Today was fairly interesting. Or rather *glances at watch*...should I say yesterday? I was slumbering in my usual bed of rose petals and feathers when there came a knocking at my door. And when I say knocking, I mean more of a vicious pounding. So I rolled out of bed and wandered out to the kitchen. I glanced through my peep-hole and saw none-other-than my long-term hottub hopping buddy, Kyo. I yawned loudly and opened the door, asking her what on earth she could want at that early hour. She boped me on the head with the terrifing and pointless stuffed duck she always carries around and exclaimed, "Kame-chan! It's nearly noon!" This stunned me, for I was not accustomed to sleeping in that long. Of course I then remembered my intense battle with the demonic bunnies in the soccer field the night before, and quickly dismissed it. So Kyo began to explain to me that she was going to a birthday party for the amazon princess' son who lived down the road. She seemed to think it would be a great idea for me to join her, and just as I always do whenever Kyo gets a "great idea" I try my best to make my escape. And just as she always does when I try to escape she tells me..."Kame-Chaaan....Theres going to be food there. And a cotton candy machine....and a bouncy castle......and--" And that was the last straw. Now, contrary to popular belief I do have a side to me that just LOVES those bouncy castles...But anyways back to the topic.
Kyo managed to me to tag along. It was really a wonderful time. Of course just as we were leaving, the Amazoness' son suddenly became very pale...and his eyes lost all color to them...and he sprung at me! He began knawing on my arm! It was terrible! I quickly pulled out my rod and used it to push the little oddity off of me. Suddenly Kyo and I were surrounded by more and more children looking just like the Amazon Son. They were drooling and yelling, "CAAANNNDDDYYYYYY!!!" I had no idea what they wanted, for I couldn't recall having anything with sugar with me. The Zombie Children were closing in on us, we could smell the popcorn and kool-aid on their breath, when I suddenly remembered Sempai had given me the candy Odebu-san had given him because he didn't like the flavor. So I reached into my pocket, pulled out the candy, and threw it as far as I could. While the Zombie Children flocked to the little sugary morsel Kyo and I made our escape.
By the time I got home I was exhausted! I told Ryuta all about the bouncy castles and that he would have loved it, thanked Sempai for the candy, and took a nice long nap. Afterwards we had dinner, and I have sat here on the computer right up until this moment. And speaking of this moment....It is almost three in the morning!
Now that I have reeled you all in...I shall go fish for some dreams.
Just thousand lies, ten thousand fabrications (`-^~)
Oyasumi nasai minna~~
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