So I have 3 Zebra Finches.
1 male, 2 female.
And the females are laying eggs... in their food bowl.
I dont have a nest, because I really didnt want babies, but I really really love baby birdies..
So I wonder, should I get them a nest?
Or 2?
(the male likes to switch as to which female he likes "best", so one female is always left out, poor little honey)
I hate to see the eggs wasted, I think theyre just trying to put them in the best place possible, and that happens to be their food bowl, which they really cant sit on the egg in there. D:
I have a big enough cage for the birds if anyone is wondering.
Finches arent all that big to begin with, and my cage is about.. 3 ft high and a foot wide.
Pretty big. n-n;
I think I answered my own question there.
But then I might have to get rid of birds if they keep on sexin. xD (as I type, theyre sexing) D:!
I wanted a bird that really likes me, I used to have one, the perfect little birdie.. he died.
I still mourn him.
So I think its best to start out with a baby bird and handle him so he gets used to me. n-n
1 male, 2 female.
And the females are laying eggs... in their food bowl.
I dont have a nest, because I really didnt want babies, but I really really love baby birdies..
So I wonder, should I get them a nest?
Or 2?
(the male likes to switch as to which female he likes "best", so one female is always left out, poor little honey)
I hate to see the eggs wasted, I think theyre just trying to put them in the best place possible, and that happens to be their food bowl, which they really cant sit on the egg in there. D:
I have a big enough cage for the birds if anyone is wondering.
Finches arent all that big to begin with, and my cage is about.. 3 ft high and a foot wide.
Pretty big. n-n;
I think I answered my own question there.
But then I might have to get rid of birds if they keep on sexin. xD (as I type, theyre sexing) D:!
I wanted a bird that really likes me, I used to have one, the perfect little birdie.. he died.
I still mourn him.
So I think its best to start out with a baby bird and handle him so he gets used to me. n-n