I just lost the coolest, sweetest, nicest girl I've ever met!...We had made an awesome connection! No other woman could compare to her...she was honest and loving all the way to the end! She was the only one i felt comfortable talking to...we had so much in common! I know it sounds silly, but i have never formed such a deep connection with any other chick...I told her everything...GOD DAMN IT, I LOVE HER!...and
I WILL NEVER STOP LOVING HER!... She was the only shoulder I could lean on when I needed it, now I have lost my only supporting shoulder! She's been the one that's kept me goin lately...whats the point anymore!... Why do they always end like this...? Whenever I start to feel comfortable and start to trust someone they always turn their backs on me...
I HAD GIVEN HER MY HEART!...I thought this would actually last...HAHA!!... what a JOKE!...I'm such an IDIOT!!!...Yeah, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!...