Yamille gold Beast

Name: Yamille Gold Beast
Nickname(s): Yam
Race: Human with immortal blood
Age: 20 and a half
Height: 5’9 1/2
Weight: 130 pounds
Occupation: Gypsy dancer and beast master
Alliance: Guardian
Motive: She calls the first chosen her family and vowed to be there for them when they need help. Iya, Luz and Odd where the first of the original journey that she meet.
Magic: Can call animals to her and summoned Lir and Daga, but it weakness her to call them for they are spirits.
Weapon(s): Dagger and short sword
+ Animals
+ Dancing
+ Her gypsy home
+ traveling
+ spending time with friends both human and animal
Hates: (up too five)
-- Raciest people
-- hunters
-- People who dare hurt the people she cares for
-- Things she dose not understand
-- Violence
Fears: (up to three)
* Losing loved ones
* Being imprison
Bio: Yamille was born and raised in a gypsy camp by her mother Mayro and the people there. She grow up only hearing stories about her father for he left when her mother was pregnant with her. All her father left her was a green pendant with symbol on it and the blood in her veins. Growing up in the gypsy was hard for many people in the cites treated them like criminals and tramps. And to make matters worse for her she could talk and call animals to her. She had to learn how to fight to live in a harsh world at a young age. As she grow so did her powers and near the age of 13 she was able to summon two spirit beast to her. Daga the dragon of shadows and Lir the bird of light, but they told her that she could only summon them when need too for it would weaken her to summon them to much.
At the age of 16 she left home to go find her father and to get answers from him. Traveling she learn many things of the lands past her home and the creatures living there. She made friends with a blue dragon named Pentox at the dragons keep, and Fry the rainbow bird who egg she found in the desert. She stopped by home once to leave Fry with her mother, before she kept looking for her father.
Personality: Loving and kind when not pissed off.
Appearances:Older Yamille
Song/Theme Song: See who I am