Name Alrora
Age: looks 17 ((over 800 years old))
Race: Animated doll
Personality: Loving, soft hearted, stubborn at time, gentle, sweet,
angry when pushed to a limit
Bio: Alrora was made 850 years ago, she was brought to life 50 years later but before he was brought to life she was a Princesses doll she was a family heirloom she was made from the finest clay and silk hair. She was the prettiest doll ever seen the young princess never changed her from her Victorian dress. Alrora was a prized procession worth tons of money. One night that would all changed when people ran sacked the house and killed all who lived inside sadly the princess managed to hide Alrora but no herself. Alrora remained in the place for 50 years till a man went through the house and found her once he took her home he brought her to life. Things changed a lot after that she changed hands a lot and moved around she was content but she got tired of the moving so she started to live with an old couple and after they died she inherited their mansion and all that was inside. She lives a happy content life hidden away from human society.
Likes: Candy, Nice people, her bunny Hano, animals, gardens, silence, and all colors
Dislikes: All mean people and violence
Powers: Healing
Weapons: Twin Katanas
Pet: None just stuffed bunny Hano
Orientation: Bi sexual
Name Alrora
Age: looks 17 ((over 800 years old))
Race: Animated doll
Personality: Loving, soft hearted, stubborn at time, gentle, sweet,
angry when pushed to a limit
Bio: Alrora was made 850 years ago, she was brought to life 50 years later but before he was brought to life she was a Princesses doll she was a family heirloom she was made from the finest clay and silk hair. She was the prettiest doll ever seen the young princess never changed her from her Victorian dress. Alrora was a prized procession worth tons of money. One night that would all changed when people ran sacked the house and killed all who lived inside sadly the princess managed to hide Alrora but no herself. Alrora remained in the place for 50 years till a man went through the house and found her once he took her home he brought her to life. Things changed a lot after that she changed hands a lot and moved around she was content but she got tired of the moving so she started to live with an old couple and after they died she inherited their mansion and all that was inside. She lives a happy content life hidden away from human society.

Likes: Candy, Nice people, her bunny Hano, animals, gardens, silence, and all colors
Dislikes: All mean people and violence
Powers: Healing
Weapons: Twin Katanas

Pet: None just stuffed bunny Hano
Orientation: Bi sexual