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Random Stuff, and RP's. Yay for RP's!

Leonite Cross
Community Member
This is a RP that I'm doing in a RP Military Guild, this is more for personal reference, but you can read this if you want, I will update this as I continue in the guild. I might even make it into a story someday.

Private E-1 AnDrew Coffey.
Army Boot Camp.
Getting off the bus...

As soon as Drew stepped off the bus, he was blinded temporaily by the sun, which was at about twelve-o-clock high, Drew droped his bad and shielded his eyes from the glare of the sun. He had then been shoved aside by a much larger man, and that brought Drew back into the present, he grabbed his bag and moved off towards the spot where all the recruits were gathering.
To his left he saw men in army BDU's doing jumping jacks, and further beyond that was the obstacle course. Drew's hair stood on end and he fought the urge to jump to the ground when her heard the deafening sound of rifles being fired. Once his ears could hear again he heard someone shouting.

Lt. Riku Murakuma
UGMF Boot Camp
preparing to meet his victim- I mean "recruits"

Riku approached the barracks, arms crossed behind his back. He had decided to forgo his dress uniform, instead wearing camouflage-pattern cargo pants, his summer uniform top, with bars and medals showing, and combat boots.

He opened the door to the barracks with force, slamming it against the wall as he entered. "All right you maggots, to the parade deck! You will line up in two lines of twelve, in alphabetical order! NOW MOVE IT!" He turned and walked out the door in much the same manner he had entered. But this was the easy part. The hard part was actually training the recruits.

He thought of the Captain who had trained him when he had arrived. Hopefully this would go as smoothly as his own training.

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp

AnDrew quickly lined up next to his bus mate, Kamen Cross. He had known Kamen since Sixth Grade, and was looking forward to training with him. Drew set his bag down, and snapped to attention, he stared forward like he had seen in all those Army movies, Stare forward, don't blink, and don't flinch, even if he gets in your face, and starts to scream, fight back any anger... sounds easy enough. AnDrew stares ahead, and awaits his next order.

Lt. Riku Murakuma
UGMF Boot Camp
training new recruits

Riku walked up to a position in front of the recruits, standing at attention. He eyed them down; most of them were very young, some looked straight out of high school. He suppressed a smirk. This was good. The younger they were, the easier it was to weed out the weak.

"All right then!"He bellowed. "I see you managed to follow a simple order! Maybe there's hope for you newbies after all! My name is Lieutenant Murakuma, of the United Gaian Army Ground Assault! As of now, you are all under my command for the duration of your stay here! You don't eat, you don't sleep, you don't crack a fart without my permission!"

A recruit snorted, and he crossed the parade deck to the newbie, getting right up in his face. "You find something funny, maggot? No? That's what I thought!" He came back to his original position, glaring at the now-blushing recruit. "Now, where was I? Ah, yes! You will do as I say, when I say, with no questions asked! When I'm done with you, hopefully you'll be fighting men of the UGMF! And be warned: any of you set one toe out of line, and I won't hesitate to stick a boot up your a**!"

"Now, report to the obstacle course, on the double! If you're not ALL there in five minutes, in the exact same order you're standing in now, you will ALL give me fifty push-ups! NOW MOVE IT!" He turned and climbed into a waiting Humvee, then motioned for the driver to take off, heading towards the obstacle course.

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp
Beginning of the Jog.

AnDrew looks around as an outbreak of voices start from seemingly no where, most complained that the Lieutenant was a hard-a**, others were already beginning to doubt there reasons for coming. AnDrew looked to Kamen for a quick moment, and then said "Heh, just like P.E eh Kamen?" to which Kamen laughed and nodded. They both then grabbed their bags, and ran with the rest of the "platoon". Not in perfect synchronization like they do in the movies, but close enough, they arrive with seconds to spare, until someone in the back trips. AnDrew breaks formation and runs back to help the other guy up, who was bleeding from his hand where he caught himself before he face-planted the ground. He helped the man up, and then ran back to his spot next to Kamen, when he checked his watch, it had been Five minutes, and thirty-three seconds since the order was issued. AnDrew gulped but otherwise betrayed no emotion.

Lt. Riku Murakuma
UGMF Boot Camp
training new recruits

Riku was waiting as the recruits lined up, watch at the ready. Five minutes and thirty seconds. But he had known they would fail. Even the fastest runner couldn't cover the distance between the parade deck and the obstacle course in five minutes. The run was a test; the recruits who arrived last were often the ones who were dropped.

He noted the recruit who ran back to help another who fell, and walked over to the recruit. He read the number on his uniform, and checked the list he had.

"Coffey, eh? Makes me want a tall mocha! You see this recruits? This is a recruit who went back for his fellow soldier, knowing that he would run out of time! In the field, a soldier must always be willing to go back for his brother in arms, no matter the situation! I commend you, Coffey!"

"However, it does not excuse you from the fact that you failed to meet your objective in time! As such, you will ALL drop and give me fifty push-ups! And they'd better be damned good push-ups too, or I'll make you do them again!"
He stood back and began counting as the recruits crouched down and began the push-ups.

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp.
First Day in Hell.

"Sir, Yes Sir!" the whole group sang out in unison, they began to do push-ups at their own pace, some counting out loud, others just grunting with exertion. Drew made it to forty-seven before his arms completely gave way, he knew upper body strength was not his strong point, but he also hoped that the Lieutenant wasn't watching him. Kamen on the other hand, finished all fifty with ease, he was an all round athlete. So... he's going to wear us down, and then make us do another test probobly... He know's full well that we cannot do this. Yet he wants us to. Very well, I can do this if I put enough effort into it! Private Coffey got up, and did his last set of push-ups and stood up, standing at attention.

Lt. Riku Murakuma
UGMF Boot Camp
training new recruits

Riku waited as the recruits stood up from the push-ups. Some were moaning, but none said anything. Contrary to what he was certain many of them believed, he wasn't being sadistic. If they couldn't handle the physical strain of boot camp, then there was no way they could take the mental strain of combat. He knew all too well about the mental stress. He also knew about the physical pain, as he thought about the bullet wound he had sustained in Aekea.

"All right then! Now on to the fun part! Behind me is the dreaded Obstacle Course! As you can see, this course is designed to be impossible to complete without teamwork! You must work together to overcome several of these obstacles! You have ten minutes! Now Go!"

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp.
Running the Course.

Kamen and Drew eyed each other, they had done martial arts in school before.((Yea, my school has a Martial Arts Club, run by two of the teachers =D)) So they knew about teamwork. Though his arms were still tired, he knew that Kamen would not let him down. He was just afraid of letting Kamen down. Drew and Kamen were in the middle of the group, they both were pushed ahead, not wanting to be trampled upon by the crowd.

The first of the crowd began to cross the "Easy" section. Giant tires laid down in a zig-zag formation. Real original... AnDrew thought to himself when he saw them, he jumped through them easily, and continued at a sprint down the course. Up next was a log fixed above a small moat, probably to test their balance. The recruits began to run through it, some slipping and falling in their haste. Kamen went before Drew, and they both made it across with relative ease. They jumped off, and took off towards the last of the"Easy" course obstacles. It was like the log and moat, only it was much higher, you had to climb a ten foot piece of rope to get up to it. Again, Kamen went first, and when he got up, he crouched to the side, helping AnDrew up, and a few other recruits, until someone offered to take his place. Drew runs across, and slips. Luckily he managed to get a grip on the log before he fell, and continued across much slower than before, by pulling his legs up, and crawling along the underside. Kamen made it across and pulled him up at the end, They both slid down the rope and sprinted to the "Medium" Course.

At the bottom of the rope was a sign, made of wood. On the sign it said For those who have made it this far, your only one third the way, your next course is the mile long run. Follow the beaten path
As soon as someone read the sign, they let out a groan. It almost sounded like bull frogs croaking. AnDrew looked to Kamen and asked him "So... think you can make it? I hope you don't slow me down heh..." to which Kamen replied "Tell me that when you eat my dust!" They both took off, not flat out sprinting, but not holding much back, they ran for a good length, but after a while, their cloths became excruciatingly hot, and they had to slow down to cool off. They ran together, slowing down when the other grew tired. They crossed a forest, and it wound back around and back towards the base. They finished in eight minutes, with only seconds to finish the last course, there was no way they would finish in time. Though they would not finish in time, they pressed on. It was time for the "Hard" Course.

The "Hard" course had only two parts.

The first task was the twenty meter tall wall. This time AnDrew went first. He scaled the wall, and once he got to the top, he straddled the top and gave a hand to Kamen and the three recruits that managed to keep up. Afterwords Drew slid down and landed at the bottom with a thud, only he landed badly and messed up his ankle, he fell to the ground and cried out in pain. It wasn't broken, but he definitely did something, he would be fine but it hurt to walk on. Kamen quickly took his left flank, and put his left arm over his shoulder, and carried him to the next part. In a few seconds (The ten minutes are up by now, it's been roughly 17 min) the recruit he had helped earlier came and took his right flank and arm. They both helped carried him to the last test. When they arrived a Sarge greeted them by shouting "This next test involves Barbed Wire! If you want to keep your heads, stay down!"

Kamen turned to Drew and asked him "Can you handle this on your own?" to which Drew responded, more to both Kamen and the helper than to just Kamen "Yea, I got this, go on ahead without me." Kamen and the other ran up ahead of him. They both dove on their stomach and crawled through the muddy barbed wire course. Drew followed, getting mud all over his face, and hurting his foot more, but he pushed onward. He crawled through the whole thing and emerged on the other side. He got up to one knee, and looked up, only to receive a slap on the shoulder by Kamen. Kamen then offered a hand to help Drew up, to which he gladly accepted. The two recruits then took Drew's flanks again and together they hobbled towards the end of the course.

Lt. Riku Murakuma
UGMF Boot Camp
training new recruits

Riku was sitting on the bumper of the Humvee when the recruits arrived, nearly ten minutes after the deadline. He shook his head as he approached the recruits.

"Well, I must say that has to be among the most pathetic shows I have seen on this course! However, since it wasn't THE most pathetic shows, it passes! But only barely! Now, you will head over to the firing range and await further instructions upon arrival!" He climbed into the Humvee, and with a signal, drove off towards the firing range.

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp
Firing Range

AnDrew can Kamen exchange glances, both their faces showing absolute victory. Drew's foot was feeling better now, he must have only pulled a muscle instead of any real damage. He let go of Kamen, and the other recruit which he found out was named Adam. He took a few unsure steps on his injured foot, found the pain tolerable and then turned around to face Kamen and Adam. "Hmm... not good as new, but it'll get the job done... what do you say we have a little bet here, who can hit the most targets?" Drew chided. "If I win, you have to give me what ever kind of dessert they have here." Kamen retorted. Adam laughed and added his own price for victory. "If I win, you both have to do my chores for tomorrow." "Deal" They all agreed. They then sped off towards the firing range, no longer aware of they're fatigue. Within a few minutes they caught up to the Lieutenant and waited for the rest of the recruits, and they're instructions.

Lt. Riku Murakuma
UGMF Boot Camp
training new recruits

Riku was waiting as the recruits approached, M16 slung over his back. He moved it to his hands as the recruits approached.

"Outstanding, recruits! You managed to make it here sooner than expected! Now, as you can see, we are at the firing range! We're going to see if you can actually hit something with one of these rifles!"

"In my hands is the workhorse of the UGMF, the M16A4 assault rifle! It is a selective-fire, gas-operated weapon that fires the 5.56x45mm round from a 30-round magazine! It is capable of both semi-automatic and three-round burst fire, and can be outfitted with a variety of add-ons! It's not the most powerful assault rifle on the market, but it'll save your life in a pinch!"

He quickly demonstrated how to operate the safety, the charging handle, and the magazine release, and what to do in case the rifle jammed. He then handed the rifle to the sergeant running the firing range, and turned back to the recruits.

"Now, your orders are simple! At each station is an M16 with three magazines of ammunition! You will fire two full magazines at the target, and half of the third one! Once that is done, you will safety the weapon, place it on the table and await further instructions! Now go!"

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp
Firing Range

The three recruits, and the rest of the group each went to their own station, Drew quickly grabbed his rifle, examined it, checked the safety, and loaded the first clip into it's slot. Kamen on the other hand, grabbed his rifle, and quickly loaded it, and began to aim. Adam checked the safety and then loaded the gun. They all took aim and began to pour shots down range, except for Kamen, he found out that in his haste, he forgot to turn the safety on his gun to off. Once Kamen had put his gun to semi-automatic, he joined in the fire. AnDrew emptied the first clip and scored what he thought was average. Most shots hit, some missed completely, and two managed to score in the head. One in the neck. He knew that unless he practiced alot, he was not going to get a "Marksman" rating. Kamen was behind in shots, but when he finished his magazine he had plenty of hits. Most hits were in the legs and arms, a few in the torso. Adam scored the least, but were all head shots.

The three friends then reloaded, and switched to Three-Round Burst mode. They all fired again, this time missing more than semi-automatic due to recoil. Though towards the end Drew realized that if he aimed near the waist, more shots would hit. The three quickly finished their clips and put them aside. AnDrew switched back to Semi-auto and began to fire on the last target, counting each shot that he fired until he only fired 14 rounds. Drew then hit the magazine release and set it aside. Drew then aimed and fired the last round that was in the chamber. Kamen and Adam did the same, but they both ended up firing 16 rounds due to forgetting the chamber bullet was already in place after the 15th shot. Drew flicked the safety to on, and set the rifle down and awaited further orders. He would gloat to the other about getting the most hits later, during Mess Hall or other free time.

Lt. Riku Murakuma
UGMF Boot Camp
training new recruits

Riku watched as the recruits placed their rifles down. Some recruits emptied the chamber the proper way. Others fired their last round off. He shook his head and walked towards the recruits.

"All right, idiots, for future reference, emptying the chamber means pulling the charging handle back and EJECTING the round, NOT firing it off! But you all did fairly good! Now, the final part of your training comes! To the east is a shack! A man by the name of Sergeant Johnson is waiting there! You will march to that shack and report to the Sergeant! He has your next orders! Now move it, on the double!"

He turned and walked to the Humvee, then climbed in and drove off. As he did, he picked up the radio.

"All right, Alex, they're all yours. Just don't go too hard on them; they're pretty damn green."

"Copy that, Lieutenant," Johnson replied.

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp
Rifle Range -> Shack

The three friends all patted each other on the backs, congratulated each other, and mocked themselves for their mistakes. Drew began to think to himself what he would make them do for their little bet. For a few moments they were caught up in their own little world before someone brushed past them in a brisk jog to the east. That's when they remembered they still had work to do before the day was done. For the sake of looking professional they decided to run in a arrow formation, Kamen in the lead with Drew on his right and Adam on his left. They got to the shack that was pointed out to them in a few minutes and then lined up with the rest of the group. They stood at attention while awaiting their new orders.

Sgt. Alex Johnson
UGMF Boot Camp
prepping new recruits for combat scenario

Johnson stood at attention as the recruits arrived. They were definitely younger then the last batch of recruits he had trained. He approached the men, muscular arms behind his back.

"All right, listen up! My name is Sergeant Johnson, and you will refer to me as such! You are about to take part in the final, and most important part of your training, the combat scenario! If you succeed in this, you will become soldiers of the UGMF! Fail, and you will not! It's that simple! However, don't let this scare you! If you fail, you will simply have to take this test again! Now, come with me!" With this, he turned and entered the shack, waiting for the recruits to follow.

color=green]Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp.
Combat Training.

"Yes Sir!" replied the group, and they filed in, closet first and the farthest last. AnDrew and the others were about in the middle now. They all filed in the shack. They then quickly looked around and assessed all they saw. AnDrew then got back in line, followed by Kamen and Adam on the end. AnDrew looked a lot more nervous than he really was, but that's not to say he wasn't nervous. Kamen looked cool and collected while Adam looked as if he was about to jump out of his skin in excitement.

Sgt. Alex Johnson
UGMF Boot Camp
preparing new recruits for combat scenario

Johnson waited until all of the recruits had filed into the room before continuing.

"Now, this mission is relatively simple. A group of terrorists are held up in a building, and we're going to eliminate them. The "terrorists" are recruits like yourselves, so for their safety and yours, we're using specially modified paintball guns, like this." He held up an M16 with an unusually large barrel and an orange tip.

"Now, onto the details. There are approximately twenty armed terrorists inside, and they must all be eliminated. Their leader must be captured or killed. You'll recognize him by the Punisher skull mask he's wearing. If all of the terrorists are eliminated, you pass. However, if they eliminate you, or if the leader escapes, you fail."

"Be warned, the terrorists have the defender's advantage, and they know we're coming. They just don't know when or from where. This won't be an easy fight."

"On to kill requirements. A shot to the chest or head is a fatal hit, while a shot to the arms or legs is not. This applies to both sides. A paintball grenade is an instant kill."

"Now, behind me on these racks are your weapons, and the original AEGIS 1.5 armor. You have ten minutes to suit up. Now move it."

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp
Suiting up, and setting up.

AnDrew, Kamen and Adam all suit up rather quickly, adrenaline and excitement fueling their greater speed. they were all dressed in under eight minutes and were ready to go.

AnDrew had an M16A4 and three clips of ammo. (4 including the one in the gun) He also had three paint grenades.

Kamen had an M16A4 and two clips (3 total) he also had four grenades.

Adam had four clips of ammo (5 total) and only one grenade.

They suited up, got their gear and went back to the Sargent.

"Sargent Johnson, Sir. Will you be giving us a map of the area? Or at least give us some sort of mission Intel?"

Sgt. Alex Johnson
UGMF Boot Camp
suiting up for combat scenario

"I just gave you the intel, recruit. And we don't have a map. We have a location, and an objective. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to finish suiting up myself."

He finished gearing up, and picked up his own rifle, a modified paintball G36. It was one of the advantages of being a sergeant; he got to use guns like this.

"Everyone suited up? All right, let's go," he said as he motioned to the door and headed out.

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp
"On the Road Again...."

AnDrew ran up and patted the Sargents shoudler. "Sir? Your going to lead us? I thought this was a test for us? No offense Sir, I just ment that I'm surprised is all..."

Kamen and Adam stayed behind, taking only a few steps toward the door, wondering if Drew had stepped out of bounds.

Sgt. Alex Johnson
UGMF Boot Camp
leading recruits to combat scenario

"I never said I was leading you, recruit,"
Johnson replied. "I'm simply the commanding officer who gives you the orders. As of now, you're in charge of your squad." He continued leading them towards the mock combat zone.

Lt. Riku Murakuma
UGMF Boot Camp
prepping his team for combat scenario

Riku held a modified paintball SCAR in his hand as he awaited the arrival of the recruits acting as the attacking squad. He had the Punisher mask on but not pulled down. It was rather uncomfortable.

He moved to one of the men at the window, who carried a paintball M21. "Any sign of them?"

"No, sir, but to be honest, this is getting to be quite boring."

"Patience, young Padawan. If you truly wish to become a marksman, that's a virtue you're going to have to learn."

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp
"On the Road again"

AnDrew smirked to Kamen and Adam as he had just been put in charge of the other two, though he saw them as equals. He looked around, assessing what he saw, and cataloging it. He noted 24 troops, including himself, not including the Sarge. He wouldn't try to press his leadership on more than anyone but Kamen and Adam, unless someone came to him.

"So Sir, does that mean we have free reign? We can just go in the direction you point to us and attack at will? Or are you going to direct us first? I want to know all I can before I attack a target blindly."

Kamen and Adam were having their own side discussion while Drew and the Sarge spoke to each other.

"Why'd you get so many grenades?" Asked Adam. To which Kamen replied "Why did you get so much ammo?" They both laughed lightly, and then turned to Drew, listening to the conversation he was having with the Sarge.

Sgt. Alex Johnson
UGMF Boot Camp
preparing for combat scenario

"You have some free reign, recruit, but use some discretion."

They came over a hill and into sight of a small mock-up town. The buildings were made of thin wood, and most were one-dimensional. However, their target building stood above the rest, and had walls on all sides.

Johnson ducked behind a wall, and motioned for the recruits to follow.

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp
"Ghost Town"

AnDrew and the others hit the wall on the opposite side of the street. A few other recruits joined them, others with the Sargent. A group of five ran past them all, in a sloppy arrow formation, and went down about another thirty yards, too far AnDrew thought. He watched and waited for a signal to move ahead from the Sargent, or for something to happen to the group who kept on running ahead. I'm green... but not stupid... thought Drew.

Sgt. Alex Johnson
UGMF Boot Camp, "Ghost Town"
on combat scenario

Johnson moved over to the recruit he had named squad leader as he pulled out a C4 charge the size of a baseball. "All right, I'm going to place this charge on that wall over there, and blow you an opening. Once I do, I'll provide covering fire as you lead the other recruits in. Remember, you're the squad leader, so you give the commands. Understood?"

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp.
"Making an Entrance"

AnDrew nodded, and waited for the charge to go off. After moving away from the C4 and waiting for it to explode, he ran in, looking for the nearest possible cover, and hid behind it. He waited for Adam and Kamen to take his flanks again, before he stood up. Barking out an order to a few soldiers that were beginning to rush in past them. "Everyone needs to find cover! When you find some sort of protection provide covering fire to the ones who are just now entering. Don't worry about hitting a target, just make sure they're too afraid to fire back!

Now that AnDrew was situated and gave his first command he gave the warehouse a good once over. He and the rest of the detachment were on the main floor. Probobly the size of an Aircraft hanger... The main floor was littered with large crates that probobly housed weapons or something. On the OTHER side of the warehouse was a stair case that led upwards to another floor. By the staircase was a garage door, already opened. Next to the Garage door was a metal looking door. The stairs themselves were metal, and went up in a spiral. The upper floor did not cover everything, it was just a few rooms, and a metal sidewalk that over looked the main floor. On the Metal sidewalk were roughly ten men, give or take. AnDrew sprayed fire up at them, as did the others that managed to make it in. AnDrew thought he hit a few, but he wasnt sure. A few DID raise there hands and begin to walk to the stairs. Drew didn't know if HE hit them, or someone else did, though it didn't matter as long as there was less fire directed on them. AnDrew then shouted as the last of the soldiers found cover "Kamen! Grab a handful of troops, and make a run for the stairs, Adam and the rest of us will cover you."

Sgt. Alex Johnson
UGMF Boot Camp, Ghost City
engaging in combat scenario

Johnson quickly ran across, making sure he wasn't spotted. He placed the charge, spreading it so it would create a roughly human-sized hole. He placed the blasting cap, and moved to the other side of the wall. After nodding to the recruits, he pressed the button, blowing the wall.

After the dust settled, he jumped out, firing at the window above, taking out the sniper. He quickly motioned for the recruits to enter.

Go, go, go!"

After the recruits moved in, he stood back, releasing the empty magazine. His part was finished. It was up to the recruits now.

Lt. Riku Murakuma
UGMF Boot Camp, Ghost City warehouse
engaging in combat scenario

Riku had been waiting in the upper floor of the warehouse when the charge set off downstairs. Immediately afterwards, a hail of paintball rounds took out his sniper.

And so it begins, he thought to himself, cocking his SCAR and pulling down the Punisher mask. He moved to the doorway of the office. "Take em down, take em down!"

A burst of paintball rounds sprayed the upper catwalk, hitting roughly seven men. The three that managed to avoid being hit ran down the length of the catwalk, returning fire. The men on the lower floor dove for cover, returning fire. Riku, meanwhile, moved to the back of the room as two of his recruits came in, shutting the door and training their rifles on it.

Recruit AnDrew Coffey UGMF Boot Camp / Warehouse. "Taking Fire" AnDrew was pleased at the surprise attack, he had only lost what he thought was four men, compared to the seven of the opposing force. Once he saw the enemy's firing back, he knew it was now or never. He shouted at Kamen to get his group up the stairs on the double. Kamen nodded and roared loudly, he sprinted with all his might towards the stairs, spraying un-aimed fire at the catwalk. He, or one of his six followers managed to hit one of the remaining three on the cat walk, while their return fire managed to get two. Kamen stopped short of the stairs, turned around and released his second clip, reloading it with his third. He motioned for the remaining four to run up the stairs while he clipped off a few round at the last two on the catwalk. Once AnDrew saw that Kamen had made it across, he opened up another volley at the last two, his remaining 12 men managed to hit the two on the cat walk. "Adam, take your five and join Kamen, I'll provide cover support again, but watch your back!" Drew told him, before patting him on the back. Kamen ran up the stairs after the last man, only to see at the last second a weird green thing sailing across towards him and his men. Kamen quickly ducked behind the man in front of him, and heard the splat of paint. The two men in front let out a string of curses and brushed past Kamen and his now wing man. Within seconds Adams group had arrived and were moving past him. They took the top of the stair well quickly, though there wasn't much cover if there were any enemy's. When AnDrew saw that Adam's group had made it to the top, he ordered his group to move up as well, but before he made it all the way, he ran as close as he could to the cat walk, and chucked a paint grenade on top. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!"

Lt. Riku Murakuma
UGMF Boot Camp, Ghost City warehouse
engaged in combat scenario

It wasn't going well. His men were surprised by the attack, but he still had plenty of them as they took cover in the rooms and offices on the second floor. The enemy now had to play by his terms, as there was only one way.

And the enemy didn't know about the set of paintball Claymore mines hidden along the wall. He nodded to one of his men, who pulled out the detonator. Once the enemy approached the hidden traps, the two mines detonated, blowing their paintball loads at the enemy.

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp / Warehouse
"When s**t hits the fan..."

Kamen was near the claymores when they exploded, the paintball's hit him, and two others. And the arm of a fourth. Kamen went down the stairs, looking apologetically to Drew, who in turn slapped him on the back. AnDrew ordered his and Adam's men ahead, scanning the walls and floors for anything out of the ordinary. AnDrew had his unit of Six including himself, Adam had Four including himself. Their numbers had been cut in half, and Drew didn't' like that, he began to doubt his ability to lead, until he shook that thought from his head and ordered a pair of men on the first door. Drew whispered to them to check if it was locked, without opening the door. If it wasn't locked, they would open the door as little as possible, and then throw a paint grenade in. Then they would follow up by busting the door down and mowing the hopefully confused enemy down. They would repeat that until they got to the last door if they had enough grenades and men.

Lt. Riku Murakuma
UGMF Boot Camp, Ghost City warehouse
engaged in combat scenario

The little plan had worked, but several of the enemy had survived. They were now clearing out rooms, using their grenades in a typical fashion. They were learning. But the door to his office was locked. Riku knocked the table over behind him, then signaled for one of his men to plant another Claymore, this one aimed at the door and triggered to explode when the door opened. The two men then opened a small hatch in the side wall, and after the grenade on the other side went off, the crawled through, sneaking around and coming behind the men that had passed the room. Riku, meanwhile, climbed behind the table, rifle aimed at the door.

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp / Warehouse
"Third time is the Charm"

AnDrew was getting more and more nervous. He was getting closer to the last door, and was in fact, one away from it. He motioned two men to get to the door, but it was locked. So he ordered another one to step up and kick it down, because he was sure that this was the door the held the prize. The third man kicked the door down, and when it hit the ground the claymore set off, hitting all three men with paint. AnDrew was too far to the side to be hit, but her heard the whiz of paintballs sailing by. He yelped out "s**t!" in surprise, and blindly fired in the corner of the door that he could see. Adam ran up to the edge of the door once Drew stoped firing and threw a grenade in, that bounced harmlessly off the over-turned table.

They were down to five men, Seven including Adam and Drew. Adam and Drew were by the door, One man was in the room before that, unaware of what was going on beside him, he was gathering a few grenades and some extra ammo. Two were outside the door, looking tense as they saw Drew open fire, and Adam fling the grenade in. The other two were perched over the cat walk, neither in view of the room with the "Punisher" nor the adjacent room, they were in the middle. From the out side, not including the looting soldier, it looked like a C with the two points being Adam and Drew, and the other point being the Soldiers on the out side of the other room. and the mid point was the last two soldiers.

Lt. Riku Murakuma
UGMF Boot Camp, Ghost Town warehouse
engaged in combat scenario

Riku smiled when the Claymore went off. Then he remembered that all of his men were gone, and the smile dropped from his face. A grenade bounched off the table, and exploded inside the room. He knew it was at the end, but he wasn't going down without a fight.

Standing up, he aimed the rifle and opened fire, spraying the doorway with paintball rounds.

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp / Warehouse.
"Cat's in the bag."

AnDrew dove to the side, barely missing the paintballs. Adam and Drew motioned for the two others to come in, and cover them. They all began to fire at the table, over and at it. AnDrew shouted over the fire "Hold your hands up, and surrender yourself, or we will shoot you!

Requiem in Mortis
Lt. Riku Murakuma
UGMF Boot Camp, Ghost Town warehouse
finishing the recruits training

One of the incoming paintballs struck Riku in the shoulder, and he ducked behind the table again. He knew when he was beat. He placed his SCAR down and slowly stood up, arms raised. Then he lifted one hand to his Punisher mask and removed it, lowering it in his hand.

"Stand down, soldiers. You've won."

He crossed the room, stripping off the paintball-style jacket he'd been wearing. It was uncomfortable. He crossed to the door.

"Good job, recruits. You made it through training. Now, if you'll follow me, we have one last order of business to attend to." With that, he walked down the catwalk, came down the stairs, and headed into the open area outside the warehouse. He stood at attention as Sergeant Johnson approached, waiting for the recruits.

Recruit AnDrew Coffey
UGMF Boot Camp
Joining the Sarge / Lt.

AnDrew and Adam as well as the remaing recruits meet up with Kamen and the other "Fallen" Then they ran out and joined the Sarge and the Lt. They saluted and stood at attention. All very excited about what was about to happen.

Lt. Riku Murakuma
UGMF Boot Camp, Ghost Town, outside warehouse
"And All Things Will End"

Riku waited until all the recruits were out in front of him, then began his speech.

"Well, I must say, you're not the most impressive recruits I've seen. You're a bit unorganized, and you didn't entirely follow orders to the tee. You definitely need some improvement in your command abilities if you want to climb the ranks."

"However, you did make it through, and you showed tenacity. I applaud you for that. As of this moment, you are now all privates of the United Gaian Military Forces. However, this was the easy part. Now you will go forth and defend the Confederacy against her enemies. I wish you luck on this, and I'm sure I will see some of you on the battlefield."

"Atten-HUT!" Johnson shouted, and saluted the Lieutenant, the recruits following example. As they finished, three Strykers, fresh from refit, rolled into the training area. The back hatches opened, and the commanders inside saluted the Lieutenant.

"Your futures await," Riku said, motioning towards the Strykers. He then turned back to the Humvee and climbed into the passenger seat, while Johnson took the driver seat. The Humvee backed up and drove off, leaving the recruits to their destinies.

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