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The thoughts of a restless mind.
This is kind of what it sounds like it is. It's different little quotes that I think of. Don't call me emo about them because I'm not and if you think that they are then your head is up your a**.
Running With Werewolves (Chapter 2, Ian)

Just when I thought that the night couldn’t get more magically and mystical I’m proved wrong. Though in this case beauty was deadly. This was some all out war I found myself in against those called The Thirsty. Vampires to mortals. Though most of the myths about them the mortal’s believe aren’t true they were right about one thing. They were deadly to the eyes. I had never seen something more horrify in my life. It was like going up against an army of super models. I was beyond the point of thankful that I was no longer in my mortal state of mind. I would have been done for in no time flat having fallen for their beauty. What was it that made them so… So breath taking? For us werewolves we do stand out among the mortals and our females’ are beautiful. Don’t get me wrong on that one. Tonight though there was something else that caught my eyes.
The sun had just set and we all knew what that meant, there was going to be war. The Thirsty were stronger with the night. Of course if I slowly burned alive from being out in the sun too long I would want to fight in the night as well. This night was going to be an advantage for both teams anyways. We had the moon on our side. It was just a full cycle ago that I was alone and going through my first change as a werewolf. Now here I was at the head of my own pack. Cooler still we had all gathered into one full army to take them on. There was alphas at the head of their packs barking orders into the brisk night sky. I was at the head of mine and doing the same as the others. It was amazing that I was able to have that kind of power on people. Me of all people. I snickered a little at the thought and I felt a glare at my back.
Turning around I found that of all people it was Sam. It was interesting to be around him. He was one of the older guys and really wasn’t happy over the fact that I had quote on quote ‘taken his ranking.’ All it took was a stronger glare at him and he just turned his muzzle to me as if he smelt something nasty. For the older one between the two of us he really did act more childish. Looks like I was going to have to step my game up a notch. I hated to seem like the adult in any kind of relationship. Whether it be friends or a deep hatred where I wanted to n** his a** off a cliff. That thought really caught his attention. A small growl came from his chest and his body began to shift into a crouch. The sight only made me give a slight barky chuckle and turn around to do some more pacing at the head of the pack. Why not rub his nose into it a little more. That was always fun.
All of the joy was starting to come to a halt though. There was a shift in the packs and a few people grew on guard as the hairs on the back of their necks stood up. I could feel it too. They were coming and coming in fast. There was a hush over the packs and now everyone was resorting to thoughts rather then barks. Among the packs there was a few changes in formations and then stillness. We worked as quickly and stealthy as we could. Why I wasn’t really sure fully. It wasn’t like they couldn’t tell that we weren’t here. They fully knew seeing how we pretty much sent them an invitation. The act of surprise I understood but what kind of retard pretty much calls their enemies out. I found it more like some sick little play date.
A few eyes flickered over at me as I thought these things over. An older alpha wasn’t happy that I saw it that way but when I called them out as to why we did so they had no answer. All I got was that it has always been this way and we don’t dare to question as to why. A few people barked at me to get my head in the game so I thought of some quick bullshit excuse. ‘Because it was all in good game,’ Well didn’t that sound like a fun game of run around the bush and get rapped. Except I guess in this game you’re not so much raped but killed.
There was a whimper at the back of the pack. All minds shot to the voice and I realized that it was one of the younger member. The images in my head were slightly disturbing to the kid and I could tell that I was most likely scarring them then anything. Shaking the thoughts from my mind I went back to trying to focus on the matter at hand. I was trying to picture myself as some war hero and we were just about to go head to head with the enemy that had destroyed villages or something of that nature. All that I could think of was the 300 movie and everyone looked like gladiators in those stupid loincloths. That was enough to make my skin crawl let alone I could feel everyone else shutter behind me at the images.
Just as I felt the group get off guard a little from my thoughts their smell became stronger. It wouldn’t be long tell we would be thick in a battle of blood shed. That was enough to get my mind set. There was something about the idea of killing something or tearing someone limb by limb to pieces that excited me. I could feel my claws extend from my giant paws and dig into the fresh mud at my feet. It took everything that I had to not spring into action and bring the battle to them. Everyone else was urging against it faintly seeing how they all wanted to do the same. It seemed that the kid in the back I had freaked out earlier wanted it the most. Second to me of course. His mind was racing with the glorious images of slaughter that I had once filled in my mind. Once that I was now sharing with him as we basked in the glory. Something we were both feeling more and more energetic about. Moving my big head the kid skipped to the head of the pack and was now sitting at my side. A few people glared at the kid but their main focus was on the horizon.
The suspense was beginning to shift into a heavy weight on the army’s shoulders. It seemed like they were just taunting us now. This was slowly starting to piss me off. Everything was dead silent as I gritted my teeth. The kid just looked up and me and tried to make some small talk to keep me from snapping someone’s head off that was on our side. He told me that his name was Sean and he was with me not understanding why the hell we were just sitting here. He also told me that this was his first time that he was allowed to battle. Either then that he was just babied all the time. He flashed a few images through his mind to get into mind. A single chuckle came from my muzzle as I saw how pissed he was to pretty much play cheerleader from the sidelines. It was nice to get my head off the annoyance of the thirsty. I had always thought that I was one for showboating. Here they were taking their sweet a** time to a fight.
This was too much and Sean agreed. Against everyone’s wishes I sprang from my spot and took off to where they were coming. Sean was at my side and soon I found that half of the other packs were on my trail. Everyone was sick of waiting around for the blood suckers. They were just postponing their death. What a bunch of pussys, no cat pun intended. As I made my way to the bottom of the hill we were original standing on I noticed something at the top of the one before me. There was a small figure watching the scene. Taking a closer look I could tell that I had ******** us all over.
The figure lifted a hand into the night air and motioned it forward. Soon in the glimmer of the moon there was a thick black line coming up the hill into my sight. It was them no doubt about it. Those assholes were waiting for us to get to the bottom of the hill in the deviate between the two. That way we were sitting ducks. A few people in the pack began to flank out and widen the group. They were trying to open the odds seeing how the thirsty generally traveled in small covens. From the smell of things it was still a smaller group then the count we had but it was a larger group compared to the groups we had fought against before.
Keeping my eyes on the figure that was making the commands I found that it was none other then a women. That was something you didn’t see everyday. Thirsty’s took pride in leading battles and normally the men would fight over who was going to be the head of the coven. The women in the race were used for sexual pleasure mostly. At least so I had heard. To see a women leading a group of Thristy’s let alone such a large group was rather amazing to see.
Sean nudged me with his head trying to get my mind focused. Images of me ripping her head off ran through his mind. I grinned bright at the thought as blood sprayed through the air from her decapitated body. Digging my claws into the dirt I pulled myself faster and faster towards the open target. If I took down the master mind of the coven then the rest would be just like a ton of new borns. I group of crazed killers that may have a slight upper hand when it came to power but careless in their tactics. Something that I loved to mess with. Thought someone that was skillful was also a good partner. At least they took a little more brain power then a simple opening that someone like Sean could find in no time flat. What was the point of killing if you couldn’t ******** with your pray a little. That was why my thoughts shot out to the rest of the packs that she was mine. If she was the head of the coven that meant she had to have some power packed behind her tiny frame.
That was the most amusing thing about vampires. They were so small in size half the time you wondered where the hell they had the power and strength that they did. It wasn’t normal to say the least. The speed was a little more understandable. It was haunting to watch them shift about. It always looked as thought they were floating over the ground. How the hell they moved like that was beyond me. All I knew though was that this girl better be faster then me or she would stand no chance.
It was tell I was a few feet away from her was when I realized that she was waiting for me. There was a grin on her face and her eyes were locked on mine. There was chaos wrapped around her as her comrades fought back and forth between the different packs. Blood was floating through the air and screams of pain and disaster rattled against the tree trucks of the forest curled around the field. All of this was going on around her yet I was the one that had all of her attention. The thought brought a few chills down my spin and I tried to shake her glowing crimson eyes out of my head. They burned down into my soul and I could feel it eat away at me like acid. Instantly I sprang into the air and was aiming right for her. I was going to tear that stare from out of her head if I could.
A fierce snarl rippled up my throat as I collided with the small figure. Landing on top of her she simply grinned at me for a moment. I stopped everything not really expecting that look on her face. She was inches away from dying and she didn’t even put up a dam fight. I then felt a shift and realized what was so funny. She meant for me to spring and get her. The feeling of her feet on my stomach was rather disturbing as I felt myself being raised away from her. At first I could feel that it was all in fun to show that I had fallen for one more of her ideas. Once the point had gotten across I was shoved forcefully into the air. Flying a few yards I came crashing down to the ground. Luckily I caught myself in mid air and spun around. I felt my claws skidding into the dirt trying to get myself to stop sliding as my eyes locked back onto hers. Once I had gotten enough weight onto my front paws and I had stopped I built up my momentum and charged after her.
Shifting back and forth I found her coming my direction as well with the same amount of speed behind her. The only thing that was different between us was that she made it look so effortless. I’m sure that I looked pissed beyond all reason. Though I’m sure that she would look the same way if I was the one that had launched her god only knows how many feet that she had with me. There was a smug look on her face that I was more then excited to wash off her pale little cheeks. It was rather sad that I had such a drive to kill the pretty little thing. She looked like she was a women with power. If there was one thing that the other werewolves had wrong it was the fact that all thristy females were either snacks for the men or sex toys. Though to be extremely honest I couldn’t say I wouldn’t mind having a go at her. She was one of the hotter blood suckers I had seen.
What the ******** was I thinking! Shaking my head I tried to blur the images. ‘Get out!’ I barked and then whimpered as I noticed she caught the same thing I was thinking. She grinned even more and sped up towards me. Skidding I slid to the side and began to swirl back around making more distance between us and getting her the hell off my a**. During this whole fight my head had been at a lost and what the ******** happens when I got to take on the head of the coven. I ******** get some smoking hot she devil that I’m picturing naked.
In the mix of the fighting I could head Sean chuckle a little at my images as he tore off the head of a vampire. Clearly he wasn’t complaining. I on the other hand was wishing that the images didn’t have to ******** with my head at that moment. Why couldn’t I think of that later and do something with myself then. Why the hell did I have to think that right when the crazy b***h wanted to rip my head off instead. As I took off I passed the message onto Sean that I was going to lead her away from the rest of the coven. Maybe it was all the fighting around me that was so arousing.
Not waiting for an answer I shot off towards the nearby trees. As I did I looked over my shoulder to make sure that she was following me. She was gone. Stopping I looked around quickly making sure that my eyes scanned everything. She was no where to be found. Not even her scent was lingering in the air. ‘********!’ I barked as I quickly high tailed it to the rest of the pack. She was gone for the moment and I knew that the group could use an extra set of teeth. By the time I had got there I noticed that most of the killing was over and done with. It was really rather depressing to say the least.
A few members from the pack had shifted back into their mortal selves and was looking over the remains of the battle. There seemed to be only a few werewolf bodies and a few pasty white limbs from the vampires. There was a fire getting started for the vampire limbs while others were starting to dig holes for our fallen men to be buried in.
Sean caught sight of me and trotted over with a grin on his face. ‘So someone had a fun little encounter with the she devil,’ he thought as the words streamed into my head. ‘Shut it,’ Was all that I had to say in response to that one. ‘You can’t tell me that she wasn’t a hotty. I mean for a blood sucker that is.’ I only glared at him as he seemed to have no interest in dropping the subject. Clearly my eyes said more then my words. ‘Ok ok… But man that was fun! I took one of those ******** down. You should have seen it!’ Before I had the chance to response he was hopping off to go tell someone else about his victory in the fight. I decided this was a better time then ever to shift back into my mortal form. I didn’t need people knowing just what the hell had happened and I was sick of having my mind being poked around at for the night.

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