Race; Monbi
Name; Tokohiro

Monbi Color
Monbi Uncolored

Monbi, the first creature god created. They were perfect- flawless, and for a long-long time, they were god's favorite children. But eventually, the god grew bpre of the flawless and the perfect- instead he wished for someting new -something that wasn't perfect and was beautiful -most only for it's inperfection. So he created humans, angels and demons -and the monbi were forgotten.

Now there are many races and kinds of monbi; Monbi, Wicked Monbi, Twisted Monbi.. The most of them have the ability to warp their bodies and the space around them -to an extent. Some kinds of monbi can even change into other kinds of monbi, depending on experiences and other. All kinds of monbi have different kinds of eyes.

A regular monbi have a somewhat human appearance and a human face. Their ears reminds of a deer, their oses are small and they have feathers covering their scalps and their ears. They don't have pupil and the darker outerlines of the iris twists towards the middle.
Originally their bodies were mostly a form with feathers, but since many generations passed -they have formed to mind of more human features with space still twisting around them -appearing like unnaturarly billowy robes or clothes.