Find your Celestial Choir

I'm currently questing for several things, but for my profile quest. I want this <3

Total Value: 100,017,081 Gold, 336,500 Tickets
After Exclusions: 100,016,321 Gold, 336,500 Tickets
Item List:
Royal Crown Black= 650,000 gold or 315,000 tickets
#0000FF Complex Shirt= 6,131 gold
Those Black 90s Pants= 2,500 gold
Black Wulf Tail= 760 gold (already have)
Stealth EvoBlack Boots= 5,890 gold
Long Drag= 26,900 gold or 13,000 tickets
Romani Glasses= 1,800 gold
Ace of Spades= 16,534 gold or 8,500 tickets
Red Rose Corsage=100,000,000 gold
If it says gold or tickets for a certain item, I would seriously prefer the tickets. The corsage may actually never happen... but I hope it does. I never thought I'd say this but.. I really need donations on this one. After all, I'm going to write a story in my journal about it.
Thanks to these people who make my dream avi come true:
Tshadowdoom ~ my friend in RL since kindergarten.
Pallas_the_assassin~ I can never thank you enough.