I need people to game with. >.<;;
I love video games; this is a fact that I do nothing to hide. I love people who love video games too, because they really make it less boring in an already fun scenario. So I should hope to have people to play games with, else I'm in for a lonely time with my gaming experience. I'm sure you can relate (at least some of you anyway).
This all comes to focus because I was playing every Zelda game I had/could download... I have a Wii, I can say that now. razz But yeah, Zelda seems much too lonesome of a game to play alone. Especially for what it reminds me of (don't ask...). So I definitely need to find people to sit there and watch me play video games in hopes to forge new memories and bonds of heroism as the protagonist narrowly misses the spikes right before the boss. By the way, why didn't Dr. Wily ever make a spike man? No, needle and drill man don't count, because they weren't made of the ever-effective floor spikes! But I digress. Wait, what was I talking about? Oh yeah! I need people to play with, even if it's only to trade and battle Pokemon with. ^.^
Hush you, Pokemon is fun... Well, there's also Advance Wars if you're too macho to send Pikachu to his early demise... And then I've got Mario Kart both on the DS AND Wii. ^.^ So yeah, I've got plenty of console games to get my game on with people... So, perhaps someone out there would like to exchange certain friend codes? razz Anyway, I tried... Back to Castlevania for me.
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Reluctant Protagonists
We walk on two legs, not on four. To walk on four legs breaks the law. What happens when we break the law? What happens when the rules aren't fair? We all know where we go from there; back to the house of pain...
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