I like zombies...
My dad came towards me and my vision blurred with the tears...
I choked on the blood in my throat, I ripped it to shreds screaming for him to stop...
I raised the sword over my head and muscled out one last scream...
He lunged for me and the heavy steel made contact with his head...
I heard the crack of his skull and felt the resistance of already congealed blood...
I was about 14 years old when I got my first sword, a Japanese katana; a maitou: a named blade...
My sword's name was "Chi" it means a great many things: Blood, Life, Soul.
All Ironic names because I would use this sword to fight for all these things.
Fighting against The Hoard. I hate to use the word "Zombies" cause they are not actually dead I guess, their heart still beats, they still need to eat, and they still die. When you kill a — and I use this term very loosely — person infected with Curse, they don't get back up. They are Zombies in a way; though they are still alive they don't think, every one of their actions is based on impulse and instincts. The only thing that the Horde thinks about is food, and for some reason human is the only thing on the menu for them.
If I had to guess I would say that i'm about 21 or 22 years old right now, I couldn't tell you for sure, no one who is still alive in this wretched world could. Not unless you were one of those putzes who's holed up in a cellar somewhere waiting for this to blow over. Maybe if you were one of them you could keep track of the days, or months, but not me, not us. The faction has more important things to keep track of then dates. It's been like that since "The Death Of Time"
Let me explain some things to you, first off let me tell you about the faction we are a group of people, who are still fighting, we still have the means and the will to live. I, Dr. Gregory Marshal, am the leader. To be honest, I'm not a doctor, I just thought it sounded cool so I took it on. I live with about 6 people, so including me, that makes 7. It's the largest group I've ever seen, since the outbreak.
First up is my right hand man Victor Heart: Some say that I am the heart of this group, but let me tell you Victors namesake isn't for nothing, he gives us all the strength to go on. Nothing can get him down. He's only about 17, but that's a man's age as far as I see. He somehow always manages to find hair products every time we raid, and his hair is by far the best looking i've ever seen, even back when other people bothered with their hair. Black, shoulder-length, and combed to the side; if you looked cool up in a dictionary, his picture would be there. His weapon of choice is a good old fashioned machete, and baby-blue eyes that send even the hoard running.
Third in command and my sultry soulmate is Nicole Hunting, she's about my age. Short cropped hair golden as an angel's song, eyes that shown like polished copper, and legs that go ALL the way up, she is my world now, I fight to protect her. Though she is the typical woman when it comes to certain things, she is so indecisive that Victor and I usually just end up making decisions without consulting her, for example. She is the mother of our group, and the thread that keeps the faction tied together. I'd be lost without her. Don't tell her I said this, but when she sleeps at night she sometimes talks, and it's usually about something strange like a duck killing a Twinkie, I think it's adorable, but she thinks that if I ever told anyone that there would be a duck killing me. She uses two pistols always loaded, and always strapped to her hip. She knows her way around a short sword too, she keeps that sheathed on her back.
Nicole is where the hierarchy ends and there are just members of our very exclusive group of alive people. One of our few members is gramps. He's not really a grandpa, he's actually only 36, but older than any of us, hence the nick-name. Gramps looks like he could pick a car up and crush it in his hands, but he really is a sweet guy, he's the actually doctor in our group, he's amazing. How many doctors do you know that can actually go out and pick up plants, grind them up, and make some antibiotics? Cause Gramps is the only one I can think of at the moment... then again, he's probly the only doctor alive anymore. He sort of reminds me of the African-American Hulk when he's mad. Gramps prefers a good old fashioned baseball bat.
Since we live in a world where all the priests are sorta dead, there is no marriage anymore, but I suppose Aggi is Gramps' wife. She always keeps her hair back in a long braid which she usually ties around her neck so that it doesn't get in her way. Even when she isn't cooking she always wears that stupid apron that says "kiss me I'm Irish" Aggi is darker than Gramps. Aggi is our cook, no, she is THE cook. She could cook the ugliest, fattest, meanest rat in all of Chicago, and it would have tasted like fillet of awesome... trust me... we spent a week on the outskirts of the damned city. Aggi should have been an assassin when the world was right; she can pick off a head of a running dead from a mile away. A supped out sniper rifle is her weapon of choice; crazy thing even has a makeshift bayonet on it.
Rides the Bull... Yup, that's his name. We picked him up near a freaking casino. He had come of the near by rez. His real name is something lame like Walter or Walice, or something like that, but his parents called him "Rides the Bull" when they were alive cause when he was about 15 he was stupid enough to try to get on one at the damn zoo, hopped the fence and everything. He's about 25 now. We just call him Ride. He says he's the last TRUE American on the earth so he uses a traditional tamahawk, and a bow and freaking arrows. Mind you times call for a little innovation so most of his arrows have small explosives attached, and he picked up the bow in a hunting shop; the thing doesn't even look like a bow it's so complicated.
The last member of our group usually comes and goes. Sometimes we meet someone who's still human and we take them with us, unfortunately anyone who hasn't been with us for very long doesn't know the way that we function, and doesn't last very long in the group. Our last member is sometimes a girl, and is sometimes a boy, but so far... always dead in the end.
I suppose I'll start this story where all stories start: at the beginning.
I was at school with Nicole when it started. Ironically it was the last day of school for both of us. We were graduating seniors. We showed up at school at first period. She went to hers: English, and I went to mine: Physics. across the damn campus. We lived in a small city about 15 minutes away from the Mexican border named El Centro, I—and everyone else that lived here—called it "Hell Centro" because it was like 120 degrees everyday in the summer. We went to Central Union High School.
It was about 15 minutes into the stupid period when the alarms went off...
Not our fire alarm...
Not our Earthquake alarm...
Not any alarm of ours...
It was the City's bombing siren, I didn't even know we had one, but yeah we did, and it sounded like death coming for us all...
Us being stupid and not paying any attention to the fact that it was an alarm, and that meant that we needed to stay in our classrooms, the first thing we did was look at each other in confusion and walk outside. I started to wander towards the English building.
Sorry, let me interrupt this story for a moment to explain a little something. When a person gets infected with Curse it takes them a while to fully become the shambling, walking dead.
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meke me a sammich fool!

This is me... yeah I know I'm ugly, I only put it so that people know who they're talking to.
you couldn't hurt me if you tried......
I love you Rebecca till the end of forever.
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This is me... yeah I know I'm ugly, I only put it so that people know who they're talking to.
you couldn't hurt me if you tried......
I love you Rebecca till the end of forever.
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