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Congradu-frugen-lations you can use the internet! biggrin
Project Repost Journal - 2005
I worked on this all day today, it is a collection of all of my journals from my old account that got blocked. I wanted to carry them over to here smile

Really really bad dream...

I had such a horrible nightmare. one of the few i can think of that actually had me up with tears. I was at my old house and my parents had to leave me to watch it for a couple days by myself while they settled in and i waited for the realter. Well, I was taking a shower and i thought i sensed someone's eyes/presence. well i peeked to check as always... but this time there WAS someone. there was a black teenager in there, a little older than me, fumbling through a laundry basket, loking at clothes. he looked up at me like it was casual to be in there and I screamed at him "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?" and he said "oh im sorry, are you taking a shower? " and i screamed at him to get the hell out, so he set down the shirt he was looking at and started heading very slowely taking his time to go to the door. Then he looked back at me and said "i guess you're naked in there, huh?" I threw a shampoo bottle at him and missed cuz i was holding up the shower curtain and had bad aim, and i screamed at him insulted "YES. now GET OUT DAMMIT." so he did and left to the front door, but i wraped a towel around me, having to go check to make sure that he was indeed going out the door and not just hiding in the house. he left the front door, but then as he went down the driveway, he PASSED the red car he had driven here in, and then another red car came down the driveway when he reached the top. (this was my old house's driveway and front yard.) So i spazed. Magically i was in regular clothes, and I locked the door, Ran to the back. Locked that door. Locked the side door and ran to my room. Then all of the sudden my room looked like my room here in georgia. I locked the bathroom doors, and everything and then thought "this is silly. they aren't going to come back..." So I went to go into the main house and watch tv to calm my nerves. But the second i opened my door, there was a man in a wheelchair, and then a big husky white man with the black guy behind him and he said "don't you answer your doorbell" and he had some kind of club or something in his hand. So i ran back into the bathroom and they darted to the door to stop me but i locked it, and the went around to break the other door. So i scrambled over to the window and yanked it open quickly. Then i fumbled with the screen for a minute and couldn't get it open so i kicked it out. then i jumped out the window (it floor to ceiling so i really just steped) and started to run, screaming help as they followed me.(this was the appartment neighborhood where i live now) I couldn't find anyone. then all of the sudden i was in the shower and that had all been a vission. so i continued to wash my hair and i heard something. I peeked out again, this time a little scared cuz of the vission i had had. and i was hoping to see nothing, but there he was. He was looking at a shirt my brother had then droped it and looked at me hiding behind the shower curtain. I didn't even ask what he was doing here this time. I just told him to get the hell out. He looked at me weird, then i threw the shampoo at him again, which wasn't on the floor from being thrown the last time so it was only a vission @___@. He dodged it and smiled at me and i glared angrily and i picked up this peice of wood that was in the shower and threatened to hit him. and i said "GET THE HELL OUT BEFORE I CALL THE COPS" and his eyes lit up and he was all "oooo the cops." then he rolled his eyes and walked out the door slowely. Again i had to follow him to make sure that he wasn't goign through my house. This time i dressed first. I went out and he was heading out the door when i got there. I came to the window and there WAS a red car. I whimpered a little and ran to the doors to lock them. Then thought it would be a better idea to go to the window and beat them to the chase, so that i could get a running start and find some place to get help. (cuz i couldn't find a phone) well i opened the window and stuck my legs out and he was there asking where i thought i was going. SO I darted away and headed for the neighbors and i triped and all three of them dove on me and it went black and i was in the shower AGAIN. This time i threw out three bottles of shampoo without looking then peaked. I had pulverized the door. I smirked and assumed that the whole thing had been a dream and i had really woken up. So i turned off the shower quickly to check, not even rinsing my hair, and put on clothes. I went to the front. No cars. I went to the back window. no people. I went to the side and looked out the front. No cars there either. So i was strolling around the back talking to myself about how i had to tell stacey all about this, and that i should go in and rinse my hair in the sink (i was too scared to get undressed and get in the shower again) and then they were all three back there behind the damn house... One of them heard me and i turned to run. They all three started following me, (the one in the whellchair COULD walk, he was just playing with a wheelchair he stole or something...) so i ran across my neighbor amber's yard (old neighborhood again) I tried so hard to scream but all i got was a gasping wheezing noise. I try to yip or something or call for help. Nothing. So i whimpered as loud as i could which still wasn't gonna do anything and started to run faster (its a damn good thing i could run in this dream, isn't it? o___o. real life i'd be screweed @___@) He was catchign up and trying to grab me so i closed my eyes and ran as fast as i could to staceys. I knew they wouldn't answer fast enough fo i just flung the door open and dove inside. Stacey's mom was apauled and i locked the door and leaned on it and explained that a man was after me. So she stood up and started givign me the third degree about it, and mike came over, put his hand on my shoulder and guided me to the living room as i talked about it. Then all of the sudden, th e three men had broken in and were claping and the big white one said "A very heart warming story" and just as mike had snuck off to call the cops, my mom flung the door open in real live and I jumped up and I swore that it was going to be those three robbers, and i nearly screamed. Then it was her saying she had to leave for two days (not really. she said she had a job for two days.) and she had to go immediatly. And i had to be awake in case someone stoped by with the packages. And she was taking her phone. (she said my brother was here but he was too zonked out to hear ANYTHING) So here is how many aspects of my dream? My mother is leaving for two days (not really o_O) she has to go right away, my dad is gone too, my room looks just like the one in my dream, she's taking the phone so i can't call for help, and a man should be coming to the door. I can't count right now. not awake enough to. BUt i think that is more than two.... so i was panicking and i immediatly got up to check if takeshi was on. If not, i was planning on coloring and watching cartoons to calm me down. Then, as i turned my back, my MOM OPENED THE DOOR AGAIN AND SCARED THE s**t OUT OF ME. So like, she said then that she was taking the phone and i started crying and she was telling me how nothing was gonna be different and i was telling her that in the dream i couldn't call and no one was home and someone kept coming to the door, so she gave me her phone to keep on me and her number, which she wrote on paper and i picked up a marker and wrote on my hand and she was all "its on the paper" and i said " im not keeping that. " i meant that i wanted the number on me. << >> That and the number for the cops. I can't just call 911. because when i would have needed to (when the man left the shower and wasn't doing anything bad) it would have just been me jumping to conclusions. Somewhere in my dream, i don't remember when, tehre were two missing scenes i can't quite place. One. I was locked up in the bathroom, and couldn't get out and couldn't get to the window and was regretting missing my chance to get out it. they were pounding on the doors and almost getting in. Then i remember another scene where i was in my room still, but investigators were there and it had been several months after the incident and they were still looking for evidence, and they were naming off stories of past victums of the case, where the ladies got raped or had their faces riped off, or were burried alive, or had some sort of neting sewn to their skin on the inside and then the neting was attatched to a window and they got thrown out and it riped their skin off from the inside out. They said i was lucky and my mom was telling them how i refused to shower at all now, and if they insisted, i made my parents stay by the doors. and then it was only for a minute. I wouldn't wash my hair. i wouldn't let them leave the house and i could barely sleep. i don't remember where this scene was at either. I keep feeling like they are gonna sneak up behind me and grab me and it will be my dream all over again... Im scared to do ANYTHING. and i don't know what to do.... god. I think i SHALL go color and stuf... but... i need... a ... soda. *calls stacey and stays on the phone with her for a bit for comfort* i guess im done @__@... lovely... she didn't pick up... god. so creepy @__@

THEIchigoSan · Thu Dec 22, 2005 @ 06:15am · 1 Comments [add]

bye. just bye Aka, farewell to Stephanie Nicole D***. RIP, December, 9th, 2005

Im soory. im soory to everyone. all i've ever been is in the way. I can't figure out how yet, but im making tomorrow come. im tired of waiting for it. I pray for it. Daily. Constantly. Im tired of waiting for god to ******** let me have tomorrow. so bye. Im taking tomorrow in my own god damn hands. And i dont' care if i go to hell for it. at least i'll be the ******** out of the way.

Its christmas, i have a new house and i can't even be happy. I don't want pressents. I don't want holiday cheer. I don't want decorations. I don't want attention. I don't want food. I don't wnat sleep. I don't want love. Not any more. Im tired. All i want for christmas is a 6 foot deep hole with my name on it.
Guess thats too much to ask for.


To my square lovies, im especially sorry. I dont' know what to say except that you may still be a triangle. Takeshi has zen. zen has taki and katie. katie has zen. Its all good. I can't help taki. I can't help zen. I can't help katie in the least. All i DO for takeshi is hurt. i b***h and complain and im tired of tearing him apart like this. Im jsut gonna back off and leave you alone takeshi. Im sorry for all the heartache I've put you through. I love you. so very much. More than i've ever loved anyone... . always have, always will, and even when im dead i'll look on and love you forver. <3<3<3I know i haven't told you this.... but... you are my only soul mate... and i can't even hold on to that. An eternity with you isn't even enough, and a second without you by my side is hell. I may have talked you to sleep, but you kept me alive. but i can't make you do that any more. you have enough problems, you don't need mine. I wish you could see just how much you honestly mean to me. </3

Zeni. I've done nothing to you. But im not waiting around until i do. Im saving you the future pain I'll inflict. There will be none of it. god. you're just perfect. even your FLAWS are perfect. i don't know how else to put it. they still don't affect your perfection. they fit so well and are subtle so that they only give you more character. You are just an amazing person and one of my best friends. Love to you as well. My phag pai. <333

Katie. Oh god katie. i tried so hard to fix things. I want so badly to take on your problems. So here i am. If i grasp tomorrow firmly, there will be no me to complicate things for you. I don't know the answers. I never will. But. I do know this. Zen and taki were always there for me, and i know they will always be there for you. They are good friends, amazing people, and nice sturdy walls to support on and to be supportive up, each in turn when you need it. I love you so much katie, may you fix all your problems that i wish i could take on for you. <33343

All of you take care of each other for me.

Stacey. You've been my best friend for six whole years. I appologize to you. I can't even keep in contact with you. I just. I can barely eat. I can barely wake up in the morning, much less hold on a conversation with people. Im sorry i hurt you. Im sorry for everything. Im a terrible friend anyways. I just hope that you will have someone else to support you the way i never could. Don't let your mom push you around. ever. or i'll sick your father on her. I really will. Somehow i'll have him smite her. I love you for all of eternity and into my next life, may it be better than this. <3333333333 (homos)

But just... be happy everyone. and please, take care of each other. Maybe i'll be okay. i seriously doubt that. Never before have i felt this shitty. Im at the end of my noose and i just... i don't have the strength for this, and now not only that, but im hurting everyone and i can't do a god damn thing to save them. I have been a bad person all my life. I wish i could take back torturing you all with my presence, but i just can't. Im a liar. Im a cheat. I can't even handle normal emotions, as i have no mental problems and are obviously just exagerating because everyone says they have the same thing as me. So im the liar. im the faker. im the one your mother warned you about. a con. a cheat. and something you just dont need in your life.

Be safe. don't turn out like me. Enjoy life. Thas all i can say.

Stephanie nicole.

Ichigo san. * she may end up still being here. *

Don't forget i love you all. Its always been true and still shines through.

THEIchigoSan · Fri Dec 09, 2005 @ 02:57pm · 8 Comments [add]

User Comments: [8]

Look. Hun, if you ever were a problem to us, we would of dropped you a long time ago.
Friends are there for each other. THEY DON"T GIVE UP AND LEAVE>
so don't you dare, for i will hunt you down.
You know, I'm making plans to visit you next year, I wanted to wait and suprise you on christmas, but I'll tell you now.
In my entire life, never had I had someone like you.
You are the only one I can tell anything too.
It's not your job to take on my problems, and believe me, I want just as much ot take yours.
You don't deserve them, you are the nicest girl I've ever know, and my bestest friend.
How could I have ever let you think that you were a problem?
Hun, you have helped me more then you know.
I would never have gotten this far if it weren't for you.
Screw everyone else, I still love them, but you, you are the one that keeps me going.
When I'm home, I can't wait to get on the computer and talk to you.
I don't want a trianle damnit. I want my square.
Its not worth it hun, please, you need some help, some real help.
Not my cheap and cheesey internet advice.
You need to let your parents know how bad thinigs really are for you, I don't care what you think in your head, you aren't making it up.
And if you are a lair, then I'm like, a triple lair.
But I don't care. Lies forgiven. Hell, patholigical lying is still something wrong.
gawd love, i wish i knew the words that would make you understand how much you mean to me. how much life is worth living.
when i made my video, before that, do you know what i made?
a suicide note.
but as i was, i couldn't do it. i couldn't inflict that pain on those i care about.
for as it might give me my piece, it would permantly ensure other not get it.
so please, you want so bad to take my problems away?
then do this, and thats all you have to do.
stay strong, get help, and stay ALIVE AND HEALTHY.
gawd girl, if i could, i'd be knocking on your door this minute to grab you in the tightest hug ever and not let you go.
you are my gaurdian angel, whether you know it or not, so don't you dare leave me.
yeah, i'm being selfish, cause you're just that good!

The wandering mind... · Fri Dec 09, 2005 @ 08:22pm
they should already konw. i've given up acting normal. its too painful. i've been going around like a zombie. yesterday i curled up in the dark in my closet for about two hours and refused to come out. Today i curled up in there for an hour and tried to kill myself but the scisors were too dull. Thas life i guess. so i decided to just drop any act that any thing is wrong or antying is normal and just be lifeless. I just dont' give a s**t. im waiting for death. let it come. Bring it god, bring it. If not, i'll just wait till i starve, cuz i don't want food. none. not a bite. soda yes, food no.
THEIchigoSan · Fri Dec 09, 2005 @ 08:30pm

if you can't talk to them, write it out, anything.
you need to do it.
you need help love,
i can't stand seeing you like this.
The wandering mind... · Fri Dec 09, 2005 @ 08:35pm

thats the thing. they KNOW. they found me in the closet. They know im freaking out. Its ******** obvious. and i can't say my feelings because they aren't there. i have none. its a lie. all a lie. nothing there. im fine. im just fine and im being a baby. no one understands taht. kenji even agreed with me. that im just normal and i have no problems. which means im a liar and a poser for feeling worse than anyone else who has such common problems. im making too much out of everything and i can't stop and its kiling me. so i decided to let it.
THEIchigoSan · Fri Dec 09, 2005 @ 08:39pm

they aren't lies, and hell, like i said, even if they were, its still a problem you need help with.
damnit, show them some of your journal enteries or something, just talk, you need to talk
you need help.
you dont deserve this love.
and they aren't lies. I don't care what anyone says.
i'm an a**!
i meant stubborn wise...
The wandering mind... · Fri Dec 09, 2005 @ 08:44pm

Why listen to a talking donkey? Dx Lol. Well i don't plan on telling them. My journal entries are just imaginative complaints about non-existant feelings. Everyone always says "oh i have mood swings. i deal with it. thats all you need to do." ' oh i have panic attackes every day' 'oh i can't sleep' "oh i don't want to eat right now" "oh im too lazy to excersize" "oh i hate reading" "oh this, oh that. " everything points to me being the wrong one, the one that is JUST like them but being a baby.
THEIchigoSan · Fri Dec 09, 2005 @ 08:49pm

who is this everyone?
i have a few choice words for them.
... i am too lazy to exercise.
-pokes fat-
it isn't you, and theres more wrong, i know it.
its not right, and you really do need help.
The wandering mind... · Fri Dec 09, 2005 @ 08:55pm

haha, i need help thas funny.
THEIchigoSan · Fri Dec 09, 2005 @ 08:58pm

Freaky Dream

i've been having some weird a** dreams << >> They haunt meeeeeeeeeeeeeee>___< And my potty is not as evil as affore surmised o_O
It seams to be at an odd time of layout though. There are two doors to it. One from my bedroom and one from the hallway. I open the one from my room, go in, close the one from my hallway and then turn and the one from my room is still open. @___@ its confusing to me...
Last night i had to sleep on the floor, but no worries cuz my blankets are comfay I slept by my new windows which are almost floor to ceiling (i was laying on the floor and i could touch the sill without lifting up my arm) bad idea it was though.... ITS COLD NEXT TO MY WINDOW
I like... threw up in the car yesterday ;_;. We got lost in memphis and too much stoping and going and i was car sick from reading and s**t. Threw up for the first time in 7 years.... Im like vomit-phobic and i was bawling my head off.... it was awful! ;____; I threw up in a dog food bowl XD. It was kinda funny in that aspect. o_o. My mom had to clean it up hehe. Im so nice.
I was dog tired when i got home (i was sleeping on and off in the car allday, that is hard work! ) but not too tired to try to lock my brother out on the patio while he was smoking Im a b*****d. woot. I tried it this morning too.
When i woke up, there were duckies on the lake outside me window o_O Quack quack duckiies .
We went driving around town this morning. (duckies, how nifty) and there are lots of new things. I can walk to a Mcdonalds. There are people walking on my roof... I wonder if they know they're doing that? My toilet makes noises at me.... i want to throw something at it.... o_o;;; There are buttens all over and the fixtures on the light sockets are crooked. *twitched* and in the living room, there are like ten in a row, and they look like they are dancing or somethign because they are all OBVIOUSLY very very crooked I swear... im gonna bury them all... I WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
There is this cool chinese resturaunt in town that has this huge wall and its like wavy at the top and all colorfull and it looks like one of those dragon float things at a chinese parade. I love it. I want to go there. the building looks all chinese-ish too. (my taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaki chaaaaaaaaaan ;___; *talks to him and picks on zenichirara's name * )
Stacey called a ton yesterday. She called again right before we left wanting another hug. she called a ton during the day because we have like, free mobile to mobile o_o... She had stayed the night on wednesday (cuz it was my last day. so she skiped school) and thursday she stayed the night cus we had to leave at like 5 am so she was gonna go to school after we left. Well she was bawling her eyes out and they decided to take her to the doctors and claim she was sick, that way she would have an excuse for missing school. She like, had some water behind her ears so they put her on steiroids to clear it out agian. (she was gonna get sleeping pills cuz she can barely sleep at night, but her mom said no cuz she said she had ENOUGH medicine.) Stacey called later at night and she was really upset and said she mished me a whole lot. then like, randomly changing subjects she was all "what kind of chicken do i like ? " and i asked "Ummm... you mean how do you like it?" and she said "no no, i mean what do i eat on it?" and i said "ummm spices?" she said 'no, what part of it" and i said "skin? breading?" and she was like "noo, what kind of peice, like breast or thigh or what not" and i was all "why the hell would i know that, thigh i guess... sometimes a drumstick cuz they make you feel like a canibal and its fun to you o_o..." it was so weird. the whole time she sounded really upset still....
Taki is all pouty XD. He is excited i am home i guess though. My takeshi. MIIIIIIIIINe

Okay... thas all for now.... go away..... like now...... bye....... LEAVE ME ALONE



User Comments: [1]

-hugs and clings-

The wandering mind... · Sun Dec 04, 2005 @ 03:57am

lot going on, and all for a 15 hour car trip

As a lot of people know, Im moving to georgia. A lot has been hectic around here because of it. my dad is moving November the 14, and we will be joining him shortly after, but closer to December. He however has a temp job all this week. 40 dollars an hour for 40 hours and 60 dollars an hour any hours he has to work over the origional 40. Sounds confusing, but its really not. Its a shitload of money, but we could really use it. Their system crashed and they called my dad up out of the blue and want him to try and fix it a.s.a.p. this week if possible. if he can't, they'll have to look elsewhere as he HAS to start work on Nov. 14 exactly... @___@. Needless to say, with him so hectic, me and my mom and brother (i hate that he is coming scream but that is another journal entry entirly XD too much for this entry to type XD. ) have to pack up things for my dad, pack our things, tidy up the house so the realter can come assess how much the house is worth and put it up on the market. When all the furniture is moved out, we have to fumigate the place, to get rid of the damn c**k roaches stare God. so much. And my friends... I have to tell only a few so my fake friends don't come running up and telling me this BS about how they'll "miss me soooooooo much! boo hooooooooooooo" stare yaaaaaaa, right. well i have to get together with my REAL friends, smother them all in attention, especially stacey, and have a lot of them stay the night (except my guy friends! : xd )

this sale thing was droped in my lap last minute. I was at staceys and i got a call that "omg, we are having yard sale. come sell your s**t" XD I came down here and for about an hour, they have been teasing me about selling my couch... They asked how much i wanted to sell it for... i said "their souuuuuuuuul" (MINE! scream ) Also, Tim, who i've known all my life and is like a brother to me (he is the son of my dad's best friend since high school) is getting the other couch that is supposed to be a set with MY pretty couch, but he won't get mine... and he told me he was getting it and I was all "which one!!!!!!!? scream evil " and he jokingly said "the love seat" and I was like "that'll be one soul please ^___^ " gonk scream then they pretended they were gonna try and move it out the door and I was all "YOU PUT MY COUCH DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They were only joking, but god... teasing me about my baby? not funny ;___;

I told nessa. she was okay i suppose. she's the same as stacey, sort of understandign... though i KNOW stacey is taking it harder. i've seen stacey every day for six years... and its gonna be hard. stacey was really upset about somethign earlier and wouldn't tell me. I asked her if she had a fight with her mom. she said no. I asked if something bad happened, again no. I asked if she was upset about me moving, she paused, but said no. She said nothing was wrong, but her voice was breaking and she was quiet and she said at the beginning of the call that she was depressed, and didn't want to talk about it because she would cry again, and i think at the end she was starting to cry... she rushed me off the phone. i know it was about me moving. I think it just didn't really sink in till she saw us selling stuff i guess...
god. i got a warning to stay in here for a few minutes. rj is outside
if he knows we are moving to georgia, he'll tell EVERYONE
god. i'll pretend not to be home if people start coming over with fake goodbyes XD
well, i guess i'll get back to the yard sale. gotta "model" the chair XD its really just my excuse to sit in it! But its a dammmmmn good one. No worries any of my online budays. I'll still be getting online, my dad works with computers, he job depends on the internet. at least that isn't changing To any of my offline friends reading this, i love you all very much, and you have no idea how much i am really gonna miss you.
XOXO (god i thought i'd never type that corny cliche XD) Hugs kisses, hugs molest XD

scam stupids


This was on the 9:00 o'clock news the other night and this works
> Subject: PLEEEEEEASE READ!!!! it was on the news!
> This thing is for real. Rest assured AOL and Intel will follow through
> with their promises for fear of facing a multimillion-dollar class
> action suit similar to the one filed by PepsiCo against General Electric
> not too long ago.
> Dear Friends; Please do not take this for a junk letter. Bill Gates
> sharing his fortune. If you ignore this, You will repent later.
> Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an
> effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used
> program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.
> When you forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it
> ( If you are a Microsoft Windows user) For a two weeks time period.
> For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you
> $245.00 For every person that you sent it to that forwards it on,
> Microsoft will pay you $243.00 and for every third person that receives
> it, You will be paid $241.00. Within two weeks, Microsoft will contact
> you for your address and then send you a check.
> Regards. Charles S Bailey General Manager Field Operations
> 1-800-842-2332 Ext. 1085 or 904-1085 or RNX
> 292-1085 Charles_Bailey@csx.com
> I thought this was a scam myself, But two weeks after receiving this
> e-mail and forwarding it on. Microsoft contacted me for my address and
> withindays, I receive a check for $24,800.00. You need to respond before
> the beta testing is over. If anyone can affoard this, Bill gates is the
> man.
> It's all marketing expense to him. Please forward this to as many people
> as possible. You are bound to get at least $10,000.00. We're not going
> to help them out with their e-mail beta test without getting a little
> something for our time. My brother's girlfriend got in on this a few
> months ago. When i went to visit him for the Baylor/UT game. She showed
> me her check. It was for the sum of $4,324.44 and was stamped "Paid in
> full"
> Like i said before, I know the law, and this is for real.
> Intel and AOL are now discussing a merger which would make them the
> largest Internet company and in an effort make sure that AOL remains the
> most widely used program, Intel and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.
> When you forward this e-mail to friends, Intel can and will track it( if
> you are a Microsoft Windows user)for a two week time period.
> Try it; What have you got to lose

See stuff like this? it looks so realistic. they burry you with facts and 'real life cases' and the like, but all they really want is to sucker millions of gullibal people into wasting their time and spreading their bs all over the world, in hopes that their "master peice of a scam" will return to them and they will be able to witnessed just how many's peoples time they wasted. also, it seams that some people actually believe this crock, and get their hopes all up. I wouldn't bet on it. There are truly millions of users in the world that would fall for this, you really thinks they would have the fundings to do all this? I dont' care HOW rich you are, its just not plausable, not possible, and unrealistic. I just thought i would take the time out to tell you how stupid things like this are, and that there are a lot of somewhat sensible things like this out there that are just as fake as the fortune chain letters that claim you will be cursed if you don't send it to so many people. No one will track you down, no one will pay you, no one can even POSSIBLY find your address on your computer unless you put it there. And if you did put it there, then a hacker could just as easily find it, and i would suggest taking it off, for if it was just that simple, i wager a blood thirsty murderer/rapist will show up on your doorstep sooner than this fake check they are advertising. thank you for your time.

Now. to further prove my point, I shall highlight and demonstrate the clear markings that make this a scam.

This was on the 9:00 o'clock news the other night and this works
> Subject: PLEEEEEEASE READ!!!! it was on the news! (if it is supposed to be a real deal, you should just state it. Even if people don't believe, they've read it, and you've made your point that aol wishes to be your number one internet sponser. Need we actually get suckered in by their lies and repeated claims trying to shove down our throats that its real. When someone repeats things over and over like this, especially in caps, it suggests insecurity.Even if it was true, they lost my trust because of their desperate flailing for attention.)
> This thing is for real. Rest assured AOL and Intel will follow through
> with their promises for fear of facing a multimillion-dollar class
> action suit similar to the one filed by PepsiCo against General Electric
> not too long ago.
> Dear Friends; Please do not take this for a junk letter. Bill Gates
> sharing his fortune. If you ignore this, You will repent later. (repenting suggests bowing down. I think the word they are searching for would be regret, if it was true. the only thing thats worth repenting OR regreting is if you believe all this)
> Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an
> effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used
> program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test. (sure. bribe us. become a democracy.)
> When you forward this e-mail to friends, Intel can and will track it(can we say stalker? I can.)( if
> you are a Microsoft Windows user)for a two week time period.

> For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you
> $245.00 For every person that you sent it to that forwards it on,
> Microsoft will pay you $243.00 and for every third person that receives
> it, You will be paid $241.00. Within two weeks, Microsoft will contact
> you for your address and then send you a check. (anyone who contacts you for your address EVER no matter what the reason should be immediatly reported. i dont care if they offer you eternal life. Its a bad idea and you have no one to blame but yourself when things go wrong because of it. )
> Regards. Charles S Bailey General Manager Field Operations
> 1-800-842-2332 Ext. 1085 or 904-1085 or RNX
> 292-1085 Charles_Bailey@csx.com (anyone could have put this in. Who says that it was actually this person? )
> I thought this was a scam myself, But two weeks after receiving this
> e-mail and forwarding it on. Microsoft contacted me for my address and
> withindays, I receive a check for $24,800.00. (Okay, if they already sent it, how are they telling you the results of it afterwards for one? If you really think it even MIGHT be a scan, you send it and then delete it. And even so, if they give that much to EVERY PERSON, he'd be bankrupt in a month. )You need to respond before
> the beta testing is over.(beta testing will never be over. I surmise this has been cycling around for over a year.)of anyone can affoard this, Bill gates is the
> man.
> It's all marketing expense to him. Please forward this to as many people
> as possible. You are bound to get at least $10,000.00. We're not going
> to help them out with their e-mail beta test without getting a little
> something for our time. My brother's girlfriend got in on this a few
> months ago. When i went to visit him for the Baylor/UT game. She showed
> me her check. It was for the sum of $4,324.44 and was stamped "Paid in
> full" (is 4,000 less than 10,000. Hmm I think it is. They disproved themselves.)
> Like i said before, I know the law, and this is for real. (mmhmm. im sure lawyers waste their time forwarding scams when they could be using their email to most likely look at the interests of FACTUAL interested clients that will pay them if the lawyers take up their cases...)>
> Intel and AOL are now discussing a merger which would make them the
> largest Internet company and in an effort make sure that AOL remains the
> most widely used program, Intel and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.
> When you forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it
> ( If you are a Microsoft Windows user) For a two weeks time period. (can we say redundant? ) >

> Try it; What have you got to lose (on a final note people, your dignity. You can lose your dignity. in all further forwarding scam suggestions, i think maybe people should start taking time to weigh out these unrealistic claims, and just save themselves the false hopes and dashed dreams over something that is just not there. ) >



THEIchigoSan · Mon Nov 07, 2005 @ 02:06pm · 2 Comments [add]

User Comments: [2]

I've gotten that e-mail before (or something like it). Sadly, it's been going on for yeeeearrrsss, and although I was probably still young(er) and stupid(er ) when I got it, I'm pretty sure I didn't send it back to anybody. People who believe that stuff are just so sad.

Meggi · Mon Nov 07, 2005 @ 04:17pm

xD my mom got something like that before o.O

Hiro Akagi · Tue Nov 08, 2005 @ 12:11am


god... my stomach is folding over in knots. how can people just dissapear with no regards to others, then come back and not say a word except for "yeah". i mean at least i know the person is alive... but i spent like... 20 mintues bawling my eyes out over tha person last night... i was so worried. Oh well... It doesn't matter how i feel.. just wnat that person to be okay.

THEIchigoSan · Fri Nov 04, 2005 @ 03:03pm · 1 Comments [add]

candles hate me today o+o

Ichigo:my incence...
Ichigo:it fell on my desk...
Ichigo:and i think it left a burn mark
oh, thats not good
Ichigo:while i aws on the phone
Ichigo:im not even supposed to HAVE incense
Ichigo:my mom gets sick
Ichigo:AND they always tell me not to burn anything....
Ichigo:god. im in trouble
Ichigo:*goes to get a rag to scrub it*
katie:-hopes it works-
Ichigo:it aint gonna
Katie:darn. . .

*on the phone*

Ichigo:i was just talking to my mom
Ichigo-:i so rock
Ichigo:i got away with it
Katie:whys that?
Katie:hehe, yeah
Ichigo:i told her i blew it out
Ichigo:the match
Ichigo:and the phone rang
Ichigo:so I just set it on my desk. and that normally i grinded it into this old cup to make sure its out, but the phone... so i just set it down
Ichigo:and when i came back there was a mark
Ichigo:and she was more worried about me being sad about it or somethign
Ichigo:she was all "im sorry theres nothing we can do to fix it"
Ichigo:and I told her i was just worried she would be mad
Ichigo:and she was all "naaaaaah" XD
Katie:hehe, yeah
Ichigo:its pretty much true
Ichigo:cept with incense
Ichigo:gladd it didn't land on paper....
Ichigo:we would need a new house XD
Katie:hehe, yeah
Ichigo:guess im not worried about htat XD
Ichigo: i knew if i told her, she woulnd't be mad
Ichigo:but if she found it
Katie:thats good
Ichigo:should would have been
Ichigo:and damn did i have a good story
Katie:hehe, yeppers
Katie:i totally camwhored while you were getting ready earlier.
Ichigo: GIMM EIT
Ichigo:give me them all
Katie:gimme a sec
Ichigo: i came on gaia to go post in taki's journal again and appologize for sorta bitching him out on the other commetn XD
Ichigo:and there was like 5 pmS from stacey
Ichigo:s**t AGAIN
Katie confused
Ichigo:my candle
Ichigo:its was melting the wall
Ichigo:and i was worried it would over the floor
Ichigo:so i poked up the edge to get it to come up cuz the side was hot
Ichigo:i thought i was a genious
Ichigo:till a hole apeard and OUT DRAINE DTH WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX
Ichigo:so i blew it out
Ichigo:and it drained faster!
Ichigo:and so I started blowing on the hole to close it
Ichigo:which WAS genius
Ichigo:cuz it stoped some
Katie:thats good
Katie:my hand was over a key
Ichigo:and i sopped up most of the wax
Ichigo:and i shall chip up the rest with a spoon
Katie:hehe, okay
Katie:so you cant watch that file, can you? darn
Ichigo xd
Ichigo:let me check in a min
Katie surprised kay.
Katie:you might have to right click and tell it what to open it with
Ichigo surprised kay
Ichigo:i do that all the time. gimme a sec

THEIchigoSan · Wed Nov 02, 2005 @ 11:41am · 1 Comments [add]

my pills

8 pills
the chances of taking all of them and not tasting one... is very low
and they taste like s**t rolling in a toilet, stuffed in old mud, left out to mold, wraped in my brothers socks, taken out of bill clinton's a** and then compressed into a pill ;___;

i didn't think i could capture it in words, but I believe just then i did.

THEIchigoSan · Tue Nov 01, 2005 @ 12:16pm · 0 Comments [add]

STupid voices

I have people in my head. distinct ones. they have no names ;-__;
They do, but they are bitches. The reason they won't tell is because if I know their names, then I would be able to tell someone that I know their names, and then it would be a different dissorder than just hearing voices...
And they would fix it.
So they won't tell me.
Its ******** crazy.
I don't know if they are just really smart... or what is going on here. I mean there CANT be a they. they should be there. that is to say the they it is not there should not be a they at all, but a nothing. There should be nothing there. But I suppose if that was the case, we would not be having this conversation o_O

THEIchigoSan · Tue Nov 01, 2005 @ 10:04am · 0 Comments [add]

poetry is poetry

shade of lies. tree of despair.
sheild my eyes. from those who care.
take me away, away in a drift.
the sands of time through cold fingers do sift.
my heart doth not worry but worry I do.
tragic is tragic, and tragic is you.
Harshness is your face, lies are your words.
if death were an animal, it would come in herds.

the wave of a sea of torents and pain
it overrides the sound of waving grain.
to reach out and touch what thine eyes do not see.
to taste on thy lips what ye think to be free.
if freedom were food let me live for an hour.
but freedom is the princess in the top of a tower.
through wind, rain and snow and a dragon you fight.
but by the end of the journay, freedom's turn off the light.
if freedom were food, WOULD we live for a day?
could we? should we? live for just one day?

if my heart had a mouth. and it could speak.
would it call out for fame, or the freedom i secretely seek.
A poems not a poem. a rhyme not a rhyme.
unless the author, sits down and takes the time.
takes the time and lets his heart go, his feelings all unlocked.
not scared that one will judge us so, or maybe we'll be mocked.
a mocking bird is probably the most reluinquished (wrong word << >> wink of all creatures.
Its voice is all its own and yet it mocks the other's features.
So surely doth that mean that by one mocking us they hide.
they hide that they wish they could to be free to let out side.
let outside the feelings that lay deep inside their heart.
but poetry's a secret that a true artists heart will never part.

</3<3</3<3 Fickle as the sands of time.


THEIchigoSan · Tue Nov 01, 2005 @ 09:26am · 0 Comments [add]


omg. We are trick or treating. We run into Rj (ex bf. pretty much cheated on me. used me. pitty date. other s**t. god he is dead to me. I really insist he is dead.)and company. I was pissed of course, but he wasn't saying anything to me. As they left, he comes to me for a hug and I was all "******** no!" and shoved out my hand before he could get close. XD god it was refreshing. MMMMMMMMMM felt so good. still does. I'll never regret it ^^.

On to other stuff, we got a s**t load of candy. Me, amber, stacey and amber's dumbass brother. he's sort of autistic and usually he infuriates me. He was kind of tolerable tonight though He WAS sorta being inconsiderate to kids though. We are so old and if a group of kids come up behind us, that means they deserve the right to go first and not wait. its just common sense AND common curtousy.

We went to this church walk thing. Trunk or treating or some s**t. It was amber's church. they all had trunks and you walked around and got stuff. they handed out a s**t load of M-azing candy bars. All peanut butter XD I could die! god im addicted to them. also, we got two bags of huge a** (the regular size really o_o) snickers popables. fuggin awesome. We came home and went around here, which is when I did that s**t to Rj (god, still feels gooD XD ) Also, we were having a riot in the car, cracking everyone up, even Amber's mom ^^. we had our pumpkin out as well. so proud am i. when im not tired i'll put up pictures. I hear a bug, I need to take off my make up, my back aches. I want to change clothes... Look through my candy. just everything @___@. GOnna go now... why are you still here? Stop reading my diary! YOU PERVERT! IM TELLING!

Shalalalalala Omariga. Shalalalalala suki dai you *tries to sing in japanese and fails misserable ;___; XD* But I look damn cute trying right? ^^

I love you. for now

(kenji <33333)

THEIchigoSan · Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 09:18pm · 0 Comments [add]

tear tear

tears. they're salty. and they burn.
They don't burn my face. they burn inside.
They burn my heart. they tear me apart.

Tear. Tear. they're both spelled the same.
you can rip me apart and look at my insides.
but you will never see the pain that I hide.
Change is good, but with it comes bad.
I want the change, but it makes me sad.
Torn away from all that I love.
Rise to hights, but still Im above.
Above all the thigns that I once cherrished so dear.
As I think of leaving, I shed a big tear.
My problems are my own, are not for me to share.
I hold them inside, but I still know they're there.
I don't want to leave but if I have to I must.
Some day I know that in me they'll still trust.
Everything will change, but i still seam to want.
and it hurts inside, that I wants something I shouldn't.
to leave all my loved ones and float on the winds of change.
I want to believe its okay, but it will be so deranged.
I want what I want but I can't seem to shake.
That by wanting my own many hearts it will... break... </3


Break my heart. just once more. </////3

THEIchigoSan · Mon Oct 31, 2005 @ 01:46pm · 0 Comments [add]

My heart song -let you go-

My eyes can barely hold back tears. My heart it breaks in two.
I sit in quiet agony, thinking its the best thing to do.

I didn't want to do it, but it seams I simply must.
I know that you are happy this way, and I don't want to break that up.

Its seams that is my destiny, to be forever "just the friend".
But I guess thats good enough for me, since I'll be that way till the end.

Why does it hurt so much this time? Like nothing I've ever known.
My hearts been riped out many times, but now the pain has grown.

It feels like I am drowning in a sea with no one there.
Im lost and I am falling in a pit of black despair.

My lonely heart can take no more, and every day I fight.
While the voices tell me "just give up", I hold on with all my might.

One day I fear that I'll give in and they will win the war.
And I'll be gone, away from it all, a bother to people no more.

No more of me pretending that things might actually change.
No more of insisting that my thoughts are not deranged.

No more of my old fantasies of someone loving me.
For I am all alone in this, as I will always be.

I look around and so it seams they all have a love they share.
And I am just alone, right here. I do not have a pair.

I can not, will not, have not, SHALL not, ever be something more.
For the place I belong is not where I am, yet Im stuck just like before.

Its so dark in here, and they laugh at me, and Im getting very scared.
I've been here before, but its a new low, for which I wasn't prepared.

I never should have let people in, should've kept those damn doors locked.
Yet just like then, I was stupid again, and opened right when they knocked.

Once they're inside they rip walls down, and break apart the floors.
They paint over the windows, and when they leave, I board up all the doors.

My feelings burnt, I sit in a corner, holding whats left of my dignity.
My shame is soaring through the wind for all the world to see.

Its like I am just someone who is always on reserve.
When they are lonely, here they come, to me around the curb.

Im not a puppet, not a toy, to be yanked this way and that.
This is not a game of cat and mouse, I the mouse and you the cat.

Believe me that through sorrows eyes I hardly see whats real.
It all becomes defformed and grotesque, not knowing how to feel.

I feel like Im in a fairy tail, but wheres my happy ending?
I see the knights, their swords ablaze, but its never me they're defending.

Im a princess in a tower, in a kingdom far away.
Pathetically I sit and dream and wait for that damn day.

The day the non-existing prince will come and rescue myself.
But countless times, while on their way, they resuce someone else.

And so I stay in my dark tomb and wait so patiently.
For the day someone will finally come to resuce me...

But most importantly, I will not hold my breath.
For in my luck, they will come after my death...

yes I wrote this poem, thats why it sucks...


-Ichigo San-

THEIchigoSan · Fri Oct 28, 2005 @ 06:59am · 0 Comments [add]

Little one, precious one.

God. To see you happy brings tears to my eyes. Seeing how much you have hurt, and knowing deep down that the pain I see with my eyes is nothing compared to the torture you are going through behind closed doors. And to see you smile. Its like nothing else in this world matters any more. Like just because you are happy, everything is gonna be alright. Do me a favor strugling one. Smile for me every day. Laugh a little once in a while. Dance in the rain and let your bad thoughts melt away. Sleep and let your dreams escape into a sub-reality that can take you away from everything. Most important, precious one, be happy. Always be happy. I know its hard. But just know that soon, happy will come. And thats all that matters. For you to be happy.



THEIchigoSan · Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 08:10am · 0 Comments [add]

A thing called sense

With the passing of time comes a change of heart.
To each hidden secret, an element of misplaced trust.

-A work in progress. I add what strikes my heart as I move through life. -

<3 Love you </3 Hate you <3 Love you again



THEIchigoSan · Fri Oct 21, 2005 @ 03:33pm · 0 Comments [add]

That girl

Alexz Johnson

That Girl

by Unknown
You said you didn�t need me but you did
You said you didn�t want me. but you do
It�s kinda like a comedy
First you kiss me and then say we�re through

I say you�ve got some issues, yeag you do
Some things you gotta work through, you really do
It�s sorta like a talk show
No wait, a freak show when the freak is you

I�m the smoke from your fire
I�m that guy you can trust
I�m a chord on your guitar
I�m that girl you can�t shut up
I�m the blood you might need
In your car when you speed
In that cigarette you breathe
You can�t get rid of me

You said i wasn�t funny when you laughed
You said i couldn�t drive fast, then you crashed
Funny how it works out with your big mouth
You�ll always get it back

You thought you had me worked out, you�re not deep
Mr. i screw about, you�re still a creep
At best you could�ve confessed that you�re a big mess
And that you�re so damn weak

I�m the smoke from your fire
I�m that guy you can trust
I�m a chord on your guitar
I�m that girl you can�t shut up
I�m the blood you might need
In your car when you speed
In that cigarette you breathe
You can�t get rid of me

And still i try and justify
Try and let this die, you�ll never say goodbye
I can�t quite rub it in your face
Just in three more days i�ll send you home to cry

I�m the blood you might need
In your car when you speed
In that cigarettte you breathe
You can�t get rid of me

THEIchigoSan · Mon Oct 17, 2005 @ 09:03am · 0 Comments [add]


Just exactly what am I supposed to do? THe world has fliped up side down on me and I had my seatbelt unfastened. No one seams to understand. I don't understand. How can someone love you and want to be with you and then want to be with someone else? Its not possible. Perhaps those feelings were never there, and I got my hopes up that maybe for once, JUST FOR ONCE, I was someone's jewel. The one they wanted to be with more than anyone in the whole wild world. At least for a minute, can't I have that at least for a minute?

People keep telling me to get over things. I try. And I try harder. But why do they keep coming back to hit me in the arse stronger than before? These voices, these not voices. They are there, but they won't shut up. And I can't say "they" because they are in me, or I am in me, since its my head and nothing can be in there so it has to be ME making eveyrthing up. So why can't I make it stop? Why does it keep getting worse and worse? Im tired and Im exhausted and Im hurting. And the one person I want to hold me is too busy holding someone else. Just another best friend. That makes this the 4th person Im best friends to that had a girlfriend, and likes the girlfriend that way but not me. But I never loved them as much as I love this one. And it happens again. Its kinda like "always a bridesmaid, never a bride" but with the groom of the wedding being the one you love. Doesn't matter though. its being selfish to hold people back.

I think I shall stop taking my damn medicine. I've been taking it for ******** months now. and Im pissed. It feels like its getting worse. Its not doing a ******** thing except costing money, and making my dad think that im making everything up. I'll just throw them away and fix it myself like Im supposed to. If I break myself in the process, so be it. Im already shattered and barely holding together. If im gonna break, Im gonna break trying to fix it. Besides, my dad and others keep saying that "its all in my head" so that means I don't need this damn medicine and Im just 'pretending' so I can draw in attention, attention that i don't even ******** want. I want to hurt my arm again, but it looks like there is no room. Id have to cut over others. Maybe I just might.

World, thanks for breaking me. </3

THEIchigoSan · Sun Oct 16, 2005 @ 10:27am · 0 Comments [add]

Shout Outs: all my friends read!

I got the idea for this from one of my best best best friend's journals. It is by no means an origional thing, but I wanted to do one of my own, to let everyone know what an affect they have in my life, and how dear I hold them all to my heart.

Takeshi (Guyseh): God... What can I say? Its just. There are no words. Without you, I think my life would fall apart. Stacey would sure have her hands full, because I'd be on the verge of suicide every hour of every day. You keep me together, and I wouldn't trade all the money in the world for the conversations we've had. And Im sure there are more to come. I know we have some tough times, but we'll make it through. I just know somehow. I never meant to complicate your life so much, and I must seam like I've taken you over and declared you mine when I have no right to. Again, not my intentions. I have one last thing to say<33333 I love you very very very very very very VERY much, baby. And thats never ever going to change.

Stacey (demon_sapphire) Like, omg! Lyke totally freak me out! There are a million things I want to tell ya, but theres not enough room on the page, and I tell you every day anyways. XD Try and stop me! Fook yu, Fook MI! Hehe. The other day I got to thinking what my life would be like without you... it was painfull just thinking about it and I realized how much you've been there for me and I for you. We are closer than close, almost as if we share the same brain (and sometimes thats still not enough to figure out how to open a pickle jar. Damn those pickles, its a conspiracy! XD) We share many jolly jolly inside jokes, and no one will ever understand the things we say. Me and you live in our own world, and its name is forever. Best friends forever, my sister, my comfort, my daughter, my mother, my body guard, and of course, my good friend the Spawn of Satan. <3 Love yous! <3

Katie (the wandering mind...) We tottally should get Michael and a*****e together to play cards It would be an amusing thing. You think they would fight? Perhaps we should make Ichigo and the shower lady play truth or dare with us at the same time. You are one of my best friends, hun, and I never wish pain upon you. You are always there to give me an unbiast oppinion on things, as is Stacey. You give me confidence that helps me move on through the night. You are one of the only people that I rush eagerly online to talk to. You are an excellent colorererererer, and I love your little word/name signs. Just one question out of curiousity, why are they always done in blue? Not that that is a bad thing, just always wondered o_o. On a final note, I have this important announcement: I foenrioneornmiohoin love you with oermoeihicno ihj my oermiioeniotrnoeinroemoch heart. You are the oimeriohewuionbcohjio thing that eiornjeionowenonroenrioeyioyc happened to meoriheionc yiomer. Go buy me a oeirmioehcjejoeomcldflidnoo like right NOW. Love ya so much hun <33333(tu) << >>

Nessa(Queenmoody) You have been one of my best friends since the end of time it seams. I think from the day you moved here, we have been together, cept the first few days when we were kind of sending electric shocks at each other. Our glasses so magnified them, too! XD. Remember Nicki Cress? Such a big mistake. All I can say is Ew. Im so glad that you finally have a great boyfriend who treats you right. Andrew is perfect for you. Give him many hugs for me I miss him and I miss you. We really need to get together sometime soon. Just get some old movies, kick back and chill it. Just like old times. I know we've seamed distant, but Im really going through tough times, you know? I've been kind of hermiting. Its a good thing (martha stewart moment ) Anyways, I love ya to death <3<3<3

Seraphy (wolf Seraph) I know I don't really know your real name, I should really look into that XD. We run around in circles and we throw pretend parties for no reason. We have wars of emoticons, and have both seen times where we had to surrender to the power of the allmighty "i have more emots than you!" lord. You send me songs, and half the time they make me go "yuck" You always have something to say, and you bump my thread without me asking. I know that you are thinking of me even when Im not there XD. I love you bobo. : ) <3 ^__^ (tell me your feelings! NOW! )

Gacktu-san *won't put your real name cuz I know you want it secret XD I so Know it now though *(Gackts_Massacred_Angel): I love talking to you. You make me smile and laugh. You are the only person in the whole wide world that I've ever met that talks like you do. Its great, and addorable. I love the things we talk about. I hope to have many many more conversations with you, my loveable huggable Gacktu-san By the way, you are doing very well speaking English. I know you still have problems, but you are getting there, slowely but surely. Im sure talking to people in English helps a ton. You still must tell me your age and your Real name. What are you a secret agent? Share the word, buster! Love ya to bits! <3

Andrew, Puppy really(sfalpharyu) From the day I met you, I so started calling you puppy. Very soon it caught on, and soon everyone knew you by that, and not your real name. Not exactly a good thing, you being a new student and barely anyone knowing your name. Also, everyone started calling you that and said that they made it up. Pissed me off! I even know WHY you are called that. You would follow me around all morning and wait outside my class for me like a good little puppy. Hence puppy o_o. It kind of stuck XD. I can still remember your laugh and the silling things you would say. Sometimes, when I was sad you would poke me in the eye, and not with a hot french fry, with your finger. XD Sometimes when I was happy, I would totally bounce off the wall and say odd things and you'd just pull your head back, scrunch your shoulders all alert and say "gawd!" You treat Vanessa really good, and I miss hanging out with you and the others. You are a very good person. (you used to say that to me. "you're a good person) XD I love ya! <3

John (hiro_the_loser, now Hypnotic_dreams) You share my love for rock lobsters, my Enchiladito budday! We are the moonanites!!!!!!!! &_& hehe. You comfort me, though mostly you just spill your stories too, and make it feel like total girly pillow talk. I can just see us painting our nails and listening to Aqua! Your room is an odd color o__o. We have a weird habbit of ignoring the camera. I wonder if you have ever watched me pick my nose without me knowing XD (not that thats a regular habbit mind you o_O) A final note: Did you ever know that you're my hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirooooo! YOu're everything I wish I could

" blahhh I am a Krackin from the sea!'"

-questing three things: giant syringe, tote bag (any gen), gogh reed (any gen). -

will draw/do signs for gaia gold!

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