*Note: You can chose up to two answers for each question*
1. What type of ice cream do you usually order at Friendly's?
A. Your ususal order; vanilla ice cream in a cone
B. Whatever your friends are getting
C. Whatever you're in the mood for; if they don't have it, you'll go to Dairy Queen.
D. The daily special; hey it's always good to try something new!
2. When someone you dislike gets into a fight with your friend, where are you?
A. The peace-maker ("Break it up, guys, break it up" wink
B. The on-looker, standing in the front row with all your other friends eek
C. You're busy yelling at the other person. You will not let your friend be insulted like that! scream
D. Trying to yank your friend out of the fight. You don't want this to turn nasty...
3. When you get a question on a homework assignment that you don't understand, you usually-
A. You, puzzled by a homework question? AS IF!!!
B. Call one of your smarter friends and ask them for the answer
C. Yell, "Stupid, useless homework!" and filng your binder across the room
D. Look up the answer in the textbook
4. Before a test, you usually-
A. Know all the answers anyways; why bother studying?
B. Call a friend to help you study; they're answers are probably more likely to be right than yours.
C. Play video games; why bother studying?
D. Study and then take your time when the test comes
5. In your group of friends, you are-
A. The thinker; your the one that comes up with all the ideas
B. The new addition; you're not quite sure of your position because you've only just recently been added
C. The fighter; you'll severly hurt anyone who hurts your friends
D. The leader; you lead your friend group. Everyone follows you and respects your decisions
Note: If you tie on any letters, you're lucky; you're a wolf hybrid!
Mostly A's: Ekephalos (The Thinker)
You're the smart one in your pack. You take your time to think things through. You're usually the one to resolve any fights that come along, and you're usually the responsible one. You tend to get along with other Ekephalos and the Egheteis. When the leader of your pack goes one day, maybe you'll be the next new top one; or even the leader of a whole new pack!

Mostly B's: Nheos (The Addition)
You haven't been on the team long, but you like your group of friends and hope you'll soon develop a position in the pack. You tend to be very well rounded; you're not all good but you're not all bad, either. You tend to be a good friend and people appreciate you. Maybe an Oklairhos knocks you around then and again, but an Egheteis and other Nheos are nice to you.

Mostly C's: Oklairhos (The Fighter)
You tend to be the tough one in your pack; you may get into a lot of fights, particularly with other Oklairhos, but you're always loyal to your friends and will defend them no matter what. You won't let anyone get the better of you. You are tough and independant. No one commands you, except for maybe an Egheteis. You may tend to want to be leader, but you usually respect Egheteis's and are happy with your current position.

Mostly D's: Egheteis (The Leader)
You lead the pack and everyone listens to you. Maybe once in a while an Oklairhos will disobey you, but generally everyone follows you and thinks of you as the top dog. You tend to get along well with Ekephalos, but other Egheteis may fight you for position of top dog.

Ekephalos (eh-KEFF-ah-lohs)
Nheos (NEE-ohs)
Oklairhos (oh-KLARE-ee-ohs)
Egheteis (eh-GEH-tase)