Blood Moon

Rogue name: Blood Moon
Secret Identity: Mia Tazuna
Age: 18
Origin: Mutant
Powers: She can change into any animal she can picture, even mythical creatures that don't exist. However she's naked when she changes back.
Special skills: She's an exceptional artist and is a 6th degree blackbelt in Taikwondo.
Alignment: wavers between good and evil
Main objective: To have everything she wants and to be the greatest thief in the world. Also, to be a famous manga artist and writer.
Favorite Food(s): Teriyaki skewers, Poky, Pigs-in-a-blanket, and Biscuits and gravy
Favorite Drink(s): Root Beer, Banana milk, and Green Tea.
Least Favorite Foods: Spicy food, mint, peppermint, cinnamon candy, and nuts.
Color: Blue, black, and red.
Animal: Wolves and cats.
Bio: Born and raised in Japan, Mia had been a kleptomaniac since birth, meaning that ever since she could walk and talk, she had been a little thief. Though, as time went on, she was eventually able to control that overwhelming urge to steal. However she didn't stop. Not because she couldn't, but because she didn't want to.
Mia's parents were always dysfunctional around each other. Her mother was overly emotional, and often annoyed Mia with her petty problems and worries that her daughter was doing drugs or some other nonsense. Her father was strict, and controlling; always telling Mia how to live her life. Finding out about her own abilities maid things worse, and her mother's over the top complaints and her father's nagging became too much. It wasn't long before Mia was fed up and left them for America. She's made a living by becoming a professional thief, and by selling her artwork and displaying them in her gallery below her single apartment.
Though kind, polite, and sensitive to others, she won't hesitate to use her abilities to get what she wants. Oh, and she has a phobia of spiders.