Darin: Crystal it's time to wake up the possessors are on there way!
Crystal: can't I just stay alseep and let them kill me?
Darin: not a chance.
Crystal: fine, fine (grabs watter sword and goes outside)
Setting: the battle feild in front of Crystal's castle is full of creatures and Elemental's ready to fight, Alice and Jake are in front waiting for Darin and Crystal
Background info: Alice- fire sword,master; Jake- earth sword,master; Darin- wind sword,Elemental; Crystal- water sword, Ultament
Bellastar: How wonderful you all shall die at once this is my lucky day ^^
Crystal: you will never brake us down, not even with the Night Creature *hisses*
Bellastar: oh we shall see about that. GO MY POSSESSOR'S! DESTROY THEM!
Darin: *kisses Crystal's cheek* it's ok this isn't the end
Crystal: we'll see *goes after Bellastar
Setting: every one's fighting Crystal is inches from Bellastar
Bellastar: WHAT THE.. AH!
Crystal: *sticks sword through Bellastar's dead heart* that's for my brother!
Bellastar: you may kill me for Blake but you can never kill the Night Creature... with out killing yourself too.
Crystal: then i'm going to die. *takes out sword and goes to the night creature*
FireBolt *Crystal's first dragon*: *skretches*
Night Creature: *pulls out firebolts heart*
Crystal: NO!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps on top of night creature*
Night Creature: *pulls Crystal around by the neck, speaks in a husky dark vioce* you're trying to avenge you're dragon?
Crystal: *cough* yes *cough* you shall fall
Night Creature: we shal see *rips off Crystal's left arm*
Crystal: *screams* uses right hand to pull out Night Creatures blood stone heart
Night Creature: *uses last bit of strength to cut up Crystal's neck* *falls to the ground, letting go of Crystal*
Crystal: *choking on blood, looks up and see's death fairy* take.. me and.. leave every one else
Darin: *looks over and see's every thing, starts running to Crystal* NO!
Death fairy: *in a dead voice* agreed *starts sucking Crystal's life away*
Darin: *kneel's and Crystal's side, crying* NO!
Crystal: I-I love you..... *eyes close*
Death fairy: *starts floating away*
Darin: I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!! YOU b*****d!
Death fairy: *doesn't say thing as goes away*
setting: everything calms down because the queen possessor and Night Creature are dead.
Darin: *kisses Crystal's dead lips* I love you too *crying*
View User's Journal
Thoughtless Writing
This Journal is gonna have basicly my life and thoughts in it, if u want to know me, or MORE about me, then this journal will have stuff about me that only my friend here in NC would know and understand so ya read if u want.
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