girlish scream!? She was a girl!? She turned and flew towards the ground. “Uh oh, I don’t think she knows how to turn off those boosters!” I thought as I hovered. I took off and grabbed her around the waist with one arm. I had to shut off those boosters, but how? Then it occurred to me.

I turned so we were flying straight up. “Keep going up. I’ll catch you when you fall.” She looked at me with a worried face, but I winked at her, hoping it would relieve her a bit. I stopped ascending and hovered. The cold atmosphere would freeze her boosters and cause a safety to shut them off. I stood there, watching for her to come back down, praying this prototype didn’t allow her to reach space. If it did, she was royally screwed, and I was going to feel horrible for sending an innocent person into space. A few moments passed by when I caught a gleam of her. I flew up and shut off my own boosters. She was falling and flailing her arms and legs wildly. I flew up next to her and caught her, flying her back to my house.

On the way she looked up to me and mumbled something. I couldn’t hear past the faceplate. She obviously hadn’t linked the suit with her mind yet. I opened the garage and dove in, the door quickly dropping behind us. I put my faceplate down.

“Alright, here’s what you have to do. There should be two buttons on the inside of the faceplate by your eyes.” She reached up and felt by her face, finding them on two plates next to her head. “Push them down simultaneously, and relax because the suit is going to connect with your mind so you can control most of it’s functions mentally.” She pushed the buttons down and her suit flashed bright blue. She hovered into the air and digital rings wrapped around her torso, arms, and head. They moved up and down, scanning her body before collecting in front of her chest and going inside her suit. She was now connected.

“Now think about that faceplate going down so I can talk to you.” Her plate went down and she took some deep breaths. “Why did you steal that armor? I know it’s similar to mine, so what’s the deal?”

“You’re…you’re Zero, aren’t you?” she panted out. Her voice was beautiful.

“I’m asking the questions here! Take that helmet off!”

As she pulled her helmet off, dark hair flowed out from it. She was a beautiful young woman, her skin shining radiantly due to her sweating. “I’m-”

“STOP!” I shouted loudly, throwing my hand to her face. “I don’t want to know who you are! Come up with an alias!”

“H-how?” she asked, confused at what I was asking.

“My suit is the Ray 01 prototype. I named myself Zero because of the zero in the name. You?”

“Mine was a prototype for space exploration…so I’m…Milky Way.” I laughed, making her look at me with confusion. The name wasn’t half bad, and I was trying to shake the feeling that I could have actually sent this young girl headlong into space had the suit had the capabilities.

“Nice name,” I said as I took my helmet off. I was just as sweaty as she was. “I’m Mike, an alchemist of quite some skill.”

“Teresa…” she said sweetly. She seemed to have blushed a little, but I took it as a compliment to being Zero.

“You never answered me: why did you take the suit?”

“Well…” she said, looking at the ground. I grabbed her chin and moved her face up.

“Sorry, my manners need work. Take your suit of an come inside. This IS my house after all.” She smiled, making me think of the word ‘stunning’. We walked in and I started making some coffee. When it was ready, we sat down at my table and chatted.

“So you took the suit because you wanted to have my strength and courage?” I asked before taking a sip.

“Yeah, I’ve been trying to find a cure for a…problem I have.”

She was hiding something. “Which is?”

“My…leg.” she said quietly.

“Again, what’s wrong with your leg?”

She hesitated before rolling up her pant leg, showing that nearly her right leg was automail. It was decent automail, but not nearly as good as mine was, even my old one. I smiled widely. “What, you think this is funny?” she said suddenly on the attack.

“No, I think it’s ironic that we both want the same thing.” She looked confused again until I rolled p my right sleeve. “You’re arm…it’s-”

“Yep, best automail around.” I said, flexing my right arm and putting my left hand on it in a pose. Then I got serious. “Look, you seem to be a nice person, and seeing as you have that armor, I’d like to take you under my wing.”

“You mean like a sidekick?”

“Sorta, but let’s not make you sound like you’re doing less. You’ll be doing as much as I am, if not more. I’d like to say…partner.”


“The DarkFire alchemist never lies to friends.”

She looked like she could cry. “I’m also going to get your arm back, and that’s a promise.”

“I don’t think anyone’s ever been this kind to me before!” she said starting to cry.

“Whoa! No water works! Let’s be happy!” I said panicked. “Now, where do you live, I’ll give you a ride.”

“I…I’ve sorta been living on the streets for a while.” she looked hurt. “My parents kicked me out after the surgery. That way they wouldn’t have to pay for it.”

I punched my chair and walked outside. “What are you doing!?” she said, running up to me. I walked over to the empty section by my house. I clapped my hands and transmuted an addition to the house.

“You’re living with me now.” I said before I fell to one knew. The addition took a lot out of me. I was just glad the Nagakuras-

“Mike!!!” two synchronized screams called.

Too late.

The Nagakuras ran up to me and helped me inside. They bombarded me with questions before I finally told them who my new friend was and that I made a new room on my house. “Decorate the room however you want, just don’t walk in the shower when I’m there unless you’re really attracted to me.” She blushed as well as the Nagakuras. I just laughed.

“You shouldn’t do so much on your birthday.” Mayuno scolded.

“It’s his birthday!?” Teresa cried.

“Yeah, he turned seventeen today.” Miome said to her.

“I-I didn’t know!” she said turning to me to apologize.

“Not necessary,” I said waving my automail hand, “a new friend is a great gift.” She smiled again. I was glad I could make her smile, she was going through nearly as much as I was. Well, except for the whole DarkFire alchemy, Heartless bashing, world traveling, shape shifter-fighting thing I was.

“Well now, we’re going to our house. You’d better come too Mike…but you can…you know.” Miome acted out flying.

“We’ll both go.” I said putting my armor on. The Nagakuras jumped. “Ready Teresa?”

She put her armor on and responded, “Ready.” The Nagakuras jumped higher.

We opened the door and took off as I shouted “I’ll race you two there!” to the Nagakuras. Teresa followed me, flying almost as well as I was. “You’re a natural!” I said over the mic in my helmet.

“Thanks!” she responded, spinning around once.

We landed and burst through the door as our armor fell off. Roxas, Jenn, Calista, and the Nagakuras all shouted “Happy Birthday Mike!” as we walked in. They beat us somehow, but I didn’t dare ask how. We all started to party and have lots of fun when Trowa burst in, shouting “So where’s the birthday boy?” Mistake number one, because the Nagakuras saw him and tackled him to the ground instantly. I laughed and shook his hand.

“Still got the automail eh?” he said with a cocky smile.

“Still smell like wet cat, huh?” I replied. Our grips tightened, but he failed to realize one major aspect: automail has no nerves to feel pain with. The party began with me introducing Teresa, the girl I knew all of a half hour. I didn’t care, she was a nice girl and cute to boot. We sang, danced, played videogames, and told stories of all our adventures. Mine of coarse were the best.

As the night got late I decided to head home. “Thanks for the party guys. You’re all such great friends.” Everyone awed and I just laughed. As I walked out the door I put my armor on and flew home. I powered my suit down and walked in, going up to Teresa’s door and carving her name in the top. I took my coat off and hung it up, stretching as exhaustion swept over me. It was a long and fun day for the most part. I still didn’t get to ride Fenrir, but I would tomorrow. I took my shirt off when the door opened. Cassie walked in

“Damn, that air is really cold against bare skin!” I shouted, rubbing my chest with my left hand.

“I know, but it does feel good after a shower.” I nodded in agreement. “Tell me,” she said walking up to me, “are my hands cold?” She pressed her frozen hand against my stomach.

“Holy Gambino! It’s like a Popsicle!” I shouted, backing away. She stepped closer and did it again, and the process continued before I got tired and pulled her coat over her arms. She leaned in and pressed her face against my neck, sending a chill up and down my spine.

“My god!” I shouted as I pushed her away, “If you got any colder you’d be cryogenically frozen!” She laughed. “I’m going to sleep, where it’s warm!” I said jokingly.

“Wait,” she said walking up to me.

“Oh no, I’m not falling for that again.” I said backing away.

“Just shut the hell up!” she said grabbing me by the back of my head. She pulled me in and gave me a passionate kiss that warmed me up instantly. “Happy Birthday.” she said with a smile. Her canine teeth were longer because of her lycanthropy, and as I smiled, my eye teeth were long due to my vampirism. People like us weren’t meant to be together, but our personalities brought us closer than our differences. She walked into her room, then walked out asking “Do you plan on getting anywhere with this ‘Teresa’ person?”

“Nah, she’s just a cute girl who’s Zero’s partner.” I said walking towards my room.

“Not sexually right?”

“What do you think?”

“Hey, the more the merrier!” I whipped around but she had already closed her door.

“Heh, crazy!” I said closing my door. I lied down on top of my covers, thinking about the day. “Well, there wasn’t too huge of an adventure,” I thought to myself, “but I’d take a beautiful girl over a swordfight any day.” And with that, I happily drifted off into my sleep.

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