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The Fantastic and explicit readings of a Normal Teen
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If u do this ill love u
What would you do if:

[1] I committed suicide:

[2] I said I liked you:

[3] I kissed you:

[4] I lived next door to you:

[5] I started smoking:

[6] I stole something:

[7] I was hospitalized:

[8] I ran away from home:

[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there:

What do you think about my:

[1] Personality:

[2] Eyes:

[3] Face:

[4] Hair:

[5] Clothes:

[6] Mannerisms:


[1] Who are you?

[2] Are we friends?

[3] When and how did we meet?

[4] How have I affected you?

[5] What do you think of me?

[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?

[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?

[8] Have I ever hurt you?

[9] Would you hug me?

[10] Would you kiss me?

[11] Would you devirginize me?

[12] Would you marry me?

[13] Emotionally, what stands out?

[14] Do you wish I was cooler?

[15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?

[16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.

[17] Am I loveable?

[18] How long have you known me?

[19] Describe me in one word.

[20] What was your first impression?

[21] Do you still think that way about me now?

[22] What do you think my weakness is?

[23] Do you think I'll get married?

[24] What about me makes you happy?

[25] What about me makes you sad?

[26] What reminds you of me?

[27] What's something you would change about me?

[28] How well do you know me?

[29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?

[30] Do you think I would kill someone?

[31] Are we close?

[32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?

[33] would you kill me?

Lieutenant Tails
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Lieutenant Tails
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  • User Comments: [9] [add]
    Vampire pup94
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sun Jan 04, 2009 @ 04:06am
    [1] I committed suicide:
    id be sad
    [2] I said I liked you:
    i would say i like u back
    [3] I kissed you:
    be kinda creeped out....
    [4] I lived next door to you:
    id talk to u every day
    [5] I started smoking:
    try to get u to stop
    [6] I stole something:
    depends on what it was
    [7] I was hypnotized:
    laugh make u do funny stuff then snap u out of it
    [8] I ran away from home:
    take you in
    [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there:
    track the Teme down and beat his a** up

    What do you think about my:

    [1] Personality:
    [2] Eyes:
    idk haven't seen u
    [3] Face:
    ain't seen you
    [4] Hair:
    idk what does it look like?
    [5] Clothes:
    -.- what part of "me no see you" do you not understand? lol
    [6] Mannerisms:


    [1] Who are you?
    ur gaia dad =P
    [2] Are we friends?
    should be we are gaia family
    [3] When and how did we meet?
    idk when and erica
    [4] How have I affected you?
    i can talk to u in ways i cant other people
    [5] What do you think of me?
    ur awesome
    [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?
    meting u in the rally first time
    [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
    till one of us leave gaia
    [8] Have I ever hurt you?
    not that i know of
    [9] Would you hug me?
    [10] Would you kiss me?
    [11] Would you devirginize me?
    [12] Would you marry me?
    [13] Emotionally, what stands out?
    ur kind
    [14] Do you wish I was cooler?
    [15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
    [16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
    tails cuz he is ur fav. sonic person
    [17] Am I loveable?
    yea i guss
    [18] How long have you known me?
    idk a few months...
    [19] Describe me in one word.
    [20] What was your first impression?
    kinda nutty =P
    [21] Do you still think that way about me now?
    [22] What do you think my weakness is?
    careing too much
    [23] Do you think I'll get married?
    someday you will
    [24] What about me makes you happy?
    i can talk with you
    [25] What about me makes you sad?
    nothing i dont guss
    [26] What reminds you of me?
    [27] What's something you would change about me?
    [28] How well do you know me?
    idk as well as i need to
    [29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
    [30] Do you think I would kill someone?
    if u did i would help hide the body and pull as many strings as possable
    [31] Are we close?
    [32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
    na idc what pplz think but if u want could send it to u in a pm
    [33] would you kill me?
    hell no.....


    commentCommented on: Sun Jan 04, 2009 @ 04:23am
    What would I do if...
    [1] Be VERY sad ):
    [2] Be VERY happy
    [3] Kiss you back
    [4] Talk to you EVERYDAY
    [5] Smack you,scold you
    [6] Smack you,scold you and tell you to bring it back
    [7] Ask how you were feeling/be sad
    [8] Convince you to go back
    [9] Ask you if you were okay & what happened
    What do I think about your
    [1] Your the boy version of me biggrin yes me lov
    [2]-[5] IDK
    [6] What manners you perv? XP
    [1] Vivian
    [2] Duh. Yeah.
    [3] Found you while looking through Angelica's friend list
    [4] Made me feel warm & fuzzy biggrin
    [5] Your da best.
    [6] When we became perv pals. :3
    [7] A looooong time
    [8] Yes when you kept saying you were to busy to rp with me. D: liar you were online foe HOURS!
    [9]-[12] Yes
    [13] You sense of humour
    [14] Naw..
    [15] 9
    [16] Violet because... well ya know. ;D
    [17] Yes
    [18] long enough
    [19] Perverted ( but it's all good )
    [20] That you were weird
    [21] Sortof but I have no right I'm weird too. xD
    [22] Tails begging to be f- lol ya know xD
    [23] Maybe
    [24] You love yaoi & your a boy
    [25] IDK
    [26] My best friend Ramon
    [27] Make you more roleplayable. >: o
    [28] Well enough
    [29] Nope
    [30] Nope
    [31] Yep.
    [32] Naw too lazy send me a pm you already have the format. xD
    [33] NEVAH!!!

    Sho TlME
    Community Member
    Sho TlME
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sun Jan 04, 2009 @ 04:24am

    commentCommented on: Sun Jan 04, 2009 @ 04:44am

    [1] I committed suicide:
    Cry..Alot. Possible kill myself D":

    [2] I said I liked you: I'de probably say sorry. I love you as a friend.

    [3] I kissed you: Probably freak out .-. and say sorry yet again.

    [4] I lived next door to you: I'de hang out with you alot :]

    [5] I started smoking: Smack you until you were purple. Jk Jk i'de make you quit cold turkey :]

    [6] I stole something: I'de force you to bring it back ^^'

    [7] I was hospitalized: I'de try and get over there and visit you D:

    [8] I ran away from home: I'de hunt you down and being you back to your house ^^

    [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: I'de somehow magiclly go there and murder the person ._.

    What do you think about my:

    [1] Personality: Its wonderful. Very cheerful :]

    [2] Eyes: There very pretty :]

    [3] Face: Its adorable.

    [4] Hair: Looks soft .-.

    [5] Clothes: I havent really seen alot. but i imagaine you have good taste lol :]

    [6] Mannerisms: You Have alot ^^


    [1] Who are you? A speical friend biggrin ?!

    [2] Are we friends? Yes!

    [3] When and how did we meet? Tina :]

    [4] How have I affected you? You make me smile ^^

    [5] What do you think of me? I think your a great person i dont want to lose.

    [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? Whenever we have a heart to heart. Even when its sad. Its special >.<

    [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? I dont know. Um.. a few months almost a year :]

    [8] Have I ever hurt you? Sadly...Sorry T.T

    [9] Would you hug me? Yes :]

    [10] Would you kiss me? ._. I dont think so >.<'

    [11] Would you devirginize me? No O.O

    [12] Would you marry me? Nu >.<''

    [13] Emotionally, what stands out? When your happy :]

    [14] Do you wish I was cooler? No. I wouldnt like that. I like you how you are!

    [15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 10 :] I dont think you could be mean. Even if you wanted to .-.

    [16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Sparky. Like a dog :] Because Your calm and nice. AND i like the name sparky. If you were a dog. You;de most likely be called sparky. o.o'

    [17] Am I loveable? Haha yes

    [18] How long have you known me? Almost a year..I think >.<'

    [19] Describe me in one word. Kind.

    [20] What was your first impression? That you were outgoing and nice :]

    [21] Do you still think that way about me now? Pretty much ^^'

    [22] What do you think my weakness is? Being hurt.

    [23] Do you think I'll get married? Yes.

    [24] What about me makes you happy? When your happy :]

    [25] What about me makes you sad? When your sad ]:

    [26] What reminds you of me? Football, Nose bleeds, wrestiling o.o' i spelt that wrong lol

    [27] What's something you would change about me? Um i dont think i would change anything .-.

    [28] How well do you know me? Pretty well i think. :]

    [29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?

    [30] Do you think I would kill someone? Maybe..But not on purpose :]

    [31] Are we close? I think so. :]

    [32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? I already have it there :3

    [33] would you kill me? NO! NEVER D:<

    Community Member
    Illfated Rin
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sun Jan 04, 2009 @ 04:38pm
    What would you do if:

    [1] I committed suicide:
    I would be very upset and i would miss you alot
    [2] I said I liked you:
    id say i love you cause your my son
    [3] I kissed you:
    if it was a peck then i wouldn't mind but if not then it would be kinda creepy
    [4] I lived next door to you:
    i would go over there and spend as much time with you as i could
    [5] I started smoking:
    i would try to make you stop
    [6] I stole something:
    i would make you return it but if it was a little nic nac then i wouldnt really mind
    [7] I was hospitalized:
    i would go and see you everyday and try to spend the night there until you got better
    [8] I ran away from home:
    i would take you in
    [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there:
    i would find the person that you fought with and i would beat the s**t out of them

    What do you think about my:

    [1] Personality:
    I love your personality you have a great personality
    [2] Eyes:
    idk i havent seen you
    [3] Face:
    idk ^
    [4] Hair:
    [5] Clothes:
    idk ^
    [6] Mannerisms:
    you have great manners and i love that to bad my brother dont have the same manners


    [1] Who are you?
    Erica Ray your ma
    [2] Are we friends?
    more we are family
    [3] When and how did we meet?
    i dont remember when we met and how but i think it was at the rally
    [4] How have I affected you?
    [5] What do you think of me?
    i think you are the sweetest person i have ever met
    [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?
    idk i guess that would be me picturing me and you giving each other a great big hug
    [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
    we arnt friend we are family and i think that we will be like that for a very long time
    [8] Have I ever hurt you?
    no you have never hurt me
    [9] Would you hug me?
    [10] Would you kiss me?
    yes but only a peck on the cheek
    [11] Would you devirginize me?
    [12] Would you marry me?
    no ive already promised josh
    [13] Emotionally, what stands out?
    that you love everyone
    [14] Do you wish I was cooler?
    no of course not
    [15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
    [16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
    I'm not good with nicknames...sorry
    [17] Am I loveable?
    yes i would say so
    [18] How long have you known me?
    im not to sure but i no its been a while
    [19] Describe me in one word.
    [20] What was your first impression?
    that you were the nicest person i had ever met and you prove to be just that
    [21] Do you still think that way about me now?
    [22] What do you think my weakness is?
    [23] Do you think I'll get married?
    [24] What about me makes you happy?
    that no matter what mood im in you always make me smile
    [25] What about me makes you sad?
    [26] What reminds you of me?
    my little fuzzy stuffed tiger in my room for some reason reminds me if you
    [27] What's something you would change about me?
    [28] How well do you know me?
    sorry but i dont no anyone that well cause i forget personal stuff
    [29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
    hm...not really
    [30] Do you think I would kill someone?
    no unless the person you would kill did something really bad to you or killed your best friend
    [31] Are we close?
    yes i would say we are
    [32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
    [33] would you kill me?
    oh hell no i love you to much to even think about that

    commentCommented on: Sun Jan 04, 2009 @ 06:50pm
    What would you do if:

    [1] I committed suicide:
    I'd cry alot.
    [2] I said I liked you:
    I' say I don't like you, at least not like that.
    [3] I kissed you:
    I'd push you away, then slap you. xD
    [4] I lived next door to you:
    I'd play my music really loud at night, so I'd annoy you ^.^
    [5] I started smoking:
    Well, it depends on what you're smoking. ;D
    [6] I stole something:
    I'd laugh at you.
    [7] I was hospitalized:
    I'd visit you alot.
    [8] I ran away from home:
    I'd hunt you down and drag you back home.
    [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there:
    I wouldn't do anything besides worry, but I'm sure you could hold your own in a fight.

    What do you think about my:

    [1] Personality:
    It's very fun, but you don't have a very huge attention span xD
    [2] Eyes:
    Um... I haven't seen them well enough to know what to say, sorry.
    [3] Face:
    Look at my answer for question 2.
    [4] Hair:
    It's blonde... like Chris W. (Someone I used to like xD)
    [5] Clothes:
    I don't know what they look like, but I'm sure they're nice... for a boy xD
    [6] Mannerisms:
    You have them. =]


    [1] Who are you?
    Angelica... your favorite person. ^.^ (I better be >.> wink
    [2] Are we friends?
    [3] When and how did we meet?
    On gaia, through Tina.
    [4] How have I affected you?
    You made me question who I should trust.
    [5] What do you think of me?
    You're moody, like me. xD
    [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?
    I'm not sure...
    [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
    As long as both of us are on gaia.
    [8] Have I ever hurt you?
    [9] Would you hug me?
    [10] Would you kiss me?
    [11] Would you devirginize me?
    [12] Would you marry me?
    Sorry, I'll be marrying Ronnie ^.^
    [13] Emotionally, what stands out?
    You're kindness.
    [14] Do you wish I was cooler?
    Not really.
    [15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
    [16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
    Lol... I don't have a nickname for you xD
    [17] Am I loveable?
    Most of the time.
    [18] How long have you known me?
    A while... I'm not sure xD
    [19] Describe me in one word.
    [20] What was your first impression?
    You were very... interesting.
    [21] Do you still think that way about me now?
    Yeah xP
    [22] What do you think my weakness is?
    Cheyenne. ;D
    [23] Do you think I'll get married?
    [24] What about me makes you happy?
    When you listen.
    [25] What about me makes you sad?
    When you don't listen. >.>
    [26] What reminds you of me?
    Dogs xD
    [27] What's something you would change about me?
    Your attention span xD
    [28] How well do you know me?
    Pretty well.
    [29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
    [30] Do you think I would kill someone?
    Probably not.
    [31] Are we close?
    I guess so...
    [32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
    I already did.
    [33] would you kill me?

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sat Feb 28, 2009 @ 05:07pm
    [1] I committed suicide:
    ill be sad

    [2] I said I liked you:
    ill say i liked u back ur my bro

    [3] I kissed you:
    kiss u back(bro)

    [4] I lived next door to you:
    try to come over

    [5] I started smoking:
    make u quit

    [6] I stole something:
    if its just chap stick 4 5$ ill let u keep it

    [7] I was hospitalized:

    [8] I ran away from home:
    make u come back

    [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there:
    ill come and kick ther butts

    What do you think about my:

    [1] Personality:
    nice sweet cool

    [2] Eyes:
    idk never seen u

    [3] Face:
    idk never seen u

    [4] Hair:
    idk never seen u

    [5] Clothes:
    idk never seen u

    [6] Mannerisms:


    [1] Who are you?
    yo sista

    [2] Are we friends?

    [3] When and how did we meet?
    in a rally

    [4] How have I affected you?

    [5] What do you think of me?
    nice sweet cool

    [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?
    ummmmm idk

    [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
    ever and ever

    [8] Have I ever hurt you?

    [9] Would you hug me?

    [10] Would you kiss me?
    maybe idk ya(bro)

    [11] Would you devirginize me?

    [12] Would you marry me?

    [13] Emotionally, what stands out?
    ur sweetness

    [14] Do you wish I was cooler?
    no ur the collest person i no

    [15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
    ummmmmm 10000000000000000000000000000000000000

    [16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
    tails ur fave person off of sonic

    [17] Am I loveable?

    [18] How long have you known me?
    im sence july i think(im bad with dates)

    [19] Describe me in one word.

    [20] What was your first impression?
    ummm who is he

    [21] Do you still think that way about me now?

    [22] What do you think my weakness is?

    [23] Do you think I'll get married?
    ya someday

    [24] What about me makes you happy?
    us happyness

    [25] What about me makes you sad?

    [26] What reminds you of me?

    [27] What's something you would change about me?
    nothing at all

    [28] How well do you know me?
    pritty well
    [29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?

    [30] Do you think I would kill someone?
    well no

    [31] Are we close?

    [32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
    i did

    [33] would you kill me?
    HECK NO!!!!!!!

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