Heaven, a place of complete happiness, right? But what if heaven isn't as joyful as it used to be. What happens when hell becomes more powerful then it ever should. When Lucifer and his three sons begin to cause havoc not only on earth but in heaven as well. When the angels are forced to fight for their happiness and freedom. Angels should never be caged like the are animals. They should be free and be able to spread their wings and fly in the open air. Lucifer had began to take the angels as captives. Many he killed. Others he tortured, and some he just locked up and forgot about them. Spending eternity away from home in a hot environment.Young Amy was one of the angels that was left alone and forgotten about. Many demon came to see her but she stayed quiet. None of the demos were allowed to open the cage. Only Lucifer and his three sons had the key. Though the four of them were busy causing trouble for the other angels.Amy felt alone in the world she often cried her self to sleep.She was only 16 and she was a very young angel. Life was so great she had it all. She was one of God's favorite angels because she was so pure. Yes all angels are pure but angels made mistakes as well. Amy was different she never wondered about anything. She didn't seem to know how to do anything wrong. She was perfect. Thats why she couldn't understand why something so bad had happened to her.She also knew everything happen for a reason.

Threw out this beautiful world of ours there are creature the you may not understand nor care to much for but as the royal princess you have to tolerate everyone and everything if you want to be a loved ruler. SAM!!! PAY ATTENTIONSam's teacher slammed a ruler against the table. Your suppose to be paying attention not day dreaming."Well actually I just have to come to this tutoring session no one said anything about paying attention so if you done now may I leave." Sam said in a calm and emotionless tone.Yes you may go but your father would truly appreciate it if you would pay attention once and a while. She managed to say before Sam ran out the door to go into the kingdom. Sam was extremely happy this was the first time she was out of the castle in years. She was only four the first time she left and this time she was able to leave with out a guard. She knew no one in the kingdom but they all knew her. Many of the people there hated her for reasons unknown to her. She just wanted to be free from all of the classes and the work. She walked happily with both hands behind her back humming. Everyone stared at her like she was an outsider, which among them she was. It was a large kingdom of vampires. All of which were strong and elegant in their own way. No two vampires were the same. As she walked past many of the vampire bared their fangs at her. That didn't seem to bother her much. She just continued to walk. It seemed that all of the older vampires were the ones that hated her because all of the children ran to her and hugged her. She couldn't help but smile down at them. She never had much of a childhood and was happy to see children around her soon to be kingdom. She was 16 with two more years to go before she is to rule. Her father continues to introduce her to men from the kingdom that would be suitable but all of which seemed to just want to marry her for the power. They all looked at her like something was wrong with her.
Sam was very different. She looked like a different breed of vampire. No one had such red eyes nor white hair. Not even anyone in her family. Actually no one even knew the queen was pregnant until after the announcement of the first daughter. Rumors continue to spread about her. Most people think that the king was fooling around and this is some other woman's child not the queens.The only one that really know are the king and queen.
One teenage boy threw a rock at Sam but Sam caught it and threw it back nailing him in the head with out even looking at him. She continued to walk with a large smile on her face.
Sam was very different. She looked like a different breed of vampire. No one had such red eyes nor white hair. Not even anyone in her family. Actually no one even knew the queen was pregnant until after the announcement of the first daughter. Rumors continue to spread about her. Most people think that the king was fooling around and this is some other woman's child not the queens.The only one that really know are the king and queen.
One teenage boy threw a rock at Sam but Sam caught it and threw it back nailing him in the head with out even looking at him. She continued to walk with a large smile on her face.
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