Talen had the power to sense a higher presence before it even came. He knew that the higher demon would be here soon. He prepared himself for her arrival, he made sure that he looked fine so that she would finally let him go out into the real world and start a mission of his own. He saw a bright red light shine down from the sky. Suddenly a chariot with flaming horses and black side panels flew down to the ground. The driver was the most beautiful yet powerful creature in the world or in his case the underworld. She reined the horses in and then got out of the chariot carefully.
“Which one of you is….Talen?” She asked looking around. As she did all the heads in the crowd turned to look at him. He slowly put his hand up being careful not to make her angry.
“Come here child. I want you to do me a favor.” She said motioning for him to come over to her. He slowly crept close to her with his eyes down. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him. That made him even more uncomfortable. She tapped him on the shoulder and smiled a kind, gentle smile.
“Don’t worry child. I won’t hurt you. I just want you to do me a little favor that’s all. I want you to go upstairs and teach a few humans what demons really are. They seem to be so focused on their own lives. They need to remember who truly rules the lives they have.” She smirked revealing fangs. He nodded then turned to his friends and smiled and waved. She helped him into the chariot and took him to the surface. When he was there she left him wishing him good luck as she swiftly took off.
“Where do I go?” He said aloud his silky smooth but worried voice ringing through the darkness. Suddenly a figure came walking out of the shadows. It appeared to be a girl about 17. She looks the same age as me. Maybe I could….Talk to her…. He thought to himself. He walked up to her and smiled.
“Hello there. My name is Talen. I think I am lost can you help me?” He asked staring at her a bit.