here is the first chapter to my fan fic...hope you enjoy (especially you heather)
Two Lovers in the Sewer
Chapter 1: Partners
“You know Bones, you really shouldn’t be down there alone,” shouted a worried Special Agent Seeley Booth. “I can come down if you want.”
From the dark opening of the sewer came the voice of a young, annoyed woman. “Booth, I’m not down here alone, I’ve got Zach. Plus, I don’t want the remains contaminated. I’ve been telling you that for the past hour and a half. Why do you want to come down here so badly?”
Booth wished he could tell her the real reason. That he just wanted be within inches of her. Breathing the same air, to be in a close proximity. But he kept his true desires locked away in a box, never to release them for fear he would lose her forever.
“I just thought that you might need some protection…that’s all.”
“From what Booth? Zach and I are the only two down here. Plus these two deceased people.”
“I don’t know, sewer gators.”
“Sewer gators? C’mon Booth, they’re an urban legend. And if there are any, Zach can protect me.”
“Zach? I don’t know Bones.” He said, a questionable look creasing across his face.
“I’m much stronger than I look Booth,” called Brennan’s young colleague.
“See Booth, Zach is perfectly ca--- AHHHHH!” A shrill scream filled the sewer and Agent Booth’s ears. Immediately, he sprang into action, his need to keep her safe consumed his body. He leapt down the opening of the blackness and peered into the dark.
“BONES!” he cried out.
“She’s fine Booth, it’s just a snake,” said Zach, who sounded in pain. As Booth stepped forward, he could see his partner clinging for dear life on Zach’s back. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck, almost choking the poor man.
Booth let out a small chuckle, “I think you should get down Bones, Zach is about to turn purple. And if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were afraid of snakes.”
As she climbed off of Zach, she dusted off her pants and let out a sigh. “Good thing you know better,” she replied.
As she attempted to find her footing, she scowled at Booth.
“What?” he said defensively. “You look like you’re gonna eat me.”
“I told you not to come down here,” she stated, the scowl still present on her face, aimed at Booth.
“Well excuse me, when you scream, I always assume the worst. It’s part of my attempt to keep you safe.”
He glared at her, trying to break her scowl. Wow, even when she’s angry, she’s so beautiful. Those blue eyes, that sweet smelling hair, and those perfectly sculpted lips. Oh what I wouldn’t give to…WHOA! Don’t do this to yourself Seeley. You know the line…heck…you DREW the line. You can’t keep imagining something that will never happen. But I can’t help it. She’s just so perfect…so beautiful.
As soon as he caught her eyes, he softened his. Turning his brown eyes into a melted pool of chocolate. Her icy blues melted as well…into a crystal clear puddle of blue. His eyes held hers in a moment where no words need be spoken, for their eyes said it all. More than words would allow them to speak. The moment lingered a bit until Zach broke the silence.
“Both victims appear to be Caucasian.”
Brennan broke away from the gaze, though every bone in her body was in protest.
“Uh…cause of death?”
“For the man, it appears to be a gunshot wound to the sternum, for the woman, it looks like blunt force trauma to the frontal bone.”
“So one was shot…and one was conked on the forehead,” Booth stated, taking notes in his little book.
“Yes,” Brennan said, in slight shock that he could decipher their words. “They both have rings as well. Left hand.”
“So it’s a married couple then,” said Booth, still jotting down notes in the notebook.
“We won’t know until we check their dentals,” said Brennan, lifting the arm of the woman and examining it closely. “We might have a little more luck with the female, her arm was broken, maybe when she was 5 or 6. It’s been professionally set.”
“How long have they been dead,” questioned Booth.
“About two weeks. The rate of decomp could be explained by the obvious high content of bacteria, and rats.”
“There appears to be a high level of insect activity as well…we’ll have Hodgins analyze them and find the species and where they originated,” stated Zach.
“Wait…are you saying they might not have been killed here?” Booth asked, his face straining.
“It’s always a possibility, plus, there are post-mortem fractures in the bones of the legs in both victims…suggesting…they were dropped down here, after they died.” Brennan stood, handing Zach a small piece of paper, which had obviously been part of the remains.
“Have Angela find what was on this piece of paper.”
Zach nodded, proceeding to the ladder at the opening of the sewer. Brennan made her way around the remains as well passing Booth without even a glance.
“So we have to keep looking for the crime scene then?” Booth asked, a look of discomfort and annoyance flooding his face.
Brennan turned to face him, her eyes turning to the same ice blue that was only present in a moment of anger or sadness. “Yup, looks that way.”
She sharply turned and proceeded to the same ladder Zach had climbed to get out of the massive stink hole. As she climbed, Booth tilted his head slightly…examining the perfect curves of his partner. She looked back over her shoulder, feeling as though she was being watched.
“Are you staring at my butt?”
“What? Me? C’mon Bones, you know me better than that. After all, we’re partners.”
“Yeah, partners.”
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-Rogers, why didn't you come dance with me, Sarah, and Battle?
-I can't dance
-Well next time I'm gonna drag you out there...and YOU WILL DANCE!