[Voice3] cry B-but that's dangerous....
[Me] I shall sieze the oppertunity and explain why it's taken us so long 2 post a new entry while 6 and 3 are fighting over "Host's" fellings... rolleyes anyhoozles...
during the past week or so, I became nostalgic about last spring break, thinking of how free I was. That and a couple of required non-fiction civil war book-reading got me into a bit of a "rebellious mood", that is I asked nicely for some more sanity-time. (DON'T mess with the Voices......they always know what';s coming....not to mention they'll suggest things to set on fire... wink ) THANKFULLY The Voices retreated from my concince 4 a while, and when they emerged for me to do they're bidding once again, they had reached a conclusion-
I am the person who is crazy here. They are MY Voices in MY head. When they "type" at the keyboard, I'm really just letting them rant and repeating what they say to me...
SO. I am actually HERE, it's just that I'm repeating what the Voices say. (I don't have a choice really...it's so quiet in trance-land when they command my body...) Yet, since I am a simple translator, you probobly will only hear what The Voices *say* from here 'tll death. stare
So thar, I SHALL HAVE A NAME OF MY OWN! It is----
short 4, MeAndMyLittleVoices. clever huh? rofl