Let's start with some Q & A!!!
What is Gaia zOMG?
--Gaia zOMG is a browser-based MMORPG made by the wonderful creators of Gaia Online, which you are a member of, since you probably wouldn't be looking at this guide if you weren't.
Browser WHAT?!?!?
--Browser-Based web game. That means that it is Massivly-Multiplayer-Online-Role-Playing-Game, or MMORPG. Unlike most MMORPGs, zOMG does not require any downloads!
Okay, so Now What?
--Now what, indeed? Well, first off, you need to log into Gaia Online. Then, under Games, click on the zOMG link, and presto! Instant gratification. Your on your way to becoming a zOMGer like me! Although...that might not be too good, if you're like me, considering that I have no life...

It's at the top of the drop-down menu...you can't miss it!
Okay...I'm there...now what?
--Now, make sure you have pop-up blocker turned off, or make sure it allows pop ups from Gaia. After the window appears, you wait for it to load. When you are done, just click on what server you want to join!

(1) Server Name - Usually there are three servers, each one named after one of the Animated you will encounter later on in the game. (2) Friends on the Server - Sometimes you may encounter a friend that also plays zOMG! If you want to play with them, I suggest that you join the same server as you. Unless you don't like your friends. (3) Activity - How busy the server is. If the activity is low, there is a green light. If it has medium activity, it has a yellow light, and high activity, there is a red light. It's like a traffic light! (4) Friend's Name/Server - A more specific way to tell who is on and who isn't (and on what server). (5) The Play Button - Ahh, your friend. When you decide your server, you click on this little guy to take you to your wonderful game world. Isn't that just amazing?
*Apparently you can only pick your server AFTER you completed the original tutorial in the game. I'm not entirely sure if this is true or not (I can't remember when I did the tutorial)
And that's all I have for now! If you have questions or comments, please feel free to comment this entry, or pm/comment my profile, and I will get to it as soon as I can.
Coming Next: The Basics of zOMG