Chapter 2"Come on we got to go so we have enough time" said Howlingwind "Ok Howlingwind, I'm coming. mummered Mosstail. Were are we going first?" Howlingwind growled " Just follow me get to know your smellsand if you smell anything weird tell me." they cotinued on through the forest somethimes catching a glimpse of a doe until he gota whiff of a strange scent. " Uh....Howlingwind what's that smell" Howlingwind stopped dead in his tracks and took a big deep breath and took his time to taste the air. "Humans and their coming this way! Get down!" For the first time he sounded worried. So Mosstail found a hiding spot in a thornbush but he coldnot get far because his fur got snagged on the thorns. Then in an instant he heared a dog howl and a bang then a yelp. Mosstail struggled to get out of the bush but couldn't. then he felt something lift him out of the bush. The first thing he saw was a trail of blood. He could ot beive it Howlingwind abandoned him! But he saw what was holding hiit was this furless creature who stood on its hind legs and yelped for help but on one answered. These are the humans most likely and took him to a huge wooden den.