ur my desTiny
i beLieve y0u're my destiny since the day we've met in high schooL y0u are never L0zt in my drems and fantsay
even then, y0u t0ok care of me y0u're aLwayz there to sh0w me thaT even my deepest darkest situati0n y0u are never absent t0 c0mf0rt me to L0ve me
y0ur c0mpassi0nate t0uch and never ending understanding sh0wed me that Life is trueLy an amazing p0wer everything in me change because of y0u bef0re L0ve has never mean anything to me and with what i've experience in my past y0u seem to be aLways there to remind me that pain won't be en0ugh reas0n to st0p L0ving
and y0u're rigTh n0w i see things diffrentLy aLL that had happen made me str0nger to pr0tect and endure whatever c0mez my way t0 be wise in L0ving a perz0n to understand the situati0n and have patience in L0ving s0me0ne dear and cL0se t0 my heart to L0ve s0meone unc0nditi0naLLy and be L0ve and receive m0re than i have than f0r her
aLL these w0rdz have inspired me to be better man, a better perz0n and prepared myseLf f0r s0me0ne wh0 trueLLy deserves me and my attenti0n i beLeive that destiny wiLL c0me f0r me and i beLieve y0ur my destiny
not just because of y0ur L0ve and caring but because no matter what i do i aLways turn ar0und to L0ok f0r y0u and y0ur aLways there L0oking back aT me to0..
i L0ve y0u s0o much my angeL