-what do i think of yew?
i think you're very pretty... and sweet. sometimes you can be too nice but oh well... i forgive you. just don't go off being nicer to other people then you are to me. that'd make me sad because i should be the only one who gets special attention. i think you need lots of love and i plan to give you that. if you don't accept my affection... well... too damn bad. you'll just get it anyways. i force myself on you *forces* the only way you will be able to get rid of me is by beating me... and even then i'd come back. i like that you're not some slutty skank who throws herself at people. i wouldn't like you if you were... you're innocent at times and that's very smexy.
-what do i think about your looks?
you can be very smexy when you wanna be. i think you're cute too... and i'm not trying to just be pervy and nothing else. i've already told you before that i think you're pretty... and if i'm the first to think or say this then i really don't like the people around you. you should hear that a lot because it's true... but then again i'd prefer people to not call you things like that. you're mine. only i can have nice thoughts about you... and nobody can have bad thoughts because i'll beat them with a shoe. your voice is very cute too. heh... like when you yawn. it makes me wanna glomp you. i likes your hair too... it's very pretty and long... just don't let it get too long or i'll have to attack you with scissors in your sleep. now you wouldn't like that would you? didn't think so. i wish i could cuddles you but i'll have to wait a few more days... and then after that there will be more waiting. i don't mind since i'll get to be near you for just a little bit. oh... and your new glasses make you look extra smexy just for your fyi.
-how do i feel about yew?
i care about you a lot and i'd cry if something happened to you. i know people are all 'well at least their happy.' when they break up with someone but i can't be like that... if we ever break up i can't be happy for you if you find someone else. it'd depress me to know someone else was capable of making you happy... maybe even happier. i don't want you to find someone else or get tired of me... and you don't have to worry about me finding someone else because everyone down here sucks. plus i don't want anyone else. you're more then enough for me... and you don't have to worry about me getting tired of you either. we've known each other for over a year now and i still haven't gotten tired of talking to you every single day of that year. if anything i just wanna talk to you more... but there aren't enough hours in the day for that. damn sun and moon *stabs them* i know i may not be the greatest at expressing how i feel... especially not through words. just know that i do like you a lot and i am not about to just give you up. i know we fight a lot and BLAH but whatever... who doesn't? i get emo... you make it better. you get emo... i make it better. i'm glad we can work our problems out and not just immediately give up.
-how do yew make me feel?
you make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside... and not the warm and fuzzy feeling you get when you've got a temperature and have to throw up. that would be bad. it makes me feel special that i have someone as awesome as you. i like it when we talk on the phone... and when you call me upset and i make it better. i hope i'm good at making you feel better in person... it'd make me emo if i didn't know what to say or do to make you stop feeling bad in person. do you think my hugs would work? i suppose after so long they'd stop working since you'd be used to me... try not to get used to me so quickly if so. i want my hugs to always be just so damn awesome that they make you smile. that'd make me smile too... idunno how you could ever like me since i'm a complete a**/b***h sometimes. i don't wanna be like that towards you in person... or the phone... or internet. i have anger issues and sometimes i don't stop to think how others will feel... so just don't leave me for something stupid i do or say kay?
-what are my thoughts on our relationship?
hm... i think we're doing pretty damn well compared to other people. we actually mean something to each other and aren't in this thing for looks. i don't care who all is into the girl on girl thing. i like you... and not because of what other people will think about us being together... and not because it seems to be everywhere these days either. all they did was copy off of us. the originals... only thing is they can't be as important to each other as we are. i'm glad you're not like every other guy and that you actually care about how i feel... all i wanna do is make you happy. i don't fully 100% know how but i'm getting there right? i'm trying... and i'm not used to having to try this hard. it's different when the other person actually means a whole lot to you... and you do. so i don't wanna screw it up and make you leave me. i think bad things too much sometimes though... when i do just let me know that i'm being really silly and that i need to stop. i hope we can last a long time... i wanna be with you for... ever? yesh. that's good enough for me. any less and it's just not acceptable. we're gonna get married eventually and live in a nice home... then have 3 mixed children who will look nothing like either of us but believe we are their biological mothers all through out their childhood. if you honestly wanna have a little starving african baby i don't mind... just please. not one that eats bugs. i can't stand bugs and i'll beat his/her a** if he/she brings them in the house. oh... and we're gonna have a cute little white kitty and name him snow... and a retarded one too if you want. it'd be like having a fourth child since you'd have to keep your eyes on him at all times.
-how much do i need yew?
i will die without your love. i need your attention at all times and if i don't get it trust me... i will be bitchy. don't expect me to just get it because sometimes i don't know how... but i will try to get it if i feel you aren't giving me as much as i deserve/need. i don't like going long periods of time without talking to you... i get lonely pretty easy. i need your affection and i constantly need that special feeling you give me *is addicted to you* i hope you don't mind or find it creepy that i wanna be around you at all times...
-how much do i lub yew?
too much to even describe with words or over the computer... so i'll just stop here and try to prove that i do a lot... in person.
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