I feel like my avatar is missing something. confused Anyway. I went to physical therapy. My knee felt amazing while I was there, but now that I'm back I feel all blargh again. =P The therapist said that that might happen. I can barely move it. It's all hurty and stiff. Oh, and apparently it was patella-femural syndrome as well as a small cyst somewhere in my knee. It was in the narrative of the MRI results- the narrative that I didn't see, lol. And my dad was reading it while I was in physical therapy and he goes "um. cyst?" and I said "lol wut." I got an awesome, high-quality brace from this guy my doctor suggested. *snuggles brace* It's sort of sad that I have nothing that isn't knee related to say. I wish I did. I have the sudden urge to go out and by something cute and snuggly. I'll see if I can bribe one of my parents to do that for me tomorrow. ^^