Happy Christmas?

I know its late but I'm busy during Christmas time, cut me some slack.

well wasn't our last meeting dandy.
Telling the truth here, i was happy Dave did what he did. REALLY happy. I was freaked out too, but happy overrides freaked out.

Dave won the fight obviously, Alaln's sucha wimp, he went through the normal procedure when rescuing a damsel in distress, are you okay?, are you sure?, sits next to the damsel, awkward silence, you know.
I had realized after Daves heroness that i was more freaked out now. I was on the verge of tears. I didn't cry. But.... I hugged Dave. ^-^ (yay) He obviously understood because he held me too. He probably knew that would help.
This next part is pretty sappy so bear with me.
I whispered thank you like in some romance manga.
I was weird but okay at the same time.
So i went home with Dave and we left Alan unconscious on the ground.Unfortunately, Alan knows where we both live. So after being surprisingly quiet at school, during Christmas break (right on Christmas) I get an letter from Alan saying: "Attention: I challenge Dave Groto to a fight at 1:30pm. This will be a rematch for our last fight. You may attend if you with."
Naturally I went and as soon I was there they were at it again. I tried to step in and stop them, but alan was all like, "this is a mans fight!"
man. yeah right. Alan wasn't even good at doge ball, forget turning into a man. Dave backed up to the side of me. They had a staring contest for a while.
I had had enough of this so i stood tall and said, "Come on guys stopn fighting, its stupid" and i went on to say i was never going to go out with Alan and i accidently blurted out that i liked Dave.
I felt my face go bright red.

Hey look at that! valentines day is next!
Isn't that where all this started?