Today while I was sitting looking out the window towards a leaf, i began to think 'What is behind that leaf? Well when you think about it, the leaf there asked like an obsticle against my sight. Much like we as humans run into obsticles against his insight(thoughts). Now there are 2 ways to get rid of this obsticle, 1. is to move it, once you move it you can see whats behind it. 2. is you wait for it to be moved. But there is much more to it than that, that my friend is way to simple, there are many other things that go along with it. Take for example 1. some things you cannot physically move so you have to wait. Take the clouds in the sky, you can't move them, you have to wait for them to move. So much like some events in our lives we have to wait for them to pass, be patient. Once these hard times have passed we will have greater insight to what has just happened. But now lets look at number 2. Some things won't move even if you wait, take a cave in in a tunnel. Thoughs won't just move by waiting you must take action to move them, now of course others could help you move them, but then you loose the strength you would gain from moving them. But then you could also say 'well i assume there is nothing past this point because i haven't seen it' but then you loose 1. your strength, and 2. the knowledge of whats past the cave in. So your best choice would to face it head on to gain the knowledge.
Now I have noticed a growing trend in many people today, they refuse to go past the cave in, and they turn there head right before the clouds part. In other words, they refuse to gather more information, they are just to comfortable inside there bubbles and don't wish to move from them. Now I suggest that you look for that information or you will only get a piece of the whole puzzle we are trying to unlock, which means you will most likely get the puzzle wrong, or if your confronted about the puzzle and they have more information than you(even if they dont quite have it or the wrong puzzle pieces) you won't be prepared, so please do your homework or you will end up falling!
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Growth in God
Basically charting my growth in God
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"BUT ALL the optimism of the age had been false and disheartening for this reason, that it had always been trying to prove that we fit in to the world. The Christian optimism is based on the fact that we do NOT fit in to the world." - G.K. Chesterton