I still don't know where my key is. It kills me. I don't know what I did with my FOB either @_@ GAH! Frustrating.
Two days left. I made my soup last night with my blender but the blender somehow came undone and the soup spilled out the bottom. Like half of it was gone. We salvaged most of it but it was a sad part of the night. I made Jayme some Magic Cookie Bars and had one this morning/night.
We are both really happy about the VHS player and VHS collection. ^^ We have watched three movies together. She didn't like 12 Monkeys much because she didn't get it. You really don't the first time you watch it though ^^" Then we watched one my of ulitmate Fav's The Secret Garden. I stand by the statement that the version I own is the ONLY good version of that movie.
Whenever I go to the airport I always treat myself to an anime magazine and a nice breakfast. I'm kind of excited. I am more worried that I won't find my place. I don't think many people know this but I've sat in the wrong airplane before and then my plane almost left without me. I got there just as they were gonna close the gate. They had been calling for me a long time and I was bawling by the time I got there. ^^ Silly silly me.
I'll be back home the 22nd by 9:30, which means about 11 or 10:30 I'll be back at the apartment. It turns out that KoKo won't be there the 18th weekend so I might be going to Vermont with Rich and the kids? I dunno. I overread it on an email from my mom and KoKo. Who knows. I've never found my old writings... I hope I left them in Conneticut. That would be such a nice suprise. <3 I deserve something nice.
I need a haircut DX
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Fragmented Self who wanders through life like a dreamer and wades through the river of dreams as though it were the only truth left in this world
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