1.try to talk more/not as shy
2.see freinds more
3.try to be less emo
4. give the ppl who annoy me a chance
5.not to be an outcast/alone
6.ingore what mean ppl say bout me....
7.keep playing sports like i do
8.not worry bout what ppl think and do what i want to do
9.that sernia's fmaily has a good year....
10.meet NEW ppl
11.wacth new/more anime
12.AND MORE!!! BELIVE IT!!! WOOT HAVE A GOOD NEW YEAR PPL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin smile redface stare xd 3nodding blaugh gonk scream stressed sweatdrop heart emo xp whee wink sad surprised eek confused cool lol mad razz cry evil twisted exclaim question idea arrow mrgreen pirate rofl 4laugh ninja burning_eyes cheese_whine cheese_whine cheese_whine dramallama dramallama wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance
p.s i drank to much (not real champain it was fake) and my cuisons daniel and brendon (im happy brendon came home from iraq) say hi and happy new year, c u next year ppl!