Ok dookie today is not about what happened in science class this is Math class xp . Remember who I was talking about? About the guy and the girl thing in the last entry. Well this is the same guy that was making the girl crazy. Today he was sitting behind me. The guys name was Matt. (the last time i talked to him he was guessing my name. xd he still doesn't know it blaugh ) so he was talking with this guy Terin. I have no idea how to spell it. So anyway matts talking away to Terin and he isn't even listening to Matt. He was just doing his Math. Well I'm not watching him doing this. That would be scary of me. I made 2 new friends on the last week stare. so i was talking and we were trying to do the math. We didn't really get it. We were confusing each other. (me and my friend not the other friend too. he was waking away with the questions. sweatdrop ) Then Matt screams out "i hate my life." We look back and hes looking at his sheet. Then after about 2 minutes later.We look back at him "Damn I suck. This is such an easy question and i got it wrong." It was pretty funny. Then it was break, he goes out of the class and me and my friend (girl) were talking about him with another girl. We made sure he wasn't in the classroom. (So pretty much talking behind is back.) After he came back and sat in his seat. He started talking about related and gradfather and stuff. I tried not to laugh because the way he said it it was so funny. Although I never got to the graphing part of my work so I handed it in to the teacher. I never knew summer school could be fun like this. But those are like one day at a time. Everyone in my class are super funny. rofl4laugh I love them all. I will put up more funny days of summer school if there are any.(Theres like 4 days left) ps- Just so you know the guy Terin I was talking about. sits next to me in science class and yes! if you read the other entry he was the one who said they act like brother and sister thing. xp