I am a very complicated person. I dont get along with many people. i dont hate the world i just enjoy being alone. I enjoy my space and my freedom. Sure sometimes i get sad and lonely. But that doesnt make me emo so stop treating me like it. i dont smile very much, i dont talk but dont write me off as someone who needs help. dont try to reach out to me thinkin i have a problem. i am who i am. dont push me to change. i like the way i am. You may try to talk to me and i just shut you out but dont get me wrong. ive been hurt a lot and people have taken advantage of me. shutting people out is the only way i deal with things. i work for what i get. i do things alone and i will for the rest of my life. I cant tell you who i really am just by typing out my feelings. good luck trying to understand me when i dont even understand myself. one thing i do know - if you some how work your way into my life im not letting go
My Views on Gaia:
1. We all know and love the noobs on Gaia even if we dont admit it. How the hell could you not love a group of young stupid brats (or in most cases f*cked up *****) that only live to entertain the actual real users of Gaia by trying to find little relationships/online sex. It's pretty damn funny to me! Come on the best thing to do when your bored (besides go out side and have a life in the real world) is sit there and watch the drama unfold between the noobs. To tell you the truth i have never felt so good about myself until i met them.
2. Now a lot of people like this next thing, Role playing. In my honest opinion i think this is so freakin drop dead weird. You cant harm anyone online so why bother trying. Sure you could make people want to end their pathetic lives but hey...if they cant handle the pressure they shouldnt be around. From Curiosity i joined the Corleone Mob Family and holy crap did i meet some very interesting people. Most of them were nice and awesome but how the hell do you run an online mob. its not like you can actually do stuff to people or control them online. and then i found out that Gaia has a Police force who actually consider the family mob dangerous. It blows my mind how far some pretend games go...
3. A friends list is made for your friends. I still dont see the point in having 30,000 friends. I mean really...is it actually possible to know all of those people and be friends with them at the same time? If you just add random people just because they ask your bound to slip in a stalker or hacker. Why not have a small friends list with people who you actually care about?!
4. People who will come into a room and start using the cry emote are pretty lame. Its so retarded that they get the attention they want too and it goes the same way every single freakin time. *girl/boy walks in a room and sits down. They start using the crying emote until someone walks up to them* *idiot who walks up to them asks whats wrong* *idiot crying says something stupid like "my boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with me or im lonely* *the two idiots talk and one min. later they have the common online relationship for gaia that only lasts for one day and they end up cheating on each other and breaking up thus restarting the process*
5. PeOpLe WhO FrEaKiN TaLk LiKe ThIs. For one i dont even understand how they type as fast as they do when they talk like that. And whats the point?! Do they think it makes them look cool or something?! It looks F*UCKING retarded! Also the People who push enter after every single word. is like...omg are you trying to be an annoying jack a**? no one wants to read your freakin spam because you know what? it gets mixed up with all the other people talking like that! its lame and people who do it should be slapped across the face until they learn to type.
6. To finish this off for now lets talk about Hackers. We all just "love" the little shows they give us of random waterballons, eggs, ect... but could some one please tell me the point in doing such a thing. Its not like all of gaia knows its you doing it. I mean really...the only goal to do it is piss everyone off. And if that is indeed the goal then Congrats. You are the most hated person on gaia. Now that your life goal is completed i suggest you toss your computer out the window and go find friends.
Now that im done im sure i pissed some people off and you know what...thats ok because its my views and i guess because i live in America i have a right or something like that...might as well use it if i have to live here. yea yea i know your thinkin why dont you just move if you dont like living here. well i would. i mean it has been my dream to live in Australia but you kinda need a lot of money before you can just pick up and leave. So feel free to go tell your mommy or daddy that i hurt your feelings because you act like a dumbass online..and dont even try using the "i dont have a mother/father anymore" that may be true but i dont really care because you were stupid enough to keep reading.
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^~Hatsune Miku Music Video!~^