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I GET BORED ALOT anything that is going through my mind(beware of randomness)

Community Member
Name: Sakunayha Sak-oon-a-ha (Kiya)
Age: 16 (Tobi is 1 cool
Village: Fox
Likes: Usually nothing and nobbody
Dislikes: People who need both physical and emotional healing, killing to get power
Personality: Rarely talks to others, never happy, never in a good mood, mostly sad, always has a blank face (She's all of these things until after she finds Madara. After that she's like the everyday average person)
Demon: Sakuna, the demon goddess of healng. She has white skin and blond hair that goes down past her knees. Six feet tall. Ocean blue eyes.
Looks: Black hair that is cut like a boy's and is spiked, dark blue eyes, pale skin, lots of scars on her body, five foot six, very pretty since she has the demon goddess in her
Wears: tan skort, blue tank top, black finger gloves, dark blue boots (kind of what Sakura's older self wears)
Past Begins~
The minute you were born, you were hated, rejected and feared in every way possible. the villagers wanted to kill you but the Mist's Kage wouldn't allow it. There was only one person that cared about you. Obito was the one that cared for you. He taught you how to survive and he trained you. You became a ninja at age nine. You loved him more than a friend. But before you could tell Obito you loved him, he died. That's what took away your ability to love. Obito was the only one that you ould ever love, nothing could change that.

When he died, you were beaten and picked on by the entire village. You ran ti the Fire country and hid in a village near the Leaf village and stayed there over the years.
You sat in your claimed spot in the general store of Tetsu (made up), a village in the fire country. The store's owner gave you a skeptical look, like he did everyday and began to clean the counter, again. You just tucked your head in between your knees and concentrated on sleeping. Somehow, you had managed to sleep and awoke to some traveling ninjas who were talking about an attack at their village.
"They're called the Atatsuki. they seemed to be after someone, I don't know much about that." said the first guy.
"I can't belive that happened; now Kakashi's in the hostpital. He was one of the one's who fought them." said the second.
"Who eles fought those guys?"
"Asuma, Kakashi, and Kurnei(sp?)."
"Wow, just three people? That's tight."
"I know. Hey did you..."
Ididn't hear the rest because they had walked out the door. The Akatsuki? Who were they? They sounded deadly, but you weren't sure. They may be hust a bunch of kids, but the guys said that one sensei was in the hostpital because of them. Hmmm... You wanted to check this out, so you slowly got to your feet and walked toward the door.

You had searched the forest everywhere in the Fire country, but you found nothing. Finally, you decided to use a hidden jutsu to find the Akatsuki hideout. After doing the required hand signs, you pressed both your hands to the ground and mumbled, "Earth style, hidden vibration jutsu." and you felt vibrations in the ground for miles. Searching carefully, you found a waterfall. It didn't appear to be hiding anything so you followed along it. You then felt two people approach a rock that was set along the river.
You felt the the hand sighs one of them did and memorized it insantly. You released the jutsu and headed towards the rock. I camped a few miles away and spent the night in a hollowed out tree.
The next morning, you searched for food to eat for breakfast. Finding some wild strawberries, you ate some and bagged the rest. You found some more berries on your way to the rock and bagged them for later. Preforming the hand signs you copied from the previous day, you opened the rock.
You walked through a cerimonial looking chamber to a tunnel hidden in a big hand that was standing there. The house was built into therock, only one corner of the house was sticking out. You hid on the sideof the house that didn't have the front door on it and peered in through the window. It was a living room window, you could tell because there was a TV on and there was a big corner couch. You were too ocuppied by what was inside that you failed to hear the voices coming closer.
"Leader-sama, there's a girl here."
You looked at the orange masked man and narrowed your eyes. You jumped back and got out a kunai. An orang haired guy came around the corner, followed by seven more ninjas. All were wearing black cloaks with red clouds on it.
"Who are you?" the orange haired guy demanded.
You were silent.
"Fine, you won't tell me so I guess you won't get a headstone."
You still said nothing and kept your blank face.
"Kill her boys."
Strings came out of the ground and wrapped around you. You didn't do anything but blink and then you jumped up onto the rock behind you, breaking the strings like cheese or something.
"What the?" said the one who had stitches in his arms.
You just looked at them with a blank expression. The gray haired guy jumped at you with a triple bladed syth. He brought it down on your arm and sliced it off. You looked at him with a bored expression and jumped back. Your arm then dissolved and formed back in its place. You then ran at him and hit him in the shoulder, making his arm go dead. He growled and jumped away and you saw a white spiderlike thing jump in front of you. Grabbing it , you disabled the explosive powder that you knew was in it and looked at the group with a bored looking face.
"Who are you? What are you?" the orange haired asked, you could tell he was curious.
"Tobi thinks he knows her." said the masked boy.
These people were truely stupid if they didn't think to attack you in a group. "I shall tell you if you let me join your group." I told him, my voice sounding like bells.
He glared at me with a cold face. "Fine, since none of them can kill you I guess I have no choice."
I followed him into the house, but I kept wary of the ones behind me. I followed him in and the one who called himself Tobi, to a room that was at the very back of the house. he orange haired guy opened the door to, what I assumed was, his office. The Tobi kid skipped to one of the chairs and sat down. I sat down in the other chair behind his desk.
"Let's get down to business. I want your name, age, and special abilities." he said croossing his arms over his chest.
"My name is Sakunayha. I'm seventeen and you needn't know my abilities. You'll find out over time."
"I need to know your abilities in order for you to be an official member."
You just stared at him with the same blank face. It wasn'y until now that you noticed a strong sorce of chakra coming from the boy next to you. Looking over at him, you saw that he had removed his mask and was looking at you.
My eyes widened and I shrank back into the chair, my breath coming in shallow. "No... no he-he's dead. You can't be him. No it's not possible!" For the first time in a long time, you were scared.
"No, I'm not dead." he said, his voice deep and familliar.
"NO! NO Obito's dead! You're his twin brother or something! Obito's been dead for years now, You can't be him!"
"No Sakunayha, I never left."
"Yes he did! Obito has been dead for six years! There's no way he's still alive!" I was shaking now. I wanted so much to belive what he said, but I knew that Obito was dead. I was the one who saw him die. I was the one who had buried his dead body.
"Kiya," He got up from his chair and kneeled in front of mine. "Kiya, it's okay. I'm right here. I would never leave my student and best freind behind." He reached out to take my hand, but I forced the chair to fall over backwards. I rolled and came up in a crouch.
"NO! NO! NO!" I shouted. "Obito is dead you hear me, DEAD!!" I was close to crying now.
"Kiya-" he started to say.
"Don't call me that! The only one who can call me that is Obito and he's DEAD!" I was about to burst. so frightened right now that I lost control over my human form and changed into my full demon goddess.
"Sakuna, it's me, Madara, Obito." His face looked sad as he took a step towards me. Still I couldn't move He took the last step and took my hand in his.

At that contact, I was able to move. I yanked my whole body back and collided with the wall. I finally got enough self control to change back into my human form. Again he stepped closer. I pressed myself to the wall. Another step. He then reached out and grabbed me into a bear hug. I gave up and let the tears fall. He cooed me and picked me up.
Sometime earlier, the leader had gone out of the room. Now, Madara sat in his chair with me in his arms. He kissed my forehead and waited for me to calm down.
"Don't ever leave me like that again Madara." I commanded.
"I won't, Kiya. I won't." he promised, still cooing me. I pressed my face to his chest and inhaled his scent. Strawberries and cedar trees. It was my favorite. We sat there for about an hour when a question formed in my head.
"Why do you act like a child when you wear the mask?"
He chuckled. "It's part of my masquarade." When I looked at him questioningly, he said, "I'm trying to keep my identity from the members. Only Pein knows."
"Oh." and I snuggled closer to him and fell asleep.
~Madara's POV~
Kiya was so scared at first, but I finally got her to calm down and now, she was asleep in my lap. I looked at her sleeping face. I would never leave her again because I loved her more than a student, more than a friend. I was lonesome throughput the years that I had gone from her and now nothing would ever be able to take me from her again.
Thinking about these things made you space out. Now, you came back to reality. You got to your feet with Kiya in your arms. Walking to your room, you laid her down on your bed and grabbed an extra pillow and blanket and slept on the floor.
~Sakunayha's POV~
You woke up on a very soft bed. Wait, a bed? You went through your memories of last night and realied that Madara must have put you in the bed when you fell asleep in his lap. Looking at the floor, you saw a pillow and blanket. Moving to get out of the bed, you stepped on a creeky board.
Madara then stepped out of the bathroom wearing only his pants. You blushed as he came overto you.
"I see that you've finally awake." Madara said as he sat down on the bed next to you. He was so close, and he still didn't have a shirt on. You saw that he had an eight pack and a broad chest.
"Yeah." you answered in a quite voice.
He smiled. "No need to be shy Kiya." and he put his arm over your shoulders.
"I'm not shy." I said looking up into his perfectly gorgeous face.
"Oh, but you are Kiya. I can tell from the color in your cheeks." He squeezed me closer to him.
I looked down embarassed and felt my face heating up. He kept squeezing me closer to him. "I... need to take a shower Sensei." and I hurried to the bathroom and got in the shower. I took an hour long shower.

When I got out, I was cleaner than I'd ever been. I got back into my clothes and stepped out into the room. Madara was still seated on the bed still with no shirt
"Aren't you going to get your clothes on Sensei?" I asked.
"Does it bother you?"
I looked at the floor. "No... but we need to go eat."
"We can wait." he said, laying across the bed.
I grabbed his shirt and cloak and dropped them beside him. "I'm hungery."
He got the rest of his clothes on and followed me out as the annoying Tobi. Nobody was up yet so you started making pancakes, eggs, and bacon for everybody for when they got up. You gave Tobi pancakes with applesuace on it, knowing that it was his favorite.
Your cooking soon had everybody up and you were hustling back and forth. When everybody finally had all of their food, you smeared one of your pancakes with peanut butter and the other with applesauce. You got your eggs, bacon and orange juice and sat down in between Deidara and the wall. Not too long after you sat down, Tobi finished and started to bug Deidara.
"Go away un!" Deidara told him, pushing him away. Tobi came back and tugged on his ponytail. "Tobi! Quit it un!"
"Tobi-sensei, please stop bugging Deidara-san." You told him.
"Okay Sakunayha-chan. Tobi will be a good boy!" and he went to go whatch TV.
"Did you just call Tobi sensei un?" Deidara asked, bewildered.
"Yes. Is there a problem with him being my sensei?"
"No but... I didn't know that Tobi was able to teach yeah."
"Well now you know so there. Hurry up and eat your breakfast guys." and you began eating yours. They stared at you while they ate. "Do you guys have staring issues?!" you demanded. "Sheesh, men and their staring problems." You mumbled that as you put your dishes in the sink. You would do those later when everybody was done.
Sitting downon the couch behind Tobi, you whatched Nickeloneon episodes withhim. You liked 'Tobi' better when he was quite.Zetsu came in and sat in his corner, Kakuzu took his corner and began to count his money. Kaisme dozed on the end of the couch and Itachi sat in the single chair, staring at nothing. Sasori, Deidara, and Hidan spread out on the couch and somehow managed to take the the rest of the couch.
"Why the hell are we whatching Dora the Expoler?!!" Hidan sounded as if he were stuggling to keep his voice down.
"Because Dora and Boots haven't made it home to see the super surprise yet."answered Tobi.
"Tobi, give me the ******** remote.!"
"NO!" He was scooting away from Hidan now.
"GIVE ME THE FU-" I put my hand over his mouth.
"Have you ever considered asking nicely?" I asked in a sweet voice.
"Why should I?"
"it works a lot better."
"Tobi-sensei?" Tobi looked at me. "Can I have the remote please?" I held out my hand and he gave it to me. "See? It's all about being polite."
"Whatever. Give me the damned remote."
He glared at me. "Give me the ******** remote!"
"What's the magic word?" I asked in a taunting voice.
"I'm not going to say that word! Now give me the ******** remote!" He tried to grab it but I jumped off the couch.
"The majic word?"
"Grr, just give me the stupid remote b***h!"
I stopped smiling and glared at him. Giving the remote back to Tobi, I walked right up to Hidan. He glared back at me and when he opened his mouth to say something, I broke his jaw.
"Don't you DARE call me a b***h you a*****e!"
His jaw was healed now. "DONT' CALL ME A ******** a*****e b***h!!"
I broke his nose. "DON'T CALL ME A b***h YOU a*****e!!"
"QUIT CALLING ME A ******** a*****e YOU DAMNED b***h!!"
"YOU A-" Tobi put a hand over you mouth and trapped your arms with the other. You strugled wildly to get out of his grip, but he knew how to shut down your body. He kicked the back of your right foot and you froze for a moment before falling to the ground, paralyzed.
"Didn't Tobi tell you not to swear around him Sakunayha-chan?"
"Tobi-sensei," you groaned. "Do you have to do that!? I hate it when you do!"
Hidan was trying not to laugh, as were most of the others. Great, now they knew how to paralyze you.
"Oh just keep your mouths shut." Tobi/ Madara slung you over his shoulder and carried you to your room. By then you were fast asleep (you fell asleep everytime you were paralyzed).
~Tobi/Madara's POV~
"You A-" I cut her off and got into a familiar position, trapping her arms with one hand and shutting her mouth with the other. She had gotten into so many fights when you were with her six years ago. Now, it seemed like one of those days. Kiya's temper hadn't changed at all. Kiya struggled wildly, trying to avoid what was coming next; I kicked her right heel and she went down.
"Didn't Tobi tell you to not say bad words Sakunayha-chan?" I asked her in Tobi's voice.
"Tobi-sensei," She groaned. "Do you have to do that? I hate it when you do that." You saw alot of the others trying not to laugh. "Oh just keep your mouth shut." Kiya told them. I slung her over my shoulder and went to our room. When I laid her down on the bed, she was sound asleep. Kiya was so peaceful and beautiful when she slept, it was like she was an angel missing from heaven. I kissed her forehead and went back out into the iving room.
~Kiya's POV~
I woke up at about an hour past noon. I tried to move my limbs to see if I had any conrol over my body yet. None. I sighed as I realize that Madara would have to help me with everything. I was horrified at the thought.
'That's just great' you thought. 'My crush has to help me with all of the personal things now that my best friend Teki, wasn't here to help me. And Madara was my CRUSH for crying out loud! I'm in a tight fix.'
Then, Madara walked in, closed the door, and took off his mask. He smiled at me and I scowled at him.
"It's your fault." he said plainitively.
"Well I geuss I'm going to get paralyzed everytime I get on someones nerves because someone here showed them how." I looked at the wall, still scowling.
"Well you shouldn't have been cussing and I wouldn't have done that."
"I still hate you." I told him.
He sighed and sat on the bed beside me. Madara pulled something from his pocket. "I'll give you some pills to get your senses back If you let me do something."
"What?!" I asked eagerly.
He smirked but said nothing.
"What do you want?! I'll do anything!" I wanted those pills.
His smirk turned into a grin. He could tell that I wanted the pills and would do anything for them.
"Sensei!" I half shouted half moaned.
"Only if you let me give you something first."
"I don't care what you do, I just want those pills!" I wasn't thinking of what he wanted to give me (hint hint).
Madara leaned forward so that his face was just centimeters from mine. I felt my face starting to heat up. Then, his lips were on mine. The kiss was gentle at first but then it git harder. I hardly noticed when he put the bottle of pills in my hand. Madara then put my head and pushed. The kiss now seemed urgent instead of hungry, like he was going to lose me if he let go.
He pulled back slowly and smiled. I pictured that my face was as red as a tomato because my cheeks were hot! He kissed me again and pulled all the way back. Madara got up and headed for the door.

"Um... sensei?" He turned. "Could you help me with the pills please? I'm paralyzed remember?" He smiled again and gave me a pill. Then he left.
I fell asleep again and woke up two hours later. Moving to get up, I niticed that it was now 3:30. Before I went out, I remembered to put on my metal heel (a piece of metal that goes over your heel).
~Later 8:30~
We were whatching 'Saw 2' and it was putting me to sleep. I got up and went to my room. Grabbing some new PJ's that I had bought that day, I went into the bathroom and locked it, just in case Madara came into the room. I came out wearing a thin, worn, white inen tank top and some short shorts. I was halfway to the bed when Madara came in. After he shut the door, he removed his mask and smiled at me.
I smiled back. "I'm going to bed sensei." and I got into bed.
"Okay." He walked into the bathroom. When he came out a few minutes later, all he wore was his boxers. I noticed that they had skulls on them before I closed my eyes. When I felt him on the other side of the room, I then opened my eyes. He got in on the other side of the bed and turmed off his light as I did mine. It was now as black as pitch and I heard Madara move. Then, an arm, slithred around my waist and he pulled my body to his.
I felt his bare skin on my back and his breath on my neck. I was blushing out of control and I had to remember to breathe. Madara then put his mouth by my ear.
"I love you Kiya. I always have and always will, no matter what happens." He whispered this into my ear.
I rolled so that my body faced his and I kissed him full on the lips. "I love you too sensei." I told him when I pulled away. He kissed me with much ferosity and I kissed him back, holding his head in place.
He pulled back and said, "And all this time I thought you didn't like me."
"Same here." And I kissed him again. We kept kissing eachother and all of this kissing led to things that I don't want to describ. By the time we fell asleep, we were covered in sweat and very tired.
I awoke in Madara's arms. I laid there for a while, enjoying being so close to Madara and thinking about how wonderful the previous night had been. After laying there for about an hour, I decided to get dressed and eat breakfast. I carefully removed Madara's arms and took a shower. When I came out in a towel, Madara was awake.
"Good morning Sensei." I said.
He walked over to me and kissed me. My arms wrapped around his neck and his went around my waist.
"You don't have to call me sensei when we're alone Kiya." he told me when we stopped kissing.
I smiled." Old habits are hard to kill sensei, even you should know that." He smiled and kissed me again. "Now get dressed so we can eat. Would Tobi like waffles or pancakes today?"
Madara laughed at the question. "I think he would like waffles." We both laughed and got dressed. I walked with 'Tobi' to the kitchen and began to make waffles for the other pigs. After breakfast, I wnet to my room and pulled out my ipod. i listened to my favorite song 'Bad Boy'. I had listened to about half the songs on my ipod when Tobi came in.
"Get up Kiya-chan, time to start training again!" he pulled me to my feet and I groaned. Great, time to collect more bruises. He towed me outside.

"Do I have to?" I whined.


"Oh poo." I took up my position as Tobi took up his. I launched forward and took out a kunai. He blocked my attack and did a fireball jutsu. I jumped aside just in time and went behind him. I got him in a headlock and grinned.

"Kiya certainly is faster." Tobi commented me. "But you still don't pay attention." He came up behind me and his clone poofed away. He then had me in a headlock.

"I might not pay attention, but I learned something while you were gone sesei."

"And what did you learn?" I hitched my foot around his leg and yanked his feet from under him. As he fell, I went with him, I moved my elbow so that when we landed, I knocked the breath out of him. I grabbed a kunai and held it to his throat.

"I win!"

"Very good Kiya-chan."

Then, Hidan and Kakuzu came back from a mission. Hidan had a nasty cut in his chest. My eyes turned from dark blue to ocean blue and Hidan's chest glowed ocean as the demon inside me healed him. My chest then started bleeding and I screamed. Cultching my chest, I fell to the ground screaming. Everybody rushed over.

"Tobi, what did you do to her un?!" Deidara shouted at him.

"It not Tobi. It was Hidan's owy that hurt Kiya-chan." He picked me up and ran me into the house. He grought me to the hideout's infirmary I kep screaming.

"How could I have ******** hrut her? I was 20 feet away from her."

"Kiya-chan has the healing demon Sakuna. Sakuna has no choice but to heal anyone who is hurt, like Hidan. She heals both physical and mental hurts." Tobi explained. I screamed again and twisted in his arms. Tobi almost dropped me. "That is why Kiya-chan has so many scars." Tobi injected a drug and I fell asleep."

"Hidan," Leader-sama told him. "Since it hurts Sakunayha, I want you to do your rituals away from her."

"Yes leader-sama."

Dream starts~

I was in a wheat field. The land around me was nothing but miles and miles of wheat. The sky was cloudless and the sun beat down on me. In the distance, I saw two people. One was a full grown man, the other was a child. As they got closer, I recognized the man as Madara. I had never seen the child though. He had the sharigan and hair. He looked a lot like Madara. As they got within 10 feet of me, Orochimaru stepped between them and me. I opened my mouth to tell him to go away, but nothing came out.

"If you want them, them you have to 'make love' with me." Orochimaru told me.

"No." I mouthed.

But he took my clothes and started ripping my clothes off.

Dream ends~

I woke up screaming. A hand clamped over my mouth and I screamed even louder.

"Kiya! It's me!" Madara then came into veiw. My eyes were wide and full of fear. Madara saw my fear and hugged my tightly. "It's okay Kiya. It's only me." I saw that we were in our room. Remembering my dream, I started crying as I realized who the child was. "Kiya, what's wrong?" He looked at me with a worried expression.

"Oh Madara." I sobbed.

"What Kiya?"

"I had a good dream, but it was awful."

"What was your dream about? What happened?"

"I was standing in a field..." I trailed off.

"What happened?" he asked again.

I was silent for a while. Then I answered, "I saw our child Madara." I sad in a whisper.

"How is that awful?" I could tell he was confused.

"That wasn't the awful part. The awful part was when Orochimaru stepped between you and me. He said that if I wanted to have you both I had to..." Again, I trailed off.

"What? You had to what?"

"'Make love' with him."

"You don't have to Kiya. It was just aq dream. You're safe here. Now go to sleep." He laided me down on the bed and lay next to me. But I couldn't sleep. I tried to for two hours, but I had a craving that I needed to satisfy. Madara was still awake and when he saw that I was too he frowned. "Why are you still awake Kiya? You need to sleep."

I faced my body to his. "I will, later. But for now, I want to satisfy my cravings for you." I traced his lips.

He smirked. "If you wanted to play again, then why didn't you say so?" While he was talking, his hand traced my side. Going down my hip and around my calf, he hitched it to his hip. I nearly ripped off his shirt, and once it was off, I traced the plains of his chest. He kissed down my neck and when he reached the base, he started sucking. His hand moved from my calf to my thigh and began moving up my skort. With his other hand, he undid the button and zipper on it. I began to undo his pants as he took off my skort. He hepled my take off my shirt. We were now down to our undergarments, but those were quickly removed. We spent the rest of the night having 'fun.'
It had been a month since that night in bed with my Sensei and I've been feeling a bit nausious in the mornings. This moring when I got up early for training, my stomach gave out and I had to rush to the bathroom.

'What was that?' I thought to myself. Sakuna was the one to answer my question.

'Simple child, you're pregnant with a babe.'

"I'M WHAT!?!?" I accidentally screamed.

Madara came running in looking tired but concerned. "What is it?" he asked.

I just looked at him like 'why now?' He just looked at me confusedly.

"What?" he asked again.

I couldn't speak so I put my hand on my belly. I was about to fall back but Madara caught me now ultimately confused. He brought me back into the bedroom and sat me down on the bed. My shocked face told him something was wrong.

"Kiya, what is it? What's wrong?"

"Ehh.." I was still at a loss for words and he finally noticed my hand. When he tried to pull it away from my stomach, I wrapped both my arms around it protectively and water surrounded it at my summons. "No!! Don't touch it!"

He fell back when I pushed him away at the news. He now had a shocked face on and was staring at me like 'are you serious?' I was now crying for some unknown reason. Madara, who hated to see me cry, wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"It's fine. Everythings going to be alright. Please don't cry. Don't cry." He soothed. But I kept crying even though I wanted to stop. A few hours later, after I'd stopped crying, Madara asked me a question. "Are you really pregnant?" I nodded. "That's great."

"Really? I would have thought you'd be mad at me."

He looked confused again. "Why would I be angry?"

"I don't know. I guess it's just every girl's suspiscion."

"You know we'll have to tell them, right?" Madara asked.

"Yes but, what about you? They'll think I did it with Tobi." I mad a face when I said his cover name.

He chuckled. "Hm. I figure something out. Let's start with Pein and he can call a meeting."

"Okay." I was still uncertain about Madara though.

Once Pein had called the meeting, Tobi wasn't around. I couldn't tell them because I was too scared so Pein, who was the only one that knew about Madara told them.

"HA! You seriously did it with Tobi? That a laugh." Hidan said.

"No. Not with Tobi." I said. " And certainly with none of you.

"Then the only person is Tobi. May as well get rid of it before there's another annoying kid here." Sasori stated.

"No. How dare you."

"Come on Sakuna, it's for your own good." Kisame said. They all started walking towards me and I backed up. Suddenly, they were all knocked back into the walls and 'Tobi' was in front of me.

"You touch her, you die." He threatened. But it wasn't Tobi's voice. This one was deeper and more serious. The Akatsuki (except Pein who had left) stared in disbelief at 'Tobi'.

"What happened to you Tobi un?" Deidara asked.

"I'm not Tobi." He then reached up to his face and removed the mask.

"Who the hell are you yeah?" Deidara was dumbfounded at the sight of his 'student'.

"Madara Uchiha, Obito Uchiha and Tobi Uchiha. The real leader of the Akatsuki." He said. "And this," He grabbed my waist. " is my demon mate." This had them all shocked. Madara was a true demon, and I was his demon mate. Since my real form was a demon I could no longer hide my human body. I released the jutsu cast on it and I changed. The real girl's body, fell to the floor, dead. The members of the Akatsuki looked at me with real fear. Picking up the teenager, I ran my hand along her cheek.

" Great goddess of life, sweet mother of death, take this child and give her breath." There was the same ocean glow as before and the girl's lungs and heart started working for the first time in her real life. I then looked up at the others. "I have lived in this girl's body, ever since she was born. Shinomara, was born dead, but unknown to her parents. Before her birth, I placed myself in her body and took it over. A demon such as I has to have a dead body to live in. No live body could hold a half goddess." I explained.

"If you touch her, you'll die in less than a second. So try anything funny and I'll have your heads. Hidan, even you should be afriad because I know exactly how to kill you." Madara said.

"I can weaken your bond with Jashin at a moments notice. As a higher immortal than he, I can kill him." I said.

"OK OK! WE GET THE ******** POINT! JUST STOP! YOU'RE SCARING US!" Hidan shouted. He was right. We were scaring them, even Itachi.

"Now, since you all know that I'm peregnant, I'll tell you another seceret." I said going back to happy mode. "Since I'm a half goddess slash demon, I'm surpposed to stay prego for a year and a half." They all groaned. "Or was it two years? I could never remember."

As the days passed, things were exhausting for the boys. Every day they fell down in bed asleep right away and up early since I was an early riser. They now begged Pein for missions but he had very few at this time. The girl Shinomara was turned into my adopted childand when my blood child came, she was over joyed to be a big sister. The child was a boy we named Shitoko.

"Should we have another one?" Madara asked me one day.

"NO!!" The akatsuki shouted in unusion. I giggled.

"I think that they've had all they can handle." I told him.

Questing: Chyaku Norisu Scarf and Kong Sang Scarf
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